View Full Version : Hunting & Shooting Seasons

Ashley Cawley
11-05-2011, 12:38 PM
As you may have seen on the frontpage of http://www.naturalbushcraft.co.uk/ a new article has been added to the Hunting/Trapping section of the site.

Quarry Species & Shooting Seasons - http://www.naturalbushcraft.co.uk/hunting-trapping/hunting-shooting-seasons.html

11-05-2011, 09:28 PM
lucky for me i am a freeman on the land and as such Acts of parliament and statutes do not apply to me!

Ashley Cawley
12-05-2011, 07:05 AM
lucky for me i am a freeman on the land and as such Acts of parliament and statutes do not apply to me!
I wish I could say the same.. (publicly)! ;)

12-05-2011, 10:53 AM
Shame about the ban on bows and crossbows because blunt arrowheads were the traditional bird and small game method in the past and can pack more wallop than a catapult.

12-05-2011, 06:16 PM
I saw this on the home page.. Good info Ashley

13-05-2011, 10:02 AM
i know!