View Full Version : All quiet on the forum front

Metal mug
21-07-2011, 06:48 PM
It's been quiet on the site lately, it's almost like everyone's been going off bushcrafting. :D We can't have that. ;)

21-07-2011, 07:05 PM
ha! I think the problem is we are all pretty clued up....we need some new blood!

21-07-2011, 07:13 PM
I'm clueless, but I'm drowning in work. Just finished now after starting at 7am. It's 8:12 pm. :(

Metal mug
21-07-2011, 07:17 PM
I'm clueless, but I'm drowning in work. Just finished now after starting at 7am. It's 8:12 pm. :(That's a fair old shift.

Adam Savage
21-07-2011, 07:20 PM
I'm clueless, but I'm drowning in work. Just finished now after starting at 7am. It's 8:12 pm. :(

Sounds like you need an escape to the country buddy.

21-07-2011, 08:21 PM
There's always the Blues in the Barn at Woodland Valley Farm this weekend. A weekend of bushcrafting and cracking bands playing into the night. What a perfect mix. :) You and the family would be very welcome Bernie.


21-07-2011, 08:41 PM
Well Im buggered for getting out, just had a permission pulled because of idiots letting fires get out of control and leaving mess everywhere.

Busy tomorrow too. Be out of the house for 0700 probably back circa 1900

21-07-2011, 09:36 PM
I think its that time of year when everything seems like it needs to be done NOW rather than dragging out into the summer when holidays are due and you just want to get out and about. Kids are coming up to the summer hols, schools and clubs have open sessions and presentation evenings, work keeps dragging you out, the VAT man wants his peice of the action, the cat or the dog needs the vet, the goldfish is floating upside down (I'm sure there used to be ten fish in the tank but now its nine), the wife wants the house finished, the workshop needs building at the end of the garden...blah blah blah...

I need a break!

22-07-2011, 09:22 AM
This is actually one of my less favourite times to get out... bloody ticks are thick on the ground!

22-07-2011, 11:55 AM
damn right about the ticks, i Live in barnstaple and have a small counrty path where i take the dog out for a walk most evenings. last week I pulled 3 of these little blighters out of him, poor thing right by his nut sack too lol.

22-07-2011, 12:00 PM
damn right about the ticks, i Live in barnstaple and have a small counrty path where i take the dog out for a walk most evenings. last week I pulled 3 of these little blighters out of him, poor thing right by his nut sack too lol.

Haha youch!

Metal mug
22-07-2011, 12:38 PM
I think its that time of year when everything seems like it needs to be done NOW rather than dragging out into the summer when holidays are due and you just want to get out and about. Kids are coming up to the summer hols, schools and clubs have open sessions and presentation evenings, work keeps dragging you out, the VAT man wants his peice of the action, the cat or the dog needs the vet, the goldfish is floating upside down (I'm sure there used to be ten fish in the tank but now its nine), the wife wants the house finished, the workshop needs building at the end of the garden...blah blah blah...

I need a break!It's under 2 months to the Pool bridge meet. :happy-clapping: I'm counting the days.

22-07-2011, 01:03 PM
damn right about the ticks, i Live in barnstaple and have a small counrty path where i take the dog out for a walk most evenings. last week I pulled 3 of these little blighters out of him, poor thing right by his nut sack too lol.

Try removing a tick from the actual nut sack of a 6 kg. red country cat. My arms looked like I had been cuddling barbed wire.

22-07-2011, 03:01 PM
now thats gotta hurt. you win the tick on the nut sack round lol

22-07-2011, 03:14 PM
As a few of us who have other people to consider ie wives, girlfriends, boyfriends brats, coffin dodging relatives (Ed: you've offended enough now get on with it) have noted, it's the time of year that we start preparing for the dreaded Summer Holday.

Metal mug
23-07-2011, 01:48 PM
it's the time of year that we start preparing for the dreaded Summer Holday. I've fueled up the double decker, now to call up Cliff Richard and Melvyn Hayes and to see if they're free. :D

23-07-2011, 02:19 PM
As a few of us who have other people to consider ie wives, girlfriends, boyfriends brats, coffin dodging relatives (Ed: you've offended enough now get on with it) have noted, it's the time of year that we start preparing for the dreaded Summer Holday.

My missus is going on hols without me - Im staying at home to look after the dogs:happy-clapping:

Ashley Cawley
26-07-2011, 09:54 AM
Well - I'm on my summer holidays now! ;) so I'll probably be out in the woods & on here more.


26-07-2011, 12:18 PM
Thats nice of you to rub it all in Ashley, your on summer hols, going out enjoying the fresh country air, camping out having a whale of a time and all i can see is my damn desk. roll on sept 15th boo hoo

Adam Savage
26-07-2011, 08:36 PM
Thats nice of you to rub it all in Ashley, your on summer hols, going out enjoying the fresh country air, camping out having a whale of a time and all i can see is my damn desk. roll on sept 15th boo hoo

You could download a load of foresty type pictures, arrange them as a virtual tour, then sit watching them as you listen to recordings of natterjacks and pigeons...might work...lol.

26-07-2011, 10:01 PM
I could also add a few bonsai trees a small bit of turf and leaves around the chair area and a small fan blowing a cool breeze and I could almost feel like I was out there lol

Adam Savage
26-07-2011, 10:44 PM
I could also add a few bonsai trees a small bit of turf and leaves around the chair area and a small fan blowing a cool breeze and I could almost feel like I was out there lol

I think we need to approach dragons den with a virtual bushcraft environment. Could be on to a winner there.

27-07-2011, 04:23 PM
Not too sure having a log fire by the computer terminal will swing the vote though, perhaps a pyramid fake fire with glowing red bulbs could work. Worth a thought lol

Adam Savage
27-07-2011, 04:54 PM
Not too sure having a log fire by the computer terminal will swing the vote though, perhaps a pyramid fake fire with glowing red bulbs could work. Worth a thought lol

I'll have a look for one of those flame effect, electric fires at the dump (or a local skip), some of that green mat you only seem to find on fruit and veg stands, and maybe knock up some trees from loo rolls and carnations ;)

27-07-2011, 05:50 PM
I reckon if the dragons arnt interested Blue Peter could give us jobs lol

Adam Savage
27-07-2011, 07:30 PM
I reckon if the dragons arnt interested Blue Peter could give us jobs lol

Nah, you need a qualification in sticky back plastic to work on that show. :p

27-07-2011, 07:39 PM
Damn only qualification I have is with copydex glue and a pritstick

Adam Savage
27-07-2011, 07:58 PM
Damn only qualification I have is with copydex glue and a pritstick

They may take you on under advisement, as long as you can prove you have fairy liquid bottle experience and several references from primary school teachers. ;)

27-07-2011, 08:11 PM
Cool I'm all fairyed up and am sure I can get a reference although I doubt it will be a glowing one but I have the edge as am great with duct tape a bit of rope and a shovel, I love the out doors me lol

Still trying to figure out why my profile picture ain't coming up any ideas ..?

Adam Savage
28-07-2011, 05:54 PM
Cool I'm all fairyed up and am sure I can get a reference although I doubt it will be a glowing one but I have the edge as am great with duct tape a bit of rope and a shovel, I love the out doors me lol

Still trying to figure out why my profile picture ain't coming up any ideas ..?

You need to set the picture as your avatar, rather than your profile pic buddy.