View Full Version : A brief summer evening walk

20-06-2011, 09:40 PM
The stormy clouds are just beginning to break as we set off down the track towards the wind tossed waters of the reservoir. As we clamber down around the old quarry, the sun breaks through and highlights the wonderful sight of little black bilberries peaking through the lush green foilage and heather. Bright purple plumes of Sheep Sorrel flower heads line the path and before we know it we have a small feast on our hands.

Taking a small rest atop the dam we watch as a buzzard glides gracefully over the wooded hillside, searching for its next meal. Ducklings are bobbing in and out of the bushes overhaning the shoreline and my daughters are Gleefully rolling down the hill to the path - a truly serene moment.

Setting off back to the car we are rewarded with a whole bank of beautiful verdant green Wood Sorrel and dappled in amidst the bluebells I can see the white flowers of pignuts peeking through. The dogs get one last dash through the beech and sycamore after the mischeivious squirrels before we begin our ascent back to the car.

A lovely way to spend an evening with my family that I'd thought I'd share.

21-06-2011, 09:07 PM
Nice one Mike. A great little tale well told, I have always struggled to understand why more people don't take such walks. So much to see, so close to home.

21-06-2011, 09:43 PM
Sometimes the shortest trips bring the greatest rewards...

Ashley Cawley
23-06-2011, 11:17 AM

24-06-2011, 11:39 AM
Thanks guys, I do these little walks most nights, and sometimes they are the most rewarding little steps away from the hustle and bustle of work and family routine. Last night was superb, once again the stormy clouds disappeared and I had a very short 45 min wonder up a little clough. Just me and the Mutts.

Saw a beautiful Doe and Fawn grazing on the cloughs edge and could have quite happily sat there by the little force for hours with a picnic of Wood Sorrel, Common Sorrel,Bitter Cress, Vetch seeds and Chickweed. There was also a good crop of Bilberries and a few gorse flowers still about. Dogs had a great time too, plenty of squirrels in the woods and a few rabbits hiding in the undergrowth, the youngest hound has discovered a new game - who can pick up the hedgehog without impaling there tounge!!! The hedgehog won :p. Pretty sure I could see a hare bounding across the moorland as well, but it was gone in a flash.