View Full Version : Just an idea - Photography Contest

24-11-2010, 01:49 PM
In some other forums I know (bushcrafty or not) there are sometimes photo contests (monthly/quarterly/whatever). I think we have enough people to do it and would be a healthy competion between the users that could be or not be rewarded. It would be fun mixing compacts, bridges, SLR's and DSLR's because we're not a photo community (altough I think there are many enthusiasts).

So what do you think?

24-11-2010, 02:26 PM
Count me in, sounds like a great idea

25-11-2010, 02:16 PM
looks like you're the only without fear of showing your photo skills shewie...:confused:

25-11-2010, 03:40 PM
Yeah, that's a great idea.

I'd be up for a bit of friendly competition. Who's gonna do the judging?


25-11-2010, 04:08 PM
I was thinking of some moderator or administrator receiving the photos from the participants (it would have some rules regarding maximum size and timeline to send the photos) and then creating a thread showing the photos with a poll to all members vote...

Ashley Cawley
25-11-2010, 04:40 PM
In some other forums I know (bushcrafty or not) there are sometimes photo contests (monthly/quarterly/whatever). I think we have enough people to do it and would be a healthy competion between the users that could be or not be rewarded. It would be fun mixing compacts, bridges, SLR's and DSLR's because we're not a photo community (altough I think there are many enthusiasts).

So what do you think?

I was thinking of some moderator or administrator receiving the photos from the participants (it would have some rules regarding maximum size and timeline to send the photos) and then creating a thread showing the photos with a poll to all members vote...

Sounds like a good idea to me!

I like the idea of the members voting on poll. And I would be interested in having a go myself :)

Do you mind setting it up a little yourself (and/or Shewie also)? ie. coming up with some relevant rules, perhaps a topic to shoot on? If your up for sorting out more details I'm sure I can arrange for a prize. :)

25-11-2010, 04:58 PM
Sounds like a good idea to me!

I like the idea of the members voting on poll. And I would be interested in having a go myself :)

Do you mind setting it up a little yourself (and/or Shewie also)? ie. coming up with some relevant rules, perhaps a topic to shoot on? If your up for sorting out more details I'm sure I can arrange for a prize. :)

You can't enter!!! You're management now. :D


Ashley Cawley
25-11-2010, 05:45 PM
You can't enter!!! You're management now. :D ...
I bloody can!... It's my forum, I can win every time if I want to! :p

No seriously, would be nice to have an open-competition where all members can vote on a poll.

25-11-2010, 06:08 PM
I'm game for trying to set something up, maybe a theme each month or just leave it open to anything bushcraft related.

We could ask for entries and then create a poll to get the votes in, maybe have a cut off date of around a month for the entries and voting ?

Can admin edit an existing thread and turn it into a poll ? Could a thread be locked after so many days but still allow us to make it a poll and then vote on it ?

Ashley Cawley
25-11-2010, 06:30 PM
...Can admin edit an existing thread and turn it into a poll ? Could a thread be locked after so many days but still allow us to make it a poll and then vote on it ?
I've just checked and yes I can edit an existing thread and add a Poll to it, I can also lock it, but I'm pretty sure it will lock-down the poll too.

25-11-2010, 08:07 PM
Sounds like a good idea to me!

I like the idea of the members voting on poll. And I would be interested in having a go myself :)

Do you mind setting it up a little yourself (and/or Shewie also)? ie. coming up with some relevant rules, perhaps a topic to shoot on? If your up for sorting out more details I'm sure I can arrange for a prize. :)

Well I think this topic should be enough to make everyone give ideas in order to make the final rules of the contest.

I have some ideas of course:

-The contest should be open for everyone that is registered on the forum (mods and admins are included)
-Obviously the photos should be taken by the participants; :p
-The picture could not have appeared previously in the forum;
-The photo should have some minimum size (ex:800x600)
-I think it should be bushcraft/nature related but without a specific theme;
-There would be a deadline to enter on the monthly (it can be different) contests and then a thread is opened in order to everyone from the forum vote on the photo they like more.

Example: photos should be sent to someones PM inbox (it could be me or any other person) until December 5th and then I would open a thread with the photos and it will be up with a poll until December 29th (and it would be cool to not reveal the person that took the photo until the poll ends)

Ashley, if you could arrange a prize that would be just great!:jumping-joy:

06-12-2010, 08:31 AM
Anything more happening with this, I really like the idea.

06-12-2010, 07:28 PM
Well I was hoping some movement on this thread but I guess I was wrong...

Ashley Cawley
06-12-2010, 08:29 PM
Sorry folks! I've been really busy lately and some how this one slipped my net. I'm still really up for doing this!!

Well I think this topic should be enough to make everyone give ideas in order to make the final rules of the contest.

I have some ideas of course:

-The contest should be open for everyone that is registered on the forum (mods and admins are included)
-Obviously the photos should be taken by the participants; :p
-The picture could not have appeared previously in the forum;
-The photo should have some minimum size (ex:800x600)
-I think it should be bushcraft/nature related but without a specific theme;
-There would be a deadline to enter on the monthly (it can be different) contests and then a thread is opened in order to everyone from the forum vote on the photo they like more.

Example: photos should be sent to someones PM inbox (it could be me or any other person) until December 5th and then I would open a thread with the photos and it will be up with a poll until December 29th (and it would be cool to not reveal the person that took the photo until the poll ends)

Ashley, if you could arrange a prize that would be just great!:jumping-joy:

Sounds brilliant, Bush_Men do you mind running it? I can increase your PM inbox & space for photos etc. :)
I would really love for this to happen but I'm struggling for time at the moment, so would really appreciate if folks could help out in running it. Like I say, I will supply the prize and certainly (try) and enter myself. I'm really looking forward to peoples input.

06-12-2010, 08:45 PM
Not at all!;) And of course I accept the extra space on the Pm inbox.

I dunno if it's viable for December... I could start receiving the photos starting December 15th 'til the 31st and then on the 1st or 2nd of January put the 1st NBC Photo Contest on January.

06-12-2010, 09:45 PM
Excellent, So let me get this straight, Photo has to be taken between 15th and 31st and submitted then, judging opens in the New year? I'll start my recce for good photo locations now.

06-12-2010, 10:48 PM
Well I never said that the photos should be taken during the date of the delivery of the photos. I think It would be good but for that We have to get a good number of participations on the first or second contests and only then evolve to that. But then again if the majority of the members support that i'll go fot that right away...

Ashley Cawley
14-12-2010, 01:02 PM
Well I never said that the photos should be taken during the date of the delivery of the photos. I think It would be good but for that We have to get a good number of participations on the first or second contests and only then evolve to that. But then again if the majority of the members support that i'll go fot that right away...
Sorry I haven't been paying more attention to this just been hellishly busy lately.

I think we will need to aim for sometime a little further off now; perhaps just start planning for one in Jan?

14-12-2010, 04:26 PM
no prob for me on that...

17-12-2010, 08:55 PM
I'll look forward to it!

28-12-2010, 08:29 PM
really keen to enter this, any chance of sending out a message when its up and running as i usually get sidetracked on here reading articles and forget to check back to this thread.

30-03-2011, 10:35 PM
I'd def be interested in a photography comp.... (have a degree in photography but that doesn't mean I take good photos lol)

30-03-2011, 11:19 PM
I have a Crappy little digi camera but it takes photo's so i'd be up for some friendly competition for a giggle !

Nature Unleashed
16-04-2011, 11:47 PM
Did this materialise? I would like to enter when I get chance to get out with the cam :)

Adam Savage
17-04-2011, 08:02 AM
Would this be a contender? A chubby little robin at the local lake. I didn't realise how their heads looked straight on before.
