View Full Version : First wild camp with Dog pics.

17-04-2011, 10:13 AM
I went on my first wild camp with my dog last night to see if he was suitable for future excursions to more exiting places. It had the potential to go horribly wrong (picture dog running through established camp fire, knocking over stove and taking out my tarp!). He turned out to be a great camp mate. I have spent all day blogging for the first time so please give me any criticisms you may have.


I want to fill the page with pics reviews and the tracking of my wild camps for memories when my knees won't carry me any more.

17-04-2011, 02:18 PM
Cool blog there Kingpin, keep it comin,
I have to admit I've had the same worries with my dog, so the nearest he's come to camping is an overnight stop in the van.
Yours looks like great company, but i think I'd have to tie mine to something overnight as he's daft as ya like, which would no doubt lead to tangled tarp lines and probably one of us hanging from a tree!
Impressed with the way you left the site too.

I think I'll show him your pics and tell him that's what I'm expecting!

17-04-2011, 02:21 PM
looks good :D


17-04-2011, 04:18 PM
my lurcher who sadly pased away 3 weeks ago would go camping as long as he could share youre food e would bed down for the night lol,but my greyhound i wouldnt take because she sees anything small and furry and shes off like a bolt of lightenin.nice blog m8

17-04-2011, 05:39 PM
Thanks very much Gary. Give your dog a chance mate. Mine is absolutly crazy, and he is young with a lot of energy; bad combination. Just be sure to take him for a good walk around the site to tire him out and get rid of his curiosities for the night. You may be pleasently surprised like I was... I got a strong feeling of pride in my stomach....turned out to be just a bit of wind.

Cheers Jeime

Kieran, sorry to hear about your Lurcher mate.

17-04-2011, 06:49 PM
Loved your blog

17-04-2011, 07:02 PM
Nice blog, looks like you had a good time.

17-04-2011, 07:05 PM
I usually take my German Shepard with me. Can't have him off the lead unfortunately as my woods have deer, (he doesn't attack them but likes trying to round them up and I'm not quick enough to keep up lol) so take a stake and long teather for him. Make great company and great security. Bought him his own rucksack so he carries his own bowl, water and food, which he doesn't seem to mind carrying.

17-04-2011, 08:02 PM
no worries king pin,im getting over it slowly but still guts me tbh,because he went everywhere with me :)more human being,than dog sometimes lol,but he was getting on and in the end the cancer just attacked every gland going sadly.ive got me other dog which does help alot,and again liked youre blog :)

17-04-2011, 08:09 PM
great blog bud, thanks for sharing ;)

17-04-2011, 08:23 PM
Thanks very much Gwer.........u!

Thanks for the compliment Resniknov, and thanks for subsribing to it. I just checked your blog out so you now have an extra follower. The adder pics are great.

@Bcalver You've just reminded me. I'm going on ebay tonight to look for one of those screw in the ground pegs, aswell as a backpack so he can carry all his own stuff. Stand by for pics.

keiran, I'm dreading the day, he is a family member to me. I'm not at all religous but I like to think that our dogs are waiting for us when we turn our toes up.

Cheers J_P! Just checked your site out, fantastic.