View Full Version : This Just In...

Adam Savage
16-06-2011, 11:50 AM
Approximately thirty minutes ago, at 12:00 GMT, I received word from the United States Department of Defence (USDOD) regarding the whereabouts of Ivan, codename: sleepy weasel.

The following images where captured by a combination of torpedo boat (using high power, telephoto lens) on routine patrol, and NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), just off the Golfito coast, Central America. Latitude : 8.600 Longitude : -83.167.


As of yet his mental and physical condition cannot be verified. Some time between visual contact and deployment of in shore dirigible, sleepy weasel made good his escape as the light faded, leaving no trace and no leads for the authorities to follow.





If anyone has any information, regarding the currant location of codename sleepy weasel, you are advised NOT to approach and to notify Devon County Council, on 01234 567890.

Ben Casey
16-06-2011, 01:15 PM
Good I hope he does get found soon I bet he is a right danger to society :D

Metal mug
18-06-2011, 04:55 PM
If anyone has any information, regarding the currant location of codename sleepy weasel, you are advised NOT to approach and to notify Devon County Council, on 01234 567890. You must of got the number wrong, I phoned it and all I got was a dialing tone. :D

Adam Savage
18-06-2011, 05:06 PM
I got the speaking clock...lol

Metal mug
19-06-2011, 12:35 PM
I got the speaking clock...lol You can't get the speaking clock anymore, it's been cut. :D

19-06-2011, 07:00 PM
You can't get the speaking clock anymore, it's been cut. :D

dial 123 for the speaking clock

Metal mug
19-06-2011, 07:10 PM
Well what do you know 8:08 and fifty seconds. :) BT hasn't scrapped it yet, enjoy it while it's there.

Adam Savage
19-06-2011, 08:19 PM
I stayed on the line from 21:00 and 3 seconds, until 21:10 and 34 seconds. Still couldn't get through to the guys to tell them I may have information leading to the whereabouts of sleepy weasel. :p

Metal mug
19-06-2011, 08:34 PM
It's a conspiracy!

Adam Savage
19-06-2011, 08:42 PM
I bet they have some kind of recording device, possible a call trace too, to get further information for their suspect profile. They may even be taking profits from the call charges, to fund their next operation...codename: FingerMouse.

Metal mug
19-06-2011, 08:57 PM
I don't know whats going on, but i'm very scared. :shocked: I'm certain that agent Shergar is crooked.

Adam Savage
19-06-2011, 08:59 PM
The worlds a scary place mate, never know who's watching, or what they're doing while they watch you :guns: :confused2:

Metal mug
20-06-2011, 05:46 AM
Last night I looked out of my window and there was Lord Lucan sitting on Shergar's back laughing and pointing at me. I wonder what this could mean? :confused:

Adam Savage
20-06-2011, 07:29 AM
It could mean that folk like us need to lay of the strong cheese at night????

Metal mug
20-06-2011, 11:41 AM
It could mean that folk like us need to lay of the strong cheese at night???? But I only had one wheel. :)

Adam Savage
29-06-2011, 12:29 PM
Last weekend, codename Sleepy Weasel was reported trying to evade the Boroko police department. The sightings took place in Joyce bay, just south of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Locals were first alerted to his activity, when he was seen crossing the bay on foot. Later reports (supported by photographs, presented by tourists) claimed Sleepy Weasel was accompanied by several others. It is not clear to what his intentions were, but residents remained untouched by this visit.


The following images are those captured by witnesses.



One local was even coerced into aiding Sleepy Weasel gather materials, for an unknown purpose.



Local officials deployed a remote surveillance device into the camp. to assess any dangers and gather information.




If anyone has any information, particularly regarding the identity of the assailant in the final image, please continue to contact the nearest interpol office, immediately.

29-06-2011, 02:46 PM
Dear Mr Crazysaint , i dont know where you are obtaining your intelligence , but it is top notch and may i compliment you on your accuracy, you will be pleased to know that Sleepy Weasel has been washed up on another beach , and some local celebrities very kindly came down with food and supplies to help him set up camp, much as i would love to elaborate, you will have to be contacted via satellite from this day forth as i feel a security breach , as been accessed , once again thankyou for advising us of his well being , we will be in touch...

Ps some rotten so and so has said on that youtube video comment box , that i resemble David Icke !!

29-06-2011, 07:16 PM
Maybe not David Ike but perhaps long lost twin brother

Metal mug
29-06-2011, 08:07 PM
I'm wondering what the Queen has to say about this matter.

Metal mug
29-06-2011, 08:13 PM
Last night I looked out of my window and there was Lord Lucan sitting on Shergar's back laughing and pointing at me. I wonder what this could mean? :confused:The evidence.

Adam Savage
29-06-2011, 09:48 PM
The evidence.

Looks more like Freddy Mercury to me :p

Metal mug
30-06-2011, 05:29 AM
Looks more like Freddy Mercury to me :pMy God! Lord lucan is Freddie Mercury. This conspiracy has more twists and turns than a large snake.

Adam Savage
30-06-2011, 10:36 AM



30-06-2011, 12:14 PM
My word, that's A Kind of Magic. I suspect that Lord Lucan wanted to live the Bohemian Rhapsody life style so, being Under Pressure, he fled across the Seven Seas of Rye into the arms of some foreign family who told him 'We Will Rock You'.


Adam Savage
30-06-2011, 12:36 PM
My word, that's A Kind of Magic. I suspect that Lord Lucan wanted to live the Bohemian Rhapsody life style so, being Under Pressure, he fled across the Seven Seas of Rye into the arms of some foreign family who told him 'We Will Rock You'.


Metal mug
30-06-2011, 02:51 PM
Now the most important question, is Lord Lucan a goodie or a baddie?

30-06-2011, 02:52 PM
Now the most important question, is Lord Lucan a goodie or a baddie?

Don't know but he did say, 'I want to break free'.


Adam Savage
30-06-2011, 02:54 PM
Didn't he also say "Don't stop me now, I'm having such a good time" ?

Apparently, he was also having a ball

Metal mug
30-06-2011, 02:56 PM
I wonder if he lives on Dartmoor?

30-06-2011, 03:04 PM
I wonder if he lives on Dartmoor?

Not sure but, if he does, I'm sure he'd enter the annual Bicycle Race.


Adam Savage
30-06-2011, 03:15 PM
I saw someone that looked remarkably like him, playing pool at Pupers Hill the other day...


30-06-2011, 03:20 PM
Yeah, I believe Freddie used to like it up Pupers Hill.


30-06-2011, 03:33 PM
from what i understand He liked it up anywhere ;o)

30-06-2011, 03:43 PM
Now, Now!! This is a family friendly forum!!!:p

Metal mug
30-06-2011, 04:06 PM
from what i understand He liked it up anywhere ;o)

Now, Now!! This is a family friendly forum!!!:pWell you can't get more friendly than that. :D

30-06-2011, 09:02 PM
Well you can't get more friendly than that. :D


30-06-2011, 09:04 PM
Now, Now!! This is a family friendly forum!!!:p

Don't know what you could be thinking Mike? You haven't been inserting euphamisms where they don't exist have you?? :D :D


30-06-2011, 09:21 PM
Stop having a poke at the poor man...

Adam Savage
01-08-2011, 09:35 PM
Today, at 18:00, interpol released information regarding sleepy weasel's latest movements. This information suggested SW was back in the UK.
Intercepted at Dover, Sleepy Weasel was taken into protective custody, pending further investigations into his recent activities.
One spokesman stated that "Codename Sleepy Weasel, was no longer a threat" and that "He was taken in at approximately 21:00 hours, Thursday night". Although no official charges had been made, SW was interviewed at great length and police continued to exercise the "Terrorism Act 2006" to detain SW for a period of 28 days. However SW slipped through their grasp during a prisoner transfer, as he was being relocated to a high security facility.

This is the latest image available at present. It is believed that Sleepy Weasel will attempt to regroup with accomplices, some time in the near future, at his Devon based hideout, somewhere in the Dartmoor area.


As usual, any information is to be forwarded to the appropriate department of security.

Metal mug
02-08-2011, 01:49 PM
I'll sleep easy tonight knowing that justice has been done. :D

02-08-2011, 05:40 PM
I guess if sleepy weasel is sent down for his heinous crimes they will send him to Dartmoor nick be like home from home

Metal mug
03-08-2011, 05:59 PM
I guess if sleepy weasel is sent down for his heinous crimes they will send him to Dartmoor nick be like home from home And if he behaves himself on a quiet night he can go down the plume. :)

Adam Savage
03-08-2011, 10:02 PM
He wouldn't come back though. ;)

04-08-2011, 07:27 AM
Hi chaps, hopefully i am nearly back on track,resolving landlord and Dartmoor National Park issues etc. Thanks for the support and humour , so far managed to avoid , arrest, imprisonment etc and am looking forward to organising a meet soon.

ps that hat is not big enough Rick, you look like an Australian shop lifter..

Ben Casey
04-08-2011, 08:53 AM
I have heard on the news today that there is a petiton to bring back hanging so you better be sorted soon mate LOL

04-08-2011, 05:04 PM
Personally I look like a reject from broke back mountain lol

Ashley Cawley
04-08-2011, 05:40 PM
Hi chaps, hopefully i am nearly back on track,resolving landlord and Dartmoor National Park issues etc. Thanks for the support and humour , so far managed to avoid , arrest, imprisonment etc and am looking forward to organising a meet soon.

ps that hat is not big enough Rick, you look like an Australian shop lifter..Great to see you back on the scene my friend.

Metal mug
04-08-2011, 06:57 PM
ps that hat is not big enough Rick, you look like an Australian shop lifter..Here's a good 'un.

Adam Savage
04-08-2011, 07:03 PM

According to the site this image is posted on, "All this guy wanted to do is go on fishing trips with his best friend, what’s wrong with that."

05-08-2011, 12:23 PM
laugh it up boys, at least it keeps the rain outta my face lol

Adam Savage
05-08-2011, 01:37 PM
laugh it up boys, at least it keeps the rain outta my face lol

Don't worry Rick. I'll change my pic to the beach meet/hat one, so you don't feel singled out ;)

05-08-2011, 09:26 PM
Thanks Adam you always know who your mates are :zombie-fighting

Adam Savage
05-08-2011, 10:49 PM
Long as people don't think I'm the co-star from broke back bushcraft.:eek:

Metal mug
06-08-2011, 08:32 AM
Long as people don't think I'm the co-star from broke back bushcraft.:eek: Your co star in the film could be the beret wearing rambo guy. :)