View Full Version : Knife From A File

Adam Savage
07-06-2011, 10:08 AM
This is my first attempt at making myself a bushcraft knife from an old file.

The file was annealed in a camp fire at Ivan's, then i ground off most of the teeth in the workshop.


I traced the outline of my mora for the blade, drew the tang freehand, then cut the excess material off with my grinder.



So far I have shaped the blank, and taken most of the stock from the grind, with the grinder.


And given all the rough edges a quick sanding.


Next step is to give it 99% of it's scandi grind, with a belt sander, before drilling the pin holes for the scales. After this I will re-temper the steel, fit and shape the scales, sharpen her up, then finally attempt to polish the blade best I can.

To be continued...

Ashley Cawley
07-06-2011, 11:21 AM
Great stuff Adam! Well done mate, nice to see.

I've done this same project (inspired thanks to GreenPete), looking back one thing I regret not doing was taking the scandi grind higher up the knife, it seems to get too thick too quick. Looking at your forth photo reminded me of that problem, it depends on how thick your metal is but you might want to consider taking it higher. What mm thick is it?

I got half way through reprofiling my bevel and never got round to finishing it!.. Something I'll have to do.

Looking forward to seeing your progress on this one, thanks for sharing.

Adam Savage
07-06-2011, 12:29 PM
Great stuff Adam! Well done mate, nice to see.

I've done this same project (inspired thanks to GreenPete), looking back one thing I regret not doing was taking the scandi grind higher up the knife, it seems to get too thick too quick. Looking at your forth photo reminded me of that problem, it depends on how thick your metal is but you might want to consider taking it higher. What mm thick is it?

I got half way through reprofiling my bevel and never got round to finishing it!.. Something I'll have to do.

Looking forward to seeing your progress on this one, thanks for sharing.

It's 4.5mm after the smoothing. I was thinking the same thing with the grind, only trouble is the depth of the grind across the blade, is governed pretty much by that all important angle. My attempt at getting the grind nearer what it should be, has resulted in a half scandi, half convex grind lol. Will see how things go between here, tempering and the final edge.

Adam Savage
07-06-2011, 12:33 PM

07-06-2011, 12:59 PM
Looking good! Incidentally, I find old files too difficult to acquire, so I buy new ones to make into knives. Once in a while anyways. :)

If you enjoy this project, buy a cheap 1" x 30" belt sander, it makes a massive difference in working the steel.

Adam Savage
07-06-2011, 01:03 PM
Looking good! Incidentally, I find old files too difficult to acquire, so I buy new ones to make into knives. Once in a while anyways. :)

If you enjoy this project, buy a cheap 1" x 30" belt sander, it makes a massive difference in working the steel.

I've been using my 3" belt sander (you know the hand held power tool type) which is great for polishing up the flats, but a little tricky for the bevel I find. Could do with a bench grinder really, as well as the 1" belt sander. Oh well, can't have everything lol.

Ben Casey
07-06-2011, 01:07 PM
Hi mate it looks really cool :)

Adam Savage
07-06-2011, 03:12 PM
Thanks mate. Just popped down to B&Q for some brass rod. £8.16 ???? I wasn't expecting that lol. Anyways, just knocked up a rough set of scales from American white oak, that I had kicking about the workshop, and gave the grind a bit of a tidy up. Next I have to make a wok forge to get her up to 800 degrees C, quench in oil, refit and finish the scales, make a sheath, and I'm away lol.




Although it looks more kitchen knife than bushcraft knife at the minute.

07-06-2011, 04:42 PM
Nice job! I like the little false edge near the tip, gives you a finer point. Overall, it's an attractive knife so far.

Adam Savage
07-06-2011, 05:14 PM
Nice job! I like the little false edge near the tip, gives you a finer point. Overall, it's an attractive knife so far.

Thanks buddy. I'm just hunting for a cheap wok to make the forge from now. Will keep you posted with any progress.

07-06-2011, 05:31 PM
I've been using my 3" belt sander (you know the hand held power tool type) which is great for polishing up the flats, but a little tricky for the bevel I find. Could do with a bench grinder really, as well as the 1" belt sander. Oh well, can't have everything lol.

I have one of those too, really doesn't work well. The belt sander kicks a bench grinder's butt any day, more and faster material removed, slower to heat up. Love it!!

07-06-2011, 05:32 PM
Now that's a knife!!! Laughed when I read your comment at the end, it did look more like a kitchen knife to me as well. Hehe

Adam Savage
07-06-2011, 05:42 PM
It'll kick ass in the kitchen I hope haha.

Ashley Cawley
07-06-2011, 07:46 PM
... If you enjoy this project, buy a cheap 1" x 30" belt sander, it makes a massive difference in working the steel.
Yeah - that's been on my list of things to get for ages!

It's looking great so far Adam, well done.

... I'm just hunting for a cheap wok to make the forge from now. Will keep you posted with any progress.
If you want something quicker/easier to do that job you could always achieve the same with a blow-torch.

Adam Savage
07-06-2011, 07:49 PM
Yeah - that's been on my list of things to get for ages!

It's looking great so far Adam, well done.

Thanks again buddy.

If you want something quicker/easier to do that job you could always achieve the same with a blow-torch.

Would that get it hot enough?

07-06-2011, 08:03 PM
Hey as anybody seen my old file ? i was sure i left it in the fire !!

No seriously good job Adam looking great mate , cant wait for it to be finished , and see it in the flesh , and if its any good you give it to me , so as i can tell people i made it !

Adam Savage
07-06-2011, 08:09 PM
LOL, it may well end up in your hands, as I made the tang quite short, if it's too uncomfortable to use with my big hands, it might be ok for smaller, which means Katie will be stealing it off of you haha.

08-06-2011, 11:43 AM
love what you've done so far and looking forward to seeing the finished knife, i've always wanted to have a go at making a knife as i've never been able to find exactly what i want, so i think a little more reading up on tempering and different grinds and i think i'll have a go, if you got any links to any suitable reading material i'd be gratefull.


Adam Savage
08-06-2011, 01:08 PM
love what you've done so far and looking forward to seeing the finished knife, i've always wanted to have a go at making a knife as i've never been able to find exactly what i want, so i think a little more reading up on tempering and different grinds and i think i'll have a go, if you got any links to any suitable reading material i'd be gratefull.


The best video for a novice like myself, I found was GreenPete's on the main Natural Bushcraft website. http://www.naturalbushcraft.co.uk/kit/reviews/making-a-bushcraft-knife-with-a-homemade-forge.html Which got me off my behind and have a go.

Finished constructing the forge today and hardened the steel (I didn't have any engine oil, so used hypoid gear oil instead), tidied her up, tempered the steel with the trusty blow torch, attached the scales again, bonded them in place, gave them a quick sand over and oiled them with veg oil. here's the finished blade. It's not as pretty as most, but it takes a darn good edge and feels right in the hand.



And here is the BBQ wok I used for the forge, bought from Tesco for £5 and already had holes, even though there were a little too many of them (I had to fill it with charcoal to get it up to temp, as the holes needed restricting)...


And the components of the forge laid out ready (and yes that is a 2200w vacuum lol)...


08-06-2011, 01:54 PM
thanks for the link crazysaint222, i've just started to download the torrent file for the vid its a touch over 4 gig so i will take a look later on when its finished downloading, by the way the finished knife looks great, love the thickness of the back of the blade, it looks bombproof and it'll be great for splitting wood.

Adam Savage
08-06-2011, 02:35 PM
No problem buddy, it's a great how to video. And thanks.

Here's a quick video of the hardening process. nothing special, just a lot of noise from the blower and some flames from the oil LOL.


Yeah the file was 5mm before machining, so ended up around 4.5mm. Definitely a chunky splitting tool.

Even found a little presentation box that it fits into neatly :)


Adam Savage
08-06-2011, 02:37 PM
Apologies for the poor finish on the bevel, I'm still working on sharpening that out.

08-06-2011, 03:29 PM
Looks fantastic! well done mate:)


Ben Casey
08-06-2011, 03:57 PM
Good work there mate :)

Adam Savage
08-06-2011, 07:37 PM
Thanks guys. I've managed to polish the bevel a little since the last photos. Quite proud of it for a first attempt. :)

08-06-2011, 08:41 PM
I've been avoiding this thread for fear of ditching all current projects to beat some metal! :D And first I'd have to build a forge and aquire an anvil! Must, re-sist!!

Cool project Adam, great seeing the pics and vid of the whole thing :D

Adam Savage
08-06-2011, 08:58 PM
Thanks Phil. As you can see, no hammer and anvil was needed. just some high temperatures, some oily stuff, grinder, sander, wet n dry, wood for scales, brass rod from B&Q...oh and an old file, mind you, B&Q also sell 30mm x 4mm rolled steel in 1m and 2m lengths, so could have used some of this. I was surprised it only took me a couple days from start to finish.

09-06-2011, 03:36 PM
So, how sharp is it?

10-06-2011, 07:12 PM
Nice work mate. I'm impressed. I'll be chuffed if my first attempt is even half as good if I ever get around to trying my hand at it.

Adam Savage
13-06-2011, 03:09 PM
So, how sharp is it?

Not as sharp as I would have liked, but I shall live and learn. It splits well when used with a baton though, and is showing no signs of damage, or even marking. One tough little blade.

Adam Savage
13-06-2011, 03:10 PM
Nice work mate. I'm impressed. I'll be chuffed if my first attempt is even half as good if I ever get around to trying my hand at it.

Thanks Bernie. Already planning my next, this time with a narrower blade and shallower grind.

15-06-2011, 03:32 AM
Now nice little blade that's for the tutorial on it think I will be looking around our garage I know we have a lot of old files.

Adam Savage
15-06-2011, 08:25 AM
Thanks bb, hoping on getting my next started soon. Will try and video log the whole thing from start to finish, rather than a few pictures and a single boring video lol.

15-06-2011, 04:26 PM
Thanks mate don't forget the pics though for us guys with old slow computers :D LOL

Adam Savage
15-06-2011, 04:31 PM
lol, will do. Also just got my hands on a large lump of 1/2 inch thick steel approx 24 inches x 4 1/2 inches, so may try knocking up either a parang (if I can beat it thin enough) or an axe head, using part of it.

Jack Russell
15-06-2011, 05:47 PM
just a quick response to Adam's comment about (how very dare I shop at) B&Q...... For these kind of bits and bobs I use a guy who has a shop on fleabay - I'm nothing to do with it, I just find him very helpful and he sells in quantities that I like for "little projects". The geezer does stuff for steam model engineers.
Take a look at "maccmodels" - loadsa brass, copper, stainless, ally and silver steel - Top bloke and is a treat to deal with, he's personally responsible for my (now treated with therapy) fixation for fire pistons/stoves/all things shrafty.

Adam Savage
15-06-2011, 05:51 PM
just a quick response to Adam's comment about (how very dare I shop at) B&Q...... For these kind of bits and bobs I use a guy who has a shop on fleabay - I'm nothing to do with it, I just find him very helpful and he sells in quantities that I like for "little projects". The geezer does stuff for steam model engineers.
Take a look at "maccmodels" - loadsa brass, copper, stainless, ally and silver steel - Top bloke and is a treat to deal with, he's personally responsible for my (now treated with therapy) fixation for fire pistons/stoves/all things shrafty.

I shall have a peek mate. cheers.

Ben Casey
15-06-2011, 06:04 PM
Homebase :D

Jack Russell
15-06-2011, 06:19 PM
Ben Casey take yourself outside and have a word with yourself young man............... You have more money than sense and anyoldhooo where is Jakob gonna find a homebase in Denmark? coz he'll be along in a minute asking for references for another outlet for his hard earned cash!!!!

Ben Casey
15-06-2011, 06:32 PM
Ben Casey take yourself outside and have a word with yourself young man............... You have more money than sense and anyoldhooo where is Jakob gonna find a homebase in Denmark? coz he'll be along in a minute asking for references for another outlet for his hard earned cash!!!!

Been out and told myself of LOL

15-06-2011, 07:18 PM
Hi Mike,I'll send you all the files you want, if you send me a Kentucky longrife 38 cal.LOL