View Full Version : First Grass Snake of the year (pic heavy)

03-04-2011, 06:14 PM
Out on a bit of walk with wife, kids and my mum and on the way back to the car we found a grass snake, well I think it is.




It was sunning itself on the road. As we stopped to a take a photo or two it slithered off in to the undergrowth.

Managed to get a video of it moving off. Was impressed at how quick it moved.


My girls were very impressed with seeing the snake, the have never seen one in the wild before.
We had my mum's boarder terrier with us who didn't even notice the snake just walked past it and carried on whilst we stopped and took the pics.

03-04-2011, 06:21 PM
What great pics. I've only ever seen snakes three times in the wild and they have always slithered off at a rate of knots as soon as I've spotted them.


03-04-2011, 06:21 PM
Wow I've never seen one before!

I'd cack it if i seen that, All i have encountered before are adders which are venomous so seeing that would put the poop up me!

03-04-2011, 08:13 PM
Yep, thats a grass snake. Nice one..
I love that first pic. You look very unsure about the snake, as if it might rear up and spit poison at you..

03-04-2011, 08:15 PM
Very impressive, We only have the viviparous lizard over here as our only native reptile and I've only seen them 3 or 4 times.

03-04-2011, 08:26 PM
Yep, thats a grass snake. Nice one..
I love that first pic. You look very unsure about the snake, as if it might rear up and spit poison at you..

LOL, not worried about the snake, more about my daughters and what they might do. Kids show no fear and I don't want them to get to close and maybe hurt the snake with a random step or something.

03-04-2011, 08:34 PM
Wow! only grass snake I've ever seen was about 10 maybe 12 inches long when I was 15

03-04-2011, 08:40 PM
Sweeet!! Cracking pics, just watched the vid too. Stoked for ye! :D I've never seen a live one before, found a pancaked roadkill juvinile a coupla years back...

03-04-2011, 11:14 PM
Ive never seen one either - nic pics Resnikov...

Ben Casey
04-04-2011, 08:53 PM
Lovely pics

05-04-2011, 09:18 AM
When I was teaching Windsurfing we used to get Grass Snakes swimming across the lake. It was great fun watching the poor learners trying not to fall in :)

Ashley Cawley
19-07-2011, 10:55 AM
Great photos & video, thanks for sharing. I've not seen one in the open and moving as nice as that.

18-06-2012, 09:59 PM
I've been out hunting these and adders with a mate (who recently returned from Aus with many snake pics) recently.
Haven't spotted any yet but the weather has been a bit pants for the cold blooded little buggers, but do have a hot tip from a mate about a location with an adder or grass snake nest.

Will chuck some pics up if I find them.


18-06-2012, 10:16 PM
Fantastic photos and vid .
Ive seen more adders than I have grass snakes up this way .
Where I intend to go camping this summer is a bit of a hotspot for Adders so hoping to get a pic or 2.
Well done on gettin photos of such a beautiful wee beastie.


18-06-2012, 10:22 PM
I was geocaching near Temple on the moors once and almost put my hand on an adder sunbathing as I was climbing. It slithered away very quickly, don't know who was more surprised me or it. :)

18-06-2012, 10:27 PM
I absolutely loathe snakes. So i am happy that we don't have them up here in the arctic...

But when I lived in Thailand....ha ha.

The second boy from the left is my stepson. This was taken on the porch of our house :-)

And she sent me out in the rice paddies to help my mom in law to check on her rice. The old bat made me walk in front to scare off the snakes... ;)

19-06-2012, 07:14 PM
I've been out hunting these and adders with a mate (who recently returned from Aus with many snake pics) recently.
Haven't spotted any yet but the weather has been a bit pants for the cold blooded little buggers, but do have a hot tip from a mate about a location with an adder or grass snake nest.

Will chuck some pics up if I find them.

Paul I hope you mean hunting as in "finding" as both adders & grass snakes are protected species, if you get bitten by an adder you will probably survive unless you have a weak heart BUT it will b****y HURT a lot, also all reptiles carry salmonella
so if you intend to handle them take some carex anti bacterial hand cream with you or you will become ill, around 120 people get bitten by adders every year in the UK - 36 were bitten in south Wales alone last year - hard to believe when you hardly ever see
one, grass snakes will bite but they are more likely to spray you with urine ( nearly as bad as a skunk ) it stinks !!! - sorry if you think that I am over the top but - 1, I don't want them hurt for no reason 2, I don't want you hurt or STINKY for no reason either.If you get to see them both on the same day think yourself very lucky, most don't get to see them both in the same year, how do I know all this - I was bitten by a young adder ( about 6" long ) that I mistook for a slow worm while walking in the woods in Betws Y Coed about 15 years ago :ashamed: meet my 2 pets48604861 american corn snakes - I know I'm Mad

19-06-2012, 09:54 PM
I got bit by an Adder when I was building a Dry stone Dike when I was a Landscaper.
I must have nipped its tail with one of the stones I was scroungin from the field next to the garden. MAN it hurt for a fair while and all I could see was one real small pinprick of blod on my finger. Did see the snake take off at a rate of knots though :)
Took a couple of days for my hand to stop hurtin but after that I made damn sure I wore gloves when working the stones lol

Sorry for the ramble


Andy Sherwood
23-06-2012, 07:12 PM
Love the pics managed to get one crappy shot of one recently. The musk is revolting!


23-06-2012, 08:09 PM
Great shot Herp Thanks for sharin mate


24-06-2012, 02:52 PM
Really nice to see. They are really beautiful.

24-06-2012, 04:52 PM
We call them Garter Snakes over here, see them on occasion buggering around. Funny story, years ago while playing a milsim airsoft game, I was leading a patrol through the woods back to our base, must have been about 10 guys following me, stalked my way forward at the ready for any ambush that might happen, saw a ~15" garter snake just in front of me, went to a crouch and signalled those behind me to a crouch too, they thought I saw something ahead, I picked the snake up and passed it to the guy behind me, you could hear the surprise of guys that saw it, not what they expected. Lol, totally funny, wish it was on video....