View Full Version : 127 Hours Survival Skills

03-09-2011, 10:19 PM
I have just watched 127 hours, Jeeeeeessssssuuuuuuusssssss the man deserves a medal

2 points:

1, All my outdoor experiences fade in to obscurity, I can only hope I have his resolve!

2, The perfect shock horror I'm sure, to our offspring, who we hope will follow us out into the wild spaces of the UK & globally. ( Never break rule no' 1 "Tell Momma when you go off somewhere!" )

I appreciate he was a tit, which he admits, but a very inspirational survival story!

03-09-2011, 11:02 PM
My wife bought me the book (between a rock and a hard place), last year which was in a charity shop just before the film came out. I dunno how much of his other adventures feature in the film (cos I'm too squeamish with "claret" to watch it), but his outdoor adventures before the canyon incident were pretty impressive in the book. In particular I like the tale of when a bear follows him around on a solo winter mountaineering trip, and pisses him off so much he turns and lobs a big stone at him (not texbook advice), but seemed to work!

03-09-2011, 11:26 PM
My wife bought me the book (between a rock and a hard place), last year which was in a charity shop just before the film came out. I dunno how much of his other adventures feature in the film (cos I'm too squeamish with "claret" to watch it), but his outdoor adventures before the canyon incident were pretty impressive in the book. In particular I like the tale of when a bear follows him around on a solo winter mountaineering trip, and pisses him off so much he turns and lobs a big stone at him (not texbook advice), but seemed to work!

Not heard of the book before now I'll have to check it out! Thanks for the tip!

Ashley Cawley
04-09-2011, 04:10 PM
My friend; Nathan who enjoys climbing brought this film round to watch one evening, interesting and gruesome, based on a true story the guy was lucky to get out, we all make mistakes, he was brave & strong. I enjoyed the film, here's the trailer...


04-09-2011, 06:47 PM
Yes very good film, makes you wonder if you could the same under the same circumstances....mmmm...not sure if i could get the opimel to lock with one hand.....but if nothing else it gives you kick up the Kyber to keep your knife sharp!!


ps my personel fave just has to be Into the wild, great film, great soundtrack and great book too!

Mountain Goat
19-12-2011, 08:36 PM
My wife bought me the book (between a rock and a hard place), last year which was in a charity shop just before the film came out. I dunno how much of his other adventures feature in the film (cos I'm too squeamish with "claret" to watch it), but his outdoor adventures before the canyon incident were pretty impressive in the book. In particular I like the tale of when a bear follows him around on a solo winter mountaineering trip, and pisses him off so much he turns and lobs a big stone at him (not texbook advice), but seemed to work!

But remember he was told by the guy at the trailhead when he got back that nine out of ten who do that get mauled.

20-12-2011, 12:32 PM
Yup, great book. I read it a couple of years before the film came out. It was refreshing how closely the movie stuck with the book's story line as well. I was just talking to a co-worker about this yesterday too. My #1 rule whether I'm alone or with a group: Leave an itinerary with my wife along with the proper emergency numbers for the area I'll be hiking in. The Adirondack State Park here in New York is 6.1 million acres. That's 25,000 km/sq or about 9,500 mi/sq, so it's a big place to get lost if you just head out on your own.

People can look at Aaron Ralston from the outside, and say what a dope he was, but I'm sure the rest of us have been in similar situations where if things turned badly, we would have been in just as dire straits as he was. I'm glad the guy made it, not just because life is precious, but because his unbelievably compelling story will stick in the minds of people about to head out on an adventure and hopefully cause them to "leave a note." I always think, "There, but for the grace of God, go I too." Best piece of gear: your brain.

21-12-2011, 07:41 PM
Must watch it :D

22-12-2011, 02:56 PM
I've seen some behind the scenes photos of him whilst filming some kind of "celebrities in the wilderness" program.
This one cracks me up.

Ashley Cawley
22-12-2011, 03:46 PM
Hehe... looks like he's got a good sense of humour about him :) ... where did you come across that then? lol.

22-12-2011, 04:45 PM
This was taken by the survival advisor crew.

02-01-2012, 09:34 PM
Wonder how many people this has woken up/saved? Quite often stop and think before going out (and make sure I've got my leatherman ;) )