View Full Version : Ipswich

23-05-2011, 06:21 PM
No activity in this thread, so thought I'd post my planned trips.

Got one day/night planned for this weekend up coming, bank holiday and all. Solo trip.

June: Going for a 2 nighter (hopefully) with a friend or two.

What about yourselves? Any planned up comings adventures? If so, when and where?

29-10-2011, 03:47 PM
It's all a bit quiet on the Ipswich front. I'm looking for somewhere to spread my wings, air my hammock and spend a night under the stars near good old Ippo.

Anyone up to much?

30-10-2011, 05:59 AM
Rendlesham Forest? Thetford Forest Park? Near Dunwich? up by Minsmere? Just park up and wander off. Most people don't walk more than 200 to 300m from their cars. Just be discrete and you'll be OK :)

Just remembered; Shingle Street* back from the beach. It's very desolate so you'll be a ground dweller in your bivibag. Plus you'll have the added bonus of going to the beach the following day and watching solitary people sitting there staring out to sea with their heads in their hands - it sometimes looks like a Samaritans meeting down there.

* just to add - take your own water with you as the water from the "ponds" and "streams" is very brackish and you need to filter it throughly with something like an MSR or Katadyn filter

30-10-2011, 03:12 PM
Not really Ipswich but i am off into the Thetford area in a few weeks. Sleeping bag ground mat and tarp. oo also a shiney new highlander knife :D

20-12-2011, 11:16 AM
Anyone out and about in Suffolk over the Christmas, New Year period?

20-12-2011, 02:01 PM
I shall be in David's Place taking the P out of the Graundian and Independant readers - used to be great in there. You almost had to have an invitation to be allowed to drink :)

Toby Ainger-Putt
30-10-2012, 10:27 PM
What are some good places near Ipswich to camp. I live in manningtree about a stones throw from there.

03-11-2012, 06:31 PM
Anyone out and about in Suffolk over the Christmas, New Year period?

no fixed plans for avoiding festivities at present but could be tempted to a day meet. im in norwich so north or east of ipswich would suit better than south but theres no telling whether id venture further or not

Big Stu 12
06-01-2013, 09:58 AM

Happy New year all

Been on here for a few months, not done much , keep forgetting to have a look, I am more active on BCUK, but hey I am here now, whats everyone been doing?