View Full Version : Budget Tarp Review (2.75 m x 3.5m) - [approx 8ft x 12ft] for £8

paul standley
11-04-2011, 06:21 PM
Here are my thoughts on an inexpensive plastic Tarp that I recently purchased and I used it in anger in the field last weekend in "ground-dweller" mode.

1070 1071 1072

First off - I'm not advocating this tarp over any other. As with all my budget priced kit and DIY kit, I simply put it up as an option, particlularly if someone is new to tarps and wanted to test the idea out cheaply.

So, It's nominally 8ft x 12 ft with eyelets every 1 m approx. It's plastic but waterproof and does what it says on the tin and I was very comfortable in it recently in the woods. I used in it the configuration you see in the photo's so that I had both ends closed off and used it in conjunction with a piece of black builders plastic as a groundsheet which I 'rolled' up against the bottom of the tarp down the two long sides to produce a semi bathtub effect. The last image shows inside from one end and so looks a bit 'loose because I had to fold the end flaps back and away to get the photo.

The tarp weighs around 750 grams and the plastic ground sheet weighed approx 250 grams so here's a ground dweller set-up for 1KG that is VERY roomy with loads of room for kit and bags and good 'sit-up' height.

It has a camo print on one side and is plain green on the other.

With the 12 ft length 'longways', there are no eyelets at the point of the ridgeline center at each end so I used a couple of tarp 'gripper' clips and then used paracord and prussic knots to tension the tarp.

On the night I used it, the temp dropped to 4 C and there was some fine condensation on the inside but because the shelter is so roomy, and had good ventilation, it didn't cause any problems at all.

It could be made more rigid still and possibly "gale proofed" by simply adding a couple of sets of hazel stick "A" frame supports inside for example and shortening the width a little to provide an overlap on the ends/doors.

Here is the link to to the retailer. They also do other sizes and other tarp types.


11-04-2011, 06:38 PM
Nice set up Paul. Forgive my ignorance but what are gripper clips - ive not come across them? The closed end set up is a great idea and again one ive not had a go at. I guess with the fold-in ends to create the closure you lose a couple of feet off the length, leaving you what length inside? Cheers. Tony

paul standley
11-04-2011, 06:51 PM
Nice set up Paul. Forgive my ignorance but what are gripper clips - ive not come across them? The closed end set up is a great idea and again one ive not had a go at. I guess with the fold-in ends to create the closure you lose a couple of feet off the length, leaving you what length inside? Cheers. Tony

Tarp Grippers ... here's a you tube vid of them. I bought 4 for approx £5 a while back off the internet.


The length of the tarp inside on the ground after closing in the ends was approx 6ft 6".

Adam Savage
11-04-2011, 07:36 PM
I have the 8ft x 10ft version of the same tarp. So far i have only ever used it for hanging, but it did a good job there. Like you say though, the lack of eyelet on the centre line is a pain, but you overcame this with grippers, which I never thought of LOL. A nice, informative and practicle review.

11-04-2011, 08:42 PM
Perfect presentation once again Mr S. I've seen those grippers before on'tinternet and could do with one or two. I've tried the "freecycled" sock display clip option but it doesn't work (more tension - less grip which is the inverse of the holdons).