View Full Version : John & val Lord at Celtic Harmony

25-07-2011, 06:23 AM
I live close to Celtic Harmony and I'm frustrated that I'm not around for this day at the end of August http://www.celticharmony.org/pages/days_primitive_skills_festival.php as they have John & val Lord attending doing flint knapping and with the other stuff they are laying on it's a steal at £7 for an adult.

It's in Hertfordshire and they do everything from bushcraft courses to school days and have also had Karl Lee and the guy that makes the bows that Ray's featured on his programmes (call you tell his name escapes me?).

Ashley Cawley
25-07-2011, 04:19 PM
Great stuff :) I've done a flint knapping workshop with John & Will Lord at the Bushmoot and really enjoyed it.


28-07-2011, 08:21 PM
I've just read in our local paper that the site has had it's kitchen roundhouse burn to the ground so the event is off apparently :(