View Full Version : Pole Spear

Aaron Rushton
28-07-2011, 03:12 PM
hi all,
wasn't sure wether to post this in the fishing section or here but it seemedto suit this best. basically this is a fish shooting device, usually used whilst you are submurged. i'm an avid freediver and spearfisherman but my speargun isnt very discreet. i wanted something i could take on the train with me as im visiting my dad in plymouth this weekend, and i've heard theres good spearfishing there. so i got on the interent and saw a lot of commercially available pole spears. but me being the resourcefull type i decided i'd makee it myself. these cost around 25 quid new but this cost me a grand total of £4.
all you need is:
Old fishing rod section at least 4ft. if you want it to be folding like mine then i suggest you use half a telescopic fishing for, with the tip sections removed as the are too weak.
Bicylce spokes, as thick as you can find
2ft of surgical tubing, 9mm
20-30lb monofilmetn fishing line

first i got 3 bike wheel spokes and sharpened them with a file. most commerically available pole spears have barbs but i couldnt make barbs so i have to rely on pinning the fish down or grabbing kit. although, as the spokes are flexible they have the addedbonus of pushing out when they go through the fish, making it unlikely that the fish will jsut fall off. i whipped them together with some monofilment fishing line, putting a few square lashings down through the spokes, pulling really tight to pushe them out. i then put a load of half hitches in it and a line od superglue to leave it to dry. as it was drying, i cut of the telescopic fishing rod just above the handle (make sure its extended first or you'll cut through the other sections!) then got a pair of pliers and ripped off the line rings. the stubs were a bit rough so i filed them down and put some electrical tape over them. if ou don't have a telescopic rod, jsut a single section, them in order for it to be smooth and streamlined you will have to remove the cork from the handle and the rea seat wich might tkae some time. i then drilled a hole through the bottom section. i had bought some surgical tubing in a dive sho for £4 a few weeks ago in the thought of making a catapult, but never got around to it so that got used for this. i lashed a monfilmet loop onto each f the surgical tubing, sealing it off with a load of halfhtiches and a little super glue. i then gor some shoelace tied it onto one loop, threaded it through the hole in the bottom section and tied it onto the over loop. now that the tip was dry i smothered a load of epoxy on it and in the rod itself and wedged it in, making it sort of just so,lidplastic lump sticking it in there as the rod is tapered. once that is dry you now have a pole spear! i added a bit of bike inner tubing for grip, which is easily removable with a bit of electricla tape. took me about 2 and a half hours to do (includin glue dryint time!) here's the result (including what it did to an orange with the tip about 3ft away:

Aaron Rushton
28-07-2011, 03:18 PM
folded down:

28-07-2011, 03:49 PM
That Orange looks more like a tangerine Hybrid - Good fishing Aaron ! Love the pole.

28-07-2011, 03:53 PM
Interesting idea, I like it!

31-07-2011, 04:51 PM
That Orange looks more like a tangerine Hybrid - Good fishing Aaron ! Love the pole.

Looks more like a pumpkin than a oringe looking at the flowers in the fore ground.