View Full Version : Firesteel

24-06-2011, 12:16 PM

Does anyone know if these small firesteels are any good as appose to a more.. Normal type of one?

24-06-2011, 12:33 PM
Hi Kieran

I bought one of these for my kids to use rather than trashing my Light My Fire version. I recomended it as a pretty good small firesteel for attaching to a keyring, I think it was comanightrain that was asking. Its not a bad firesteel, pretty robust, but takes a little practice as the flint is wrapped in a metal case that can get in the way. The blade provided is not that great either but using your knife soon sorts that out. There is a coating on it that takes a bit of scraping off too but once you get past that it produces a very good spark. It has to be pretty good as my 8 and 10 year olds can get a fire going with it!

09-07-2011, 08:39 PM
i use one, using tissue to start the fire then builds up

10-07-2011, 11:50 PM

Does anyone know if these small firesteels are any good as appose to a more.. Normal type of one?

hi Kieran, try one of these off ebay: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1-X-Survival-Magnesium-Flint-Fire-Steel-Starter-Striker-/110702675883?pt=UK_Health_Beauty_First_Aid_ET&hash=item19c664c7ab
i have used these people before and the firesteel works as well as any 'light my fire' one, costs £1.99 with free postage.

11-07-2011, 07:59 AM
hi Kieran, try one of these off ebay: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1-X-Survival-Magnesium-Flint-Fire-Steel-Starter-Striker-/110702675883?pt=UK_Health_Beauty_First_Aid_ET&hash=item19c664c7ab
i have used these people before and the firesteel works as well as any 'light my fire' one, costs £1.99 with free postage.

For that price, I'll have a go with them too. :happy-clapping:

12-07-2011, 07:59 PM
For that price, I'll have a go with them too. :happy-clapping:

You have to wait ages for it too come!
Go on OutdoorValue.co.uk

£1.50 BCB Firesteel

12-07-2011, 07:59 PM
hi Kieran, try one of these off ebay: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1-X-Survival-Magnesium-Flint-Fire-Steel-Starter-Striker-/110702675883?pt=UK_Health_Beauty_First_Aid_ET&hash=item19c664c7ab
i have used these people before and the firesteel works as well as any 'light my fire' one, costs £1.99 with free postage.

My last one was from eBay for £1 and was brilliant.

Ashley Cawley
13-07-2011, 12:32 PM
Personally I'm not keen of the style of the one in the first post. My favourite style of Firesteel is this one:
Which is a Light My Fire Mini firesteel the beauty is with these; they're so small & light you genuinely don't notice your carrying them so great for keyrings or sheath carrys and they are dead easy to use.

The large firesteels are quite substantial and you certainly know your carrying them if they're jangling about and I thought why carry something that might produce 12,000-15,000 worth of fire strikes on every trip when I could carry a mini one, a fraction of the size/weight which still might produce around 1,500 strikes.

They cost about £3.99 from GreenmanBushcraft, I once purchased about 15 for course I was doing with kids, since I've given a load away to friends... Martin & Matt can't get enough they keep coming back for more! :p

13-07-2011, 12:44 PM
... I've given a load away to friends... Martin & Matt can't get enough they keep coming back for more! :p

He's spot on there. Mine works every time and is light as a feather. :)


13-07-2011, 01:31 PM
Greenman bushcraft £3.99 for the firesteel plus £3.95 post and packing = £7.94 for one. Why does a firesteel cost £3.95 to post ?

BCB fire-steel they still want £2.95 p&p from outdoor value.

Scorpians ebay one looks the best value,,,,,so far. Item location Hong Kong, mmhh, that may take a while to arrive. Do you pay import tax on that ?

We could do with a comparison field test on firesteels.

19-07-2011, 06:41 PM
Make one.

Step 1 Buy a pack of flints from a tobaccanist (6flints 49p) and some araldite from pound land (£1.00 !!) a broken hacksaw blade and an old garden cane.
Step 2 Get a piece of garden cane 6" long and cut a groove about 1 1/2" long at one end.
Step 3 Mix araldite and put into the groove you have just made, now place the flints in the araldite end to end make sure you cover the flints with the glue and leave to dry or 24 hours.
Step 4 Take the hacksaw bladeand and brake about 2" o one end, scrape away the top layer of glue with the back untill you get down to the flints, you now have your very own firesteel, use a piece of cord to fasten the blade to the firesteel and use as you would a shop bought one.
Step 5 Eat a meal or just keep warm. Enjoy

20-08-2011, 05:40 AM
Try the Gobspark Ranger or Armageddon: http://firesteel.com/categories/FireSteel-with-Handles/

Or, the more expensive ESSE: http://www.eseeknives.com/fire_kit.htm

21-08-2011, 01:33 AM
hi Kieran, try one of these off ebay: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1-X-Survival-Magnesium-Flint-Fire-Steel-Starter-Striker-/110702675883?pt=UK_Health_Beauty_First_Aid_ET&hash=item19c664c7ab
i have used these people before and the firesteel works as well as any 'light my fire' one, costs £1.99 with free postage.

Token Bear Grylls plug in that posting, surprised his name isn't attached too..... Lol