View Full Version : Bumble Bees living in our bathroom air brick

03-06-2011, 04:34 AM
i know its not realy bushcraft :ashamed: do you think it's a problem having Bumble Bees living in their ?

we dont get them bothering our kids or pets or even seeing to many in our garden we just hear them some times when were in the bathroom lol


03-06-2011, 06:20 AM
Bumble bees are never a problem imo. They just want to do their thing and be left alone. Its only the females that are able to sting and they rarely do so as they will die after they sting. The males have no stinging parts.
Wait until they are gone and then poke an old metal clothes hanger, or something like that through the holes in the air brick, to try and open up the air flow again.

03-06-2011, 09:11 AM
bees are on the decline and we need to ensure their survival, live and let live I say.

Mt local council recently served me with a notice to cut back my garden shrubbery because one flowering Hebe was full of honey bees...... some kind person had complained !! Some folk will whine about anything

Ashley Cawley
03-06-2011, 11:30 AM
i know its not realy bushcraft :ashamed: do you think it's a problem having Bumble Bees living in their ?

we dont get them bothering our kids or pets or even seeing to many in our garden we just hear them some times when were in the bathroom lol


It is Bushcraft! .. it's nature :)

I love Bumble Bee's, they're lovely and not aggressive. I have fond memoires of my Dad showing me how non-aggressive they were when I was a youngster; he used to gently stroke their backs as they went about their business collecting pollen.

If they are a problem in the air-brick, you could wait until they've left, clear the holes & put a mesh over the outside so they can't clog it up again but then create a home for them!.. You could make (or buy) a small bee-house and stick it right beside where the air-brick was. :o .. could be an educating process for the kids too.

03-06-2011, 12:07 PM
Bumble bees are fantastic! Enjoy them while they are there. My wife has the uncanny ability of attracting the bees. She can be sitting in the garden and they land on her hands. She just sits there and lets them bunch up the pollen on their legs before they go on their merry way again. Kids love it and it shows them that they are not to be feared.

03-06-2011, 04:02 PM
yea leave em be mate :),there not causing any harm,i'll swap you i had rats getting in through the air vent in the bottom of my house lol,had to kill them sadly some were killed by my mates border terrier the others in rat traps,i put humane traps out for the field mice and let them go in the countryside

04-06-2011, 04:12 AM
were finding it intresting watching them come and go.....my wife dosnt like to hear them while she's in the bathroom thopugh lol

thankyou all for your comments