Natural Bushcraft - The True Spirit of Bushcraft

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Knife Making DVD by GreenPete

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FREE to Download!

Created and shared by GreenPete
knife making dvd basics learn how to make a knife greenpete bushcraft knives

This superb Knife Making DVD is provided for you to freely and legally download thanks to a very kind person known as Greenpete! (

This DVD has to be the best knife making resource I have found to date, its not because its the most comprehensive guide to knife-making its because it can teach an absolute beginner the entire knife making process in under 35mins.

Its a pleasure to watch and very educating, teaching you how to use old recycled materials (an old steel file) and basic tools to make your own beautiful knife.

For more information about the content of the DVD please skip to the bottom of this page.

I would like to thank Greenpete greatly for the time and effort he has put in to creating this and sharing it so freely, I will do my best to pass it on and share the knowledge.

Can't Wait for a Large Download?

You can stream the video online here.

So how do I download the DVD?

Well firstly the DVD is being shared using the BitTorrent protocol, in order to download a torrent you need a torrent-client, these torrent programs are small and free to download sometimes you dont even have to install anything; here is a popular one called: uTorrent. When you have yourself a torrent-client you then need to download a tiny 'GPKMVv3.torrent' file, you can download the torrent file here: GPKMVv3.torrent

Once you have the '.torrent' file you can open this in uTorrent and initiate the download, you can do this by opening uTorrent and then clicking: 'File' and 'Add Torrent' select the torrent file that you downloaded previously and it will then prompt you to select a location to save the download too, choose a locaiton and click ok.

The actual size of the DVD is 4GB and will therefore take possibly a few hours to download (depending on the speed of your connection), this should be obvious; but don't try downloading this if your on dial-up, it wont work.

Once your torrent download has finished, you will find four files where you saved the download:

The file that contains the DVD content is "GPKMVV3.ISO" this '.ISO' file is a disc-image and is ready to be easily burnt to a DVD-R, I will explain how to do this momentarily. The two images are artwork to print and stick on the DVD disc and case, the "GPKMVv3.nfo" file contains information about the DVD/Download, on a windows system you can open this file using Notepad.

To burn the disc-image to DVD, you will need some disc burning software, you may already have some installed like Nero etc. If you dont no problem, there is a tiny tool specifically designed to just burn disc-images, its free, easy to use and requires no installation, download: BurnISO.exe (184KB) and open it, it will look like this:


Click the 'Browse' button and find the "GPKMVV3.ISO" file in your download and click 'Open'. Hit the 'Start' button and it will eject the tray of your DVD Burner, insert a blank DVD and press the 'Ok' button and it will continue to burn the DVD. This DVD should then be playable in standard TV & PC DVD Players.

Is using BitTorrent and downloading this DVD Legal?

Absolutely Yes. Using BitTorrent/uTorrent is absolutely fine as long as you are not downloading any copyrighted material or breaking any internationals laws. You have permission to download this DVD, GreenPete kindly shared this DVD to be distributed freely.


So whats on the DVD?

As the case says: "In this video I will show you the whole process from annealing an old metalwork file to the finished knife, including hardening and tempering.

Anyone with some practical ability should have little or no problems making a knife that will serve them well for life and for very little cost."

"Learn how to make a single bevel knife!

In my opinion the process of heat treating 01 ground flat stock, or in this case heat treating an old file especially the annealing (softening), is much easier than people think! If I can manage it in the woods with minimal tools, I think a lot of people out there could easily accomplish it too! So why not watch my video and maybe you’ll feel like having a go!"

"Knife Making is an art and to make a truly professional knife takes years of practice but this dosen't mean the avaerage person can't make a very serviceable knife with very little practice and resources.

[Bushcraft Poll]


Again from the whole community,
Thank You GreenPete!
Comments (8)
8 Monday, 01 July 2013 00:50
Peter Green
Just noticed the link is broken again! I have fixed it though.
I wonder if anyone downloads it these days..?
7 Friday, 27 July 2012 20:51
William Rudge
This is best knife making video I have seen. An excellent tutorial and I wish you all the best for the future.

W. Rudge.
6 Tuesday, 24 July 2012 18:37
Ashley Cawley
Hi Mark, Thanks for letting me know about the broken link, this resides on GreenPete's Server so I will now contact him to see if we can resolve this issue.
5 Friday, 20 July 2012 09:04
Mark Salter
the dvd link is broken :( any chance this can be fixed ???
4 Wednesday, 23 December 2009 11:20
I am definitely going to give this a go! Thanks for sharing this!
3 Friday, 07 August 2009 16:47
Paul Simister
wow thanks for this
2 Sunday, 02 August 2009 01:32
1 Thursday, 26 March 2009 17:58
A fantastic instructional DVD on how to create your own knife using recycled materials; fantastic.

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Natural Bushcraft is a personal project aiming to provide a free bushcraft resource available to everyone.

Sharing Bushcraft Skills and Knowledge Freely regardless of age or status is important to me.

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'The True Spirit of Bushcraft'

Best wishes
Ashley Cawley.

UK Wild Food - Jan

Listed here are Wild Foods that should be available in parts of the UK in January.

Daisy leaf

Gorse flower
Greater Plantain
Ribwort Plantain
Buck's Horn Plantain (coastal)
Scurvy Grass
Sea beet
Sea Radish
Pennywort (particularly good at the moment)
Alexanders (very good at the moment)
Chirvil (be very careful , as Hemlock Water-Dropwort is starting to sprout now and looks very similar, but is deadly poisonous!)
Sea Purslane
Rock Samphire (still usable, but a bit over now, coastal)
Rose Hips
Common Sorrel
Ivy-Leaved Toadflax
Wood sorrel
Three-cornered leek

*These are just some of the wild edibles you will find in the UK this month.

The Hedge Combers


A beautiful blog by my friend Janie sharing tips on self-sufficiency, homemade recipes, growing fruit, veg & rearing animals for meat & eggs.

Woodland Valley

Woodland Valley an Organic Farm in the centre of Cornwall.
A Bushcraft Friendly Campsite with Ancient Woodland and Group Accommodation  available.

Another Bushcraft & Wilderness Skills website that I love, by a friend & superb Photographer Gary Waidson.

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