View Full Version : Bushcraft research

31-05-2017, 08:59 AM
Hello, everyone!

My name is María Victoria Arredondo. I am a student doing an internship in Wageningen University & Research at the Forest and Nature Conservation Policy group. I am conducting research on knowledge transmission, focusing on bushcraft as a case study. For that, I am looking to interview various people engaged with bushcraft.
The interviews would be done through Skype and each one would last around 30min. The questions will be related to your opinions on, and experiences with bushcraft, with a special emphasis on learning techniques. All the data gathered will be anonymously processed and written-up.
The interviews are aimed at anyone involved in bushcraft, regardless of whether you are a professional or not, just an enthusiast, a usual or a punctual practitioner… The broader spectrum, the better.
Would you like to help me and take part in my study? Answer to this post with your contact details and I’ll get in touch or drop me an e-mail at arredondo.mariav@gmail.com . If you have any questions I’ll also be glad to answer them.

Thanks for your help!