View Full Version : Cutting Fences - Controversial Video

Ashley Cawley
17-05-2011, 02:08 PM
A controversial video here; I've enjoyed some of Grimbo's videos in the past (Wolf Bushcraft), but this one isn't really good advertising for the Bushcraft name...


I might be way off the mark, but I'm sure by the way he keeps pausing & looking around during this demo it gives the impression that this fence he's cutting isn't his, making his actions illegal? Even if the fence was his it's still not a good image...

Don't get me wrong - I dislike our country's stance on borders & boundaries, but it's not good to publish something like this alongside the name of Bushcraft - People struggle enough to get permission to access land - publicising this kind of activity won't help the image of Bushcrafters.

What do you think?

17-05-2011, 02:57 PM
I agree. This video does not give a good impression at all. Like you said, if it isn't his fence then it's illegal and if it is, then why would he need to cut it to gain access? I can't think of a single good reason why any bushcrafter would need to cut through a fence in the context of the video. Particularly rural wire fences which are easy to get through, over or under if you need to.

Besides, regardless of access laws, fences are there for a reason i.e. keeping livestock in.

To me, this video gives the impression of self righteous vandalism. Not good. In my book, respect for the land must include respect for the landowner, inconvenient as it may be.[/soapbox]

17-05-2011, 03:34 PM
To me, this video gives the impression of self righteous vandalism. Not good. In my book, respect for the land must include respect for the landowner, inconvenient as it may be.[/soapbox]

Yeah if the landowner is a farmer or has good reason for keeping people "orff" his land.

If however he is some rich **** ********* **** *** ****** ****** **** *** ** * who likes to *********** ** ** * * ****** who owns land simply because he is rich and wants to have something simply so other cant have it then please, remove his fence and him as well.

Metal mug
17-05-2011, 04:06 PM
It is a bit of thorn in the side of bushcraft. Also although I like the tool, if you're cutting a fence (illegally) a pair of wire cutters is much more stealthy than a noisy saw. :confused2:

17-05-2011, 04:50 PM
?? what the!! ?? Its hardly bushcraft in the first place, insurgents PMSL!! you tube is rife with self proclaimed "bushcraft experts" (lol) ive seen some guys on there who say they are instructors that i wouldnt trust with looking after a Gerbil let alone clients!
Deffo dot his fence as theres no way he would cut through a fence of his that looks quite new eh, un-real that.

Ooooh i had a little rant there sorry lol ;)

17-05-2011, 05:24 PM
you guys are jumping to conclusions,theres no proof that he wasnt legally in his right to cut it. as for the saw well thats crap i have a mini pair of bolt croppers that do the job quicker and quieter.

17-05-2011, 06:15 PM
If the field is not his, then I sincerely hope that some-one sues him for aggravated trespass and criminal damage.
We all want the "right to roam" and the way things are in England and Wales are a mish-mash that pleases no-one: But deliberate destruction of property is another matter. Every year, friends of mine suffer stock loss due to other peoples stupidity. Fences are generally put there to protect crops, to keep Stock in and to delineate boundaries.
No doubt this man has made some good videos in the past but this is not one of them

17-05-2011, 06:31 PM
I've gone directly to his YouTube video to comment and ask who the fence belongs to. Let's hope he replies... http://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v=2qDce1VohUI

17-05-2011, 08:01 PM
mountains and mole hills!

how do you know the barbed wire wasnt put across a right of way by some ignorant land 'owner'?

17-05-2011, 08:31 PM
mountains and mole hills!

how do you know the barbed wire wasnt put across a right of way by some ignorant land 'owner'?

Is it a quiz? If so, give us a clue; how do you know? ;)


Ashley Cawley
17-05-2011, 08:52 PM
you guys are jumping to conclusions,theres no proof that he wasnt legally in his right to cut it. as for the saw well thats crap i have a mini pair of bolt croppers that do the job quicker and quieter.
Hey bud, you could be completely right - I could be jumping to conclusions! I'm only going by what I've seen but you've got to admit the way he pauses to look around numerous times whilst cutting the fence looks suspicious like he's on the look-out - that and at 1:52 he actually says "No ones stopping me getting in" - it does hint to the fact that it wasn't his fence.

I'm sympathetic to your views I land-ownership fish, I too hate the restrictions & ownership put on our land, however I can't condone publicly that people break the law and the point I was trying to make is; publishing stuff like this is probably more detrimental to Bushcrafters that good. What do you think?

17-05-2011, 08:53 PM
Noisy bugger - draw attention to your dubious activities why not! I should think that racket resonated right across to the farmer and his experienced ear! Then post some self-incriminating footage onto the premier international video website. If it was incorrectly laid across a right of way why not just video that for youtube with an explanation to bring shame 'pon the landowner.

I'm sure anyone with 1/2 a brain could have got through/over that fence discreetly and noiselessly except for quiet swearing and the odd snagged thread.

17-05-2011, 09:07 PM
I'm sympathetic to your views I land-ownership fish, I too hate the restrictions & ownership put on our land, however I can't condone publicly that people break the law and the point I was trying to make is; publishing stuff like this is probably more detrimental to Bushcrafters that good. What do you think?

fair point. :)

17-05-2011, 10:19 PM
mountains and mole hills!

how do you know the barbed wire wasnt put across a right of way by some ignorant land 'owner'?

Not likely with the Ramblers Association watching and jealously guarding Rights of Way. It looked like a field margin fence to me but, no doubt, time will tell

Metal mug
18-05-2011, 08:33 AM
Maybe he's a POW escaping from a remote little prision. :) In his next video he's going to show how to jump fences using a motorbike with Steve Mcqueen in the sidecar.

(Now that would be a great little film):D

18-05-2011, 09:09 AM
I'm sitting on the fence on this one.

Metal mug
18-05-2011, 09:50 AM
I'm sitting on the fence on this one.Like Nick Clegg?:)

18-05-2011, 10:29 AM
should change the nursery rhyme from 3 green bottles,to 3 lib dems sitiing on the fence,and if 1 lib dem should accidently fall,there'll be no lib dems sitting in whitehall lol.

18-05-2011, 03:48 PM
very droll

Ashley Cawley
21-05-2011, 01:38 PM
Ok, so Grimbo from WolfBushcraft has removed the video now, probably because of all the comments left on the video.

21-05-2011, 01:40 PM
How interesting. Seems like your hunch may have been correct.


Ashley Cawley
21-05-2011, 02:01 PM
How interesting. Seems like your hunch may have been correct.

Yeah, you'd assume if it was infact his own fence the video itself would be legitimate and he could have confidently defended it, but he probably realised he put himself at risk breaking the law and then publishing it online! I'm glad it's gone now, just so that type of activity doesn't get advertised alongside the 'Bushcraft' name.

22-05-2011, 02:36 PM
Pretty stupid to blatantly put a video of your self committing criminal damage, fences are there for a reason..

22-05-2011, 03:39 PM
Hi there
Ok I may be setting my self up to be shot down in flames but as I live in France and have do since I was in my 20's, perhaps the situation in the UK is different.
Ok you own land.. many of us do... house, garden, flat whatever... I have a domain here in France of nearly 40 acres with wood, lakes and fields... It is all fenced in. On the occasion people have cut my fence, deliberatley or accidentally (farmers cutting hedges often damage fencing) I was very pee'd off.
I spent my life's savings to buy and maintain my property as a business and as a leisure place. Here if people come onto my land uninvited its trespass and punishable by law. If I didn't put a fence around it I'd have "travellers (note the diplomatic term) setting up camp in the fields and any tom, dick or harry breaking into my sheds, caravans or stealing my horses, poaching the game etc. Here in France most land is private and you are not allowed to enter.
Cutting fences that are meant to protect this privacy and livestock, is just vanalism and nothing to do with Bushcraft. If these guys get caught and prosecuted so much the better. Right of way, doesn't mean right to vandalise to degrade protperty. Here too there are rights of way, Hiking trails etc, but you can't stray off them at will. You are to pass and leave only footprints.. not destroy fences, dump bottles & tins and cause fire damage.
I have been involved in fihsing and the countryside all my life, but after I leave a place, I hope no one is ever aware I was there.. even if I set up camp, light a fire and cook my food...

22-05-2011, 03:58 PM
Spot On Gareth ;)

Hi there
Ok I may be setting my self up to be shot down in flames but as I live in France and have do since I was in my 20's, perhaps the situation in the UK is different.
Ok you own land.. many of us do... house, garden, flat whatever... I have a domain here in France of nearly 40 acres with wood, lakes and fields... It is all fenced in. On the occasion people have cut my fence, deliberatley or accidentally (farmers cutting hedges often damage fencing) I was very pee'd off.
I spent my life's savings to buy and maintain my property as a business and as a leisure place. Here if people come onto my land uninvited its trespass and punishable by law. If I didn't put a fence around it I'd have "travellers (note the diplomatic term) setting up camp in the fields and any tom, dick or harry breaking into my sheds, caravans or stealing my horses, poaching the game etc. Here in France most land is private and you are not allowed to enter.
Cutting fences that are meant to protect this privacy and livestock, is just vanalism and nothing to do with Bushcraft. If these guys get caught and prosecuted so much the better. Right of way, doesn't mean right to vandalise to degrade protperty. Here too there are rights of way, Hiking trails etc, but you can't stray off them at will. You are to pass and leave only footprints.. not destroy fences, dump bottles & tins and cause fire damage.
I have been involved in fihsing and the countryside all my life, but after I leave a place, I hope no one is ever aware I was there.. even if I set up camp, light a fire and cook my food...

Ashley Cawley
22-05-2011, 06:16 PM
Hi there
Ok I may be setting my self up to be shot down in flames..I can't see why you would be Gareth, you've made a valid argument for fencing off land and you've shown you respect them.

22-05-2011, 07:15 PM
Re: this amazing tool being demonstrated. My neighbour and I have been in the garden and done an experiment with one he has for cutting tiles against a junior hacksaw.
The result was that the hacksaw was quieter and quicker, the tool shown has a thickish blade and so cuts more metal away, however we also were able to cut the hacksaw blade with it.


22-05-2011, 08:06 PM
I can't see why you would be Gareth, you've made a valid argument for fencing off land and you've shown you respect them.

Hi Ash,
Well things differ from Uk to France.. I know blood runs high on right to roam issues we don't have...
We do though get similar instances in France where landowners fence off costal paths.. here everyone has the right to use public access along every coast and every river..
The most flagrant abuse of this is private beaches in the south, where they throw you off for not renting an extortionate sun bed on the beach; when the law says you can sit with in 1m of the sea even on a private beech.
I'm not against protests defending ligitimate access.... Parts of our countries belong us us all... I'd be the first to defend these.. I mean willful damage to private property...

PS: as a final note: a good pair of wire or bolt cutters will get through any fence far quicker than a saw...