View Full Version : Cold drinks

05-07-2011, 03:08 PM
At the moment we seem to be having hot weather, at least where I live anyways. Hydration is therefore a must and having no beer at hand, tea or water is the next best thing.
Now I was out in the woods today and a tall cold frosty one would have gone down a treat, alas that wasn’t to be and it was water for me.
So this got me remembering when I would fill a plastic bottle with water and freeze it leaving an inch or so at the top for expansion. This would be taken out with me along with an unfrozen bottle of water. The frozen bottle stays frozen for hours in a rucksack although you may want to wrap it a plastic bag.
Iced tea is also thirst quenching on a hot day.
Make your tea as normal (no milk) add lemon juice, sugar for sweetness then freeze in a plastic bottle ready to take out with you.