View Full Version : Any ideas how to go about living in a tent (tipi/yurt) in Harrogate North Yorkshire?

18-05-2011, 01:05 AM
Hi there, I'm lewis, I'm 28 and about to be evicted out of rented accommodation, it's been cheap and wonderfully do-able, but now am getting the itch to live outside. Getting kicked out of this house is pretty much pushing me to get on with my dream.

Problem is, I've no real idea how to go about it, I don't drive as I believe it damages the environment too much, so only public transport and my own two feet are options for travel.

Does anyone think a farmer would be willing to allow me to live on a small piece of their land for rent over a few months, as many as possible would be good. Plus, are there any major rules on living in a forest? Not sure where to get that sort of information from really.

Any help, ideas and suggestions would be massively welcomed.



18-05-2011, 08:41 AM
I'll be very interested to see how you get on with this. Good luck in your search for a suitable site.


18-05-2011, 09:30 AM
mate do what the romany allways did move from place to place and keep it tidy,not that i give a xxxx but its an offence to live on land ,even your own,for more than 28 days in the same place however fields have 4 corners if you get my drift. and lanes are good for areas to camp alongside,good luck to you mate.also rather than a rucksack get a barrow you can carry more and it wont bugger yer back!

18-05-2011, 09:40 AM
if you can make it to Scotland it would be much easier... The lowlands has a few forest parks you could stay in fairly easily and you have the right to roam...

18-05-2011, 09:47 AM
There's a good forum on living on your own land www.fieldtofarm.com There's a book produced as well and is supposed to answer a lot of the questions that can and do crop up

There's also an interesting post running on the Small Woodlands Owners Group HERE (http://www.swog.org.uk/forum/topic.php?id=952) This may help with some of your problems

18-05-2011, 04:49 PM
I met a guy on a farm campsite in the Lincolnshire wolds who's lived in his little touring caravan in the corner for a small rent to the farmer for the last couple of years. He was a private residence carer and she went into a home - making him homeless. So there are sypathetic landowners who may not err..take the rules "too literally".

Best of luck mate!

Big T
23-05-2011, 12:25 PM
If you are willing to work a little for your lodgings then you can live on a farm if you are classsed as an "agricultural labouer" i think you have to help the farmer work on his land or wotever for a certain amount of hours per week and it can last up to 2 years, but who is going to know?? As i know this is still legal. Hope this helps!

13-08-2011, 02:24 PM
well u got to think if you got phones and stuff how would you keep then charged maybe sollar panels but depends

09-09-2011, 05:38 PM
I would have thought that the way some of the smaller farms are struggling to make ends meet at the moment, they might readily welcome a small addition to their income from a "camper", who is only occupying a small corner of a field or wood. It would also go a long way if you offered to help out with a few jobs around the farm/house. If it was me you where asking, as long as you respect the area/ground you are using it wouldn't be a problem.