View Full Version : Homemade firesteels

29-03-2011, 03:21 PM
Like most of you i use a firesteel. I really dont like the look of the handles on the shop bought 'orrible plasticky ones so have added my own handles to a fair few now (i only have 3 - the rest ive moved on :).

I usually buy a couple or more steels along with some offcuts of antler. To rehandle the steels remove the existing handle carefully with some pliers. They usually come off fairly easily. Then using a caliper i measure the OD of the firesteel. The steels i have bought up to now are consistent in diameter.... so my sized drill bit works fine.
I use a pillar drill to drill the antler and the drill is set to a certain depth depending on the length of the new handle (which i have already cut to size). Drill out carefully and slowly (the antler stinks to high heaven during drilling). Then finally put the antler in a soft jawed vice and softly tap the firesteel to the drilled depth. Thats it. I have not had to glue the steel in and have never had one come out.

Two of my own homemade steels.................one short handled and one long.




29-03-2011, 03:55 PM
Nice work, i have made a few myself, but i have to say it was that sheath on your mOra that drew my attention, did you make it or something?


29-03-2011, 05:42 PM
Hi Realbark,that sheath with you'r Mora is the dogs did you make it? if not could you post how did,oh and the firesteels are good as well.lol.........atb........dont get eaten by the bears............Tony

29-03-2011, 06:20 PM
Must agree with the rest RB, your sheath is top drawer..