View Full Version : Trying out a diy cocoon for my hammock

30-08-2011, 06:24 PM
had a night up my local woods on saturday to try out a new albeit homemade cocoon for my hammock, i went up late afternoon so's i had enough time just to set everything up and make any final adjustments. i decided on a cocoon instead of an underquilt as it should stand me in good stead for a little winter hammocking.


By the time i'd finished setting everything up the sun was just starting to go down, so i got the trangia out and boiled a little water for a pot noodle (where would i be without my pot noodle lol!)




and finished off with a nice cuppa and a biscuit before retiring for the evening in my hammock.


30-08-2011, 06:29 PM
i just led there enjoying the peace and quiet and the next thing i
knew i woke up at 3am and feeling too hot and having to totally
unzip the cocoon, and i thought to myself that'll do the job nicely
when it gets a little colder. i got back off to sleep untill i was
awakened by the dawn chorus and the sun just peeping up over the
horizon, it was the best nights sleep i've had in ages, i just
gotta say the older i get the more i like my hammock its just so
much more comfortable, but on saying that i will still ground camp,
it really depends on the terrain at the end of the day.

anyways i thought it was time i got up and put the kettle on to
make a brew. and then i just sat down with my back against a tree,
cuppa in hand and watched the sun come up, and as the penetrating
rays began breaking through the tree canopy. it was a real
heartwarming sight and never ceases to amaze me. but then i dont
need to tell you guys that do i.




30-08-2011, 06:37 PM
after a while i decided to get some breakfast on, first up a couple of sausages went into the pan



once they were nice and brown they were put on my little clickstand with the simmer ring on just to keep'em warm then the beans went into the pot on the trangia


30-08-2011, 06:47 PM
then when the beans were hot enough the sausages were put in with the beans and put on the little clickstand to keep warm, then i got the frying pan back on and got two eggs on the go


as soon as i dished everything out onto my plate (i was absolutely starving now)



before i sat down to eat i filled the kettle and put it on just simmering so's it would be ready for a cuppa once i'd finished my breakfast.cos if there's one thing i need to round my breakfast off, yes you've guessed it lol! its a nice cuppa. and just as i finished eating the kettle was coming to the boil.


i then just led in the hammock for half an hour whilst sipping my tea and then decided to have a cleanup and start putting my gear away and as you can see in the last pic you'd not know that anyone was ever there


then i made my way home at a nice leisurely pace, and looking forward to trying the cocoon out when weather gets decidely cooler as autumn approaches.



30-08-2011, 07:42 PM
Excellent pictures. It looks like you had a really cozy time.

Always nice to see good LNT practice.

30-08-2011, 07:42 PM
Thanks for that Tinkers - some good photos, i enjoyed them.

30-08-2011, 07:59 PM
Nice detailed narrative, and plenty of good pictures. I especially appreciated the close-up of the gourmet grub, and although I've just consumed a plate of tikka masala, I am now hungry again from seeing those. With posts like this we almost don't need to go ourselves, 'cos we feel like we're there already!

30-08-2011, 09:35 PM
Nice post, glad you had a good time.

31-08-2011, 05:28 AM
thanks jeep, cozy it certainly was. and as regards LNT its simply showing a little respect for the land owner and the enviroment itself, something my father instilled in me from a very young age.

Excellent pictures. It looks like you had a really cozy time.

Always nice to see good LNT practice.

31-08-2011, 05:34 AM
cheers realbark, glad you liked the pics, i always try and take a camera along albeit a pocket jobbie.

Thanks for that Tinkers - some good photos, i enjoyed them.

31-08-2011, 05:49 AM
glad you enjoyed the post bigzee, the feedback is appreciated, i was thinking there were too many pics but it seems to have worked out ok. i know just what you mean as regards the pics of my brekkie coming along, whenever i look at them my mouth waters, i know its only sausage egg and beans but it tastes so much better outdoors lol!

Nice detailed narrative, and plenty of good pictures. I especially appreciated the close-up of the gourmet grub, and although I've just consumed a plate of tikka masala, I am now hungry again from seeing those. With posts like this we almost don't need to go ourselves, 'cos we feel like we're there already!

31-08-2011, 06:15 AM
thanks terry, glad you enjoyed the post, i always have a good time when i'm out, even when its a little challenging, my father always used to say what dont kill you makes you stronger, never really understood it as i was quite young and a little headstrong at the time (typical teen lol!), but as i'm approaching my 50's i can look back and appreciate just what he meant now.

Nice post, glad you had a good time.

31-08-2011, 07:35 AM
Now, that's what I call a good post. Loved it. :)


31-08-2011, 01:14 PM
Hi tinkers look like you had a grate time...............Respect...........DONT GE EATON BY THE BEARS............TONY

paul standley
31-08-2011, 07:46 PM
Sunshine in South East Wales - Dam, I must have blinked...!

Good storybook Tinker, like the coccon, maybe you could do a post on how you made it and sourced the bits ?.

Paul ;)

02-09-2011, 07:26 PM
looks great

03-09-2011, 08:54 AM
thanks martin
glad you liked it, i hope to become an active member on this forum, and get many more threads and posts up over the coming months, its a veritable treasure trove of information on here, and everyone's so willing to help others out with hints tips and good advice.


Now, that's what I call a good post. Loved it. :)


03-09-2011, 09:03 AM
hiya tony
thank you, i always have a great time in my local woods, its much more suited to hammocking though being surrounded by mountains and forestry. as for the bears they're pretty friendly in my neck of the woods lol!


Hi tinkers look like you had a grate time...............Respect...........DONT GE EATON BY THE BEARS............TONY

03-09-2011, 09:14 AM
thanks matt
glad you liked the thread, just had a look at you and your mates hammocking vid nice one, its good to see the younger guys with an interest in something other than just the pc or xbox, as my son wont get off his, i'd swear he's glued to the damn chair sometimes lol!

keep up the good work


looks great

03-09-2011, 09:25 AM
...its good to see the younger guys with an interest in something other than just the pc or xbox, as my son wont get off his, i'd swear he's glued to the damn chair sometimes lol!

keep up the good work


I know that one but get my kids in the woods and they never want to leave, its just getting them out in the first place

03-09-2011, 09:28 AM
hi paul
yeah you must have blinked lol! as we've not really had a lot of sun in the last week or two, i guess i was just lucky. glad you liked the thread i'll see what i can sort out as regards another thread as to how i made the cocoon and the parts i used, its nothing special, and it was hand sown as i dont have a machine but it works a treat, but it might be off interest to others who may be thinking doing something similar. thanks for the idea.

tinkers ;)

Sunshine in South East Wales - Dam, I must have blinked...!
Good storybook Tinker, like the coccon, maybe you could do a post on how you made it and sourced the bits ?.
Paul ;)

Ashley Cawley
03-09-2011, 07:45 PM
Great post - you made me hungry for more camping and breakfast! :)

Glad to hear your liking your cocoon, I absolutely swear by mine, I've done down to -5 in it on Dartmoor with no additional sleeping bag or roll-mat etc, however I will admit on that one occasion it was a little chilly, could have done with a something little extra. but other times I have quite comfortably woke up to frosty mornings.

I get asked about cocoons quite often, both where to buy and how to make your own, if anyone feels up to it I think it would make a great article for the site; a guide/template to follow as to what to buy and how to make? If anyone feels up to it and would like to write such an article for the website please get in touch.

04-09-2011, 12:22 PM
thanks ashley
glad you liked the post, nothing like seeing a bit of food cooked up outdoors to make one wanna get out:D the cocoon was really cozy but the real test will be in a few months time once the temps drop, it probably does not have the insulation qualities of your snugpak though, so i'll still take a sleeping bag as well until i have an idea as to the insulating efficiency on mine. the weight on my one including the exped side strap 19ltr dry bag which holds it is 1.8kg. the exped bag compresses up pretty compact too owing to the straps and the valve, here's a pic showing a 1ltr nalgene for size comparison

i think it is a reasonable weight and pretty compact considering the cocoon is just over 3 metres long i was wondering as to what sorta weight and pack size you have with the snugpak?


Great post - you made me hungry for more camping and breakfast! :)

Glad to hear your liking your cocoon, I absolutely swear by mine, I've done down to -5 in it on Dartmoor with no additional sleeping bag or roll-mat etc, however I will admit on that one occasion it was a little chilly, could have done with a something little extra. but other times I have quite comfortably woke up to frosty mornings.

I get asked about cocoons quite often, both where to buy and how to make your own, if anyone feels up to it I think it would make a great article for the site; a guide/template to follow as to what to buy and how to make? If anyone feels up to it and would like to write such an article for the website please get in touch.

19-09-2011, 11:13 AM
Great post - you made me hungry for more camping and breakfast! :)

Glad to hear your liking your cocoon, I absolutely swear by mine, I've done down to -5 in it on Dartmoor with no additional sleeping bag or roll-mat etc, however I will admit on that one occasion it was a little chilly, could have done with a something little extra. but other times I have quite comfortably woke up to frosty mornings.

I get asked about cocoons quite often, both where to buy and how to make your own, if anyone feels up to it I think it would make a great article for the site; a guide/template to follow as to what to buy and how to make? If anyone feels up to it and would like to write such an article for the website please get in touch.

Would really appreciate a detailed instruction on how to make a cocoon as I'm getting my 8 year old son a hammock for xmas and I know he's going to want to sleep out in it boxing day.... 2 years ago I was breaking ice on a local lake so he could try out his new kayak on boxing day, would like this xmas to be a bit warmer.

Ashley Cawley
21-09-2011, 04:47 PM
I finally got round to posting up an article about my cocoon - http://www.naturalbushcraft.co.uk/kit/reviews/hammock-cocoon-what-is-a-hammock-cocoon.html

05-04-2012, 09:20 PM
Very enjoyable post, thanks tinkers.