View Full Version : Rhuberry Crumble

02-06-2011, 12:31 PM
We had our first strawberry harvest today.
And while we were at itwe also picked some rhubard and made a rhubard and strawberry (or 'rhuberry') crumble.
This is going to be the best tasting crumble ever for two reasons - firstly, it's made from our own fruit that we've grown and all it's had on it is sun and rain; and secondly, it's cost us the princely sum of 0 pence!

20-08-2011, 04:01 PM
can i have the recp please mate sounds nice

24-08-2011, 08:23 AM
Erm, well it doesn't really need much of a recipe.
Get as much fruit as you can, add a bit of sugar (I don't add too much because I like a bit of sourness and tartness), heat the fruit up so it starts to break down. Then put it in an oven-proof dish, let it cool, put some crumble mix on top (either bought or make your own), sprinkle a little brown sugar on top then bung it in the oven at gas mark 6 until it's golden brown on top.
Lovely with a bit of cream.
If you have a dutch oven it can easily be made in the field as well.

26-08-2011, 09:44 PM
I love this stuff! Rhubarb Rhubarb all the way. DONT buy a crumble - mix about 2oz of plain flour and porridege oats with some soft butter or marg (about an oz) and keep fiddling til it gets crumbly. Then cover you already stewed fruit, cook for about 15/20 mins on a oven at about 180 degrees and its a go-er.

BTW i have just made 10LBs Blackberry jam, 2 LBs raspberry BUT i cannot get my Rhubarb jam to set - i got so desparate i bought Certo but it still will NOT set, any advice?