View Full Version : Experiences with Moor Trees (www.moortrees.org)

10-01-2018, 02:04 PM
Hi all

Prefix: There isn't a volunteer section here, so I chose this because people will meet up to plant trees.

I was looking for an organisation where I could volunteer to plant some trees (or do some woodland work like pruning, clearing, etc.) and found Moor Trees (http://www.moortrees.org/). Has anyone had any experience with them? I'm happy to volunteer and be the first to share my experience, but just in case someone else knows something I don't, I thought I'd ask.


10-01-2018, 06:22 PM
Based on what tree palnting ended up with in Norway, where they only planted the terrible sitka spruce, I would not get involved. Luckilly Sitka is now black listed and they are well into the procerss of clear cutting all the plantations..

But this looks good, where they will plant native trees.

16-01-2018, 01:54 PM
It's been nearly a week now and I've had no reply to the online form I filled in. :(