View Full Version : Need A New Rucksack Cover

12-09-2011, 01:23 PM
Since I ripped my rucksack cover a couple of weeks ago I need to get a new one. Especially now Autumn is a coming and a bit of the wet stuff is more and more likely.
But, do you know what, I can't get one anywhere!?

I don't want a camouflage one, I don't want a black one and I don't want a bright red/blue/yellow one either.

All I want is plain olive green.

Anyone know where I can get one? It needs to go over a Karrimor Sabre 45 with side pouches (so a 60-70L size). And no - I don't have to have an official (overpriced) Karrimor cover!

I tried getting one off evilbay but they sent me the wrong size, and said they didn't have any in the size I needed (it was OK though - I have a smaller pack and the cover fits that fine).

I've tried phoning around the local surplus shops - all either camo or desert. Costwolds, Mountain Warehouse and Millets only have black or hi-vis ones.

Am I really asking for too much!?

12-09-2011, 01:26 PM
You could try Highlander. Some of their packs come with og covers. I know that Endicott's are stockists so you could give them a call and they may be able to get one for you. Alternatively, give Highlander a call and they should be able to help.


12-09-2011, 01:45 PM
In fact, just check this out.



Metal mug
12-09-2011, 07:05 PM
I've been trying to get a highlander cover for a while. There seems to be a shortage at the moment.

12-09-2011, 08:07 PM
Have a chat with Kevin at Endicotts. I'm sure he'll have a chat with Highlander for you, or talk to the rep when he next calls on them.


13-09-2011, 09:36 AM
What do you think then Humakt? Is this what you're looking for?


14-09-2011, 09:43 PM
Personally I am quite fond of the covers from Trekmates; they are good value for money imho.

15-09-2011, 07:25 AM
Funnily enough, the one I did buy from ebay was a Highlander one, and in olive green. But when I looked on the Highlander website I couldn't find it, and the only ones they had were black with 'HIGHLANDER' splashed across the back - and I want neither a black one nor to become someone else's walking advert.
My search continues...