View Full Version : Mora knife blank - is it any good?

25-04-2011, 09:01 AM
I was looking on RonnieSunshines for the Mora Clipper today, and came accros this. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about it, and whether it is worth the money...
My first instinct is that it is a Mora blade, so it should be pretty good :)

25-04-2011, 10:05 AM
Any thing by Mora is good buddy, these are great for a first custom make knife, cant go wrong..

25-04-2011, 10:21 AM
Any thing by Mora is good buddy, these are great for a first custom make knife, cant go wrong..
Thanks J_P
What wood would you recommend making a handle from?
Something that is easy to work with yet will make a good handle...


25-04-2011, 11:09 AM
Curly birch :)

25-04-2011, 11:51 AM
any seasoned hard wood fruit n nut etc, apple, yew, oak, black thorn etc, have a look in the wood pile if you have one or look in your local hard wood merchants..

25-04-2011, 12:07 PM
dymondwood, its got "plastic" soaked into it, easy to work with, looks nice and made to last - fairly cheap too, look on ebay.

25-04-2011, 01:15 PM
dymondwood, its got "plastic" soaked into it, easy to work with, looks nice and made to last - fairly cheap too, look on ebay.

Thanks very much, I think I will go with this, it looks good... and for a beginner like me, I think it will be best to go for this. Unless anyone can suggest some easily/cheaply available wood that I can use, where it doesn't matter if I go wrong.


25-04-2011, 01:17 PM
Hi Kieran,I'v just bought two, there the dogs,come razor sharp.The only small thing are the holes, the tang is as hard as the blade so you cant redrill.Wot Im going to do is pin the first&last and put mersontic[cant spell] pins in the inside two and leve the middle one.Let us now how you get on............atb........dont get eaten by the bears..............TONY

25-04-2011, 01:18 PM
Thanks very much, I think I will go with this, it looks good... and for a beginner like me, I think it will be best to go for this. Unless anyone can suggest some easily/cheaply available wood that I can use, where it doesn't matter if I go wrong.


Get down to the woods at the end of your road and look under the Chestnut trees or Ash trees for some decent branches. There's loads down there and it's lying on the ground for free. :)


25-04-2011, 01:18 PM
Thanks Tony.

I also found this, they put 50mm but they seems to short...



25-04-2011, 01:19 PM
Get down to the woods at the end of your road and look under the Chestnut trees or Ash trees for some decent branches. There's loads down there and it's lying on the ground for free. :)


Yeah, I will do.. I suppose I would split the branch in half, then put the blade in the middle. Shape as I wish?


25-04-2011, 01:21 PM
Yeah, I will do.. I suppose I would split the branch in half, then put the blade in the middle. Shape as I wish?


Pretty much. Find a decent bit, split it down the middle and see what you have. If you don't like it, get another bit. Just let it dry out before you use it.


25-04-2011, 01:23 PM
Sounds like a plan, I also like the idea of this Dymondwood.
But, for now. I will be down the woods looking for a branch.. I just never seem to find good bits. Lol.


25-04-2011, 01:28 PM
Have a look at my Albums ,bottom one Photo 3

25-04-2011, 02:54 PM
Be careful about what type of wood you choose, it'll have to be completely dry, otherwise it could split once it dries out on your knife. If you like the idea of plastic impregnated wood, you can use any type you want and buy a can of Minwax Wood Hardener. It's acetone with plastic disolved in it, the acetone will evapouate and leave the plastic in the pores of the wood, stabilizing it and making it waterproof and quite hard.

25-04-2011, 03:15 PM
Be careful about what type of wood you choose, it'll have to be completely dry, otherwise it could split once it dries out on your knife. If you like the idea of plastic impregnated wood, you can use any type you want and buy a can of Minwax Wood Hardener. It's acetone with plastic disolved in it, the acetone will evapouate and leave the plastic in the pores of the wood, stabilizing it and making it waterproof and quite hard.

Thank clever people for modern day technology!

Thanks Mike.

25-04-2011, 09:36 PM
No kidding, I bought my first can of it last fall, and wow does it ever work well! Even used it on the Japanese style knives I've made to both hold the cord wrapped handle together but also to waterproof them, it's pretty awesome stuff!

25-04-2011, 09:39 PM
You could PM Fish the 'catty maker', he might post you some Dymondwood for a small fee, its a very strong product and comes in some amazing colour combinations