View Full Version : Woodland Working Party!

dave budd
12-09-2011, 06:59 PM
After the success of my last working party back in the spring lots of folk have said that they would like to come along next time. Well, I finally have the date for the next one and half a plan as to what I would like to get done :)

The general plan is to get a group of willing folk together in my woods for the weekend and get stuck into some of those jobs that either take me all winter to do on my own or simply require extra hands. Then on Saturday evening we have a jolly good knees up around the campfire! :campfire:

The date of the gathering is the weekend of the 26th-27th of November, though folk are welcome to arrive of the friday if they like.

The location is, fairy obviously, my woods near Cheirton Bishop (about 15 miles west of Exeter).

The plan of action will depend partly on whether the rain stops for long enough in the meantime for me to get some building materials into the woods. Some of the ideas below are based on having the building materials and others are incase we don't have them. so here are some ideas:

Extend my outdoor forge area (poles and roof on two sides)
Build 2 extra Roman/Saxon forges
Make bellows for the forges
Clear the top ride through the woods
Thin some more of the willow coppice that was started last time
Make a couple more shaving brakes
Make a group dining table and benches
Make a pole lathe or two

Obviously I don't expect to get all of those things done, but it's good to have a dream. One thing that I do insist happens is that folk enjoy themselves!

I've most of the tools for the work involved, but if I think of something that I don't have but might need I will post a request. Which leads me on to ask if anybody coming along has any special skills that they think might be useful?

I've a list of nearby accomodation for the wimps, but everyone else is welcome to camp in the woods. Plenty of space for hammocks or tents, but please remember that it is a 1/5 mile carry/wheelbarrow from where we park to the woods. So no stupid inflatable tents or trailers full of junk please ;) As for food, please cater for yourselves but I will pick up something for all to tuck into as well on saturday night (a bit like the hangi idea at the BCUK bushmoot).

Please sign up here or drop me a pm if you are interested in coming along (even if can only come for some of it, you are more than welcome!).

Many thanks to all who came last time and I hope this one will be as much fun! :)

12-09-2011, 07:50 PM
Wootie wooo!!! I just got the okay from SWIMBO. Finally, I can make a weekend in the woods. I'm SO HAPPY!

As you know Dave, once I have a clear understanding of what you want I'll work hard to get it done. I'll bring a few of my own tools for people to laugh at. :)

If it's okay with you I'd like to camp (bright green and red - NOT CAMO :ashamed:).

12-09-2011, 08:25 PM
Dave i would like to attend the weekend with maybe one other, just have to put in the dates. I can also bring along some tools as a backup.

12-09-2011, 10:21 PM
See you on the Friday. Anything you need for me to bring just post it here.

dave budd
13-09-2011, 09:46 AM
excellant start :) thanks guys!

Justin, you'll be pleased to know that the power supply is working well. Hasn't got above 72% charge yet, but then hasn't dropped below 69% either. I have to say that it's taking some getting used to not having to start the genny every 5 minutes! I did try welding, got three tack welds at 160Amp before it cut out, didn't think it would work at all.

So, so far we have:


13-09-2011, 10:55 AM
excellant start :) thanks guys!

Justin, you'll be pleased to know that the power supply is working well. Hasn't got above 72% charge yet, but then hasn't dropped below 69% either. I have to say that it's taking some getting used to not having to start the genny every 5 minutes! I did try welding, got three tack welds at 160Amp before it cut out, didn't think it would work at all.

Good to hear, its reassuring to see that the charge got to 72% which is showing that something is getting to the batteries from the panels. I am having a few doubts on the way those panels may have been connected in the past as the current is very small. I think one of my jobs will be to pull them all down, clean them and verify the connections. At least that way I know its all correct.

13-09-2011, 08:56 PM
Sounds good Dave, should be up for that.. :0)

dave budd
13-09-2011, 08:56 PM
it really wouldn't suprise me if the panels were compromised by the twit who set up the power system :( Last time I looked the panels were putting 2.6 amps I think it was, seemed quite sunny and was mid afternoon

13-09-2011, 09:35 PM
it really wouldn't suprise me if the panels were compromised by the twit who set up the power system :( Last time I looked the panels were putting 2.6 amps I think it was, seemed quite sunny and was mid afternoon

Well I have been looking into this one and on a good day it should be nearly eight times that! Definately going to pull it all to bits. Might give you a shout if I can get down sooner.

dave budd
14-09-2011, 07:56 AM
hmmm, sounds like it needs looking into! Let's hope I don't have to replace any!

15-09-2011, 02:04 PM
Dave, please add me to your list of willing workers.
Would Yeoford be the nearest station?


15-09-2011, 04:47 PM
Dave, please add me to your list of willing workers.
Would Yeoford be the nearest station?


Correct, its a sleepy little village and still a bit of a treck to get to the woods. Whats your plans on day of arrival/times etc as I have to go through Yeoford and may be able to meet you on the way through.

16-09-2011, 07:35 AM
Dave, please add me to your list of willing workers.
Would Yeoford be the nearest station?


Where are you coming in from Trev? I'll be driving from Exmouth early Saturday morning and returning Sunday afternoon. If anyone's interested in a lift I'm happy to pick up and drop off if it's not too far out of my way.

18-09-2011, 05:30 PM
Hi Jus & Bernie,

thanks for your kind offers. I'll be coming up from Plymouth with my bike on the train and cyling the bit from station to woods.
It's early days yet but if the weather looks poor (or the gradients look too daunting!) I might be grateful to leave the bike at home and take up your offer.
This reminds me that I haven't yet introduced myself on this site - I registered ages ago but these are my first posts. I'll remdy the intro this eve.

See you

dave budd
19-09-2011, 09:24 PM
hi TeaBee, of course your help will be more than welcome! :) I'm not sure where the neearest station is to be honest, but at a guess it would be either Crediton, Exeter, Okehampton or maybe Yeoford (but I don't think there is much difference between them?).You Might want to look at an OS map to decide whether the hills are too daunting, but it is a bit bumpy around here

22-09-2011, 10:33 AM
Thanks for the welcome, Dave.

I’ll study the map and make a decision about the bike nearer the time.
I don’t know exactly where you are – but it’s near Cheriton Bishop isn’t it?

dave budd
22-09-2011, 11:01 AM
that's right, the woods is about a mile from Cheriton village centre.

dave budd
22-09-2011, 03:06 PM
a little update on activities for the weekend :)

Alex, my charcoal man (Chew Valley Charcoal, as seen at the wilderness gathering, etc) has said that if folk are willing to help ferry wood to the kiln then he will get a burn going during the weekend. So it's likely that if you are interested in seeing how a FULL SIZED charcoal burn is carried out then you will be able to at my place! :D Quite a rare opportunity for most this one!

At present I have many piles of wood waiting to be moved but they are on the wrong side ofa bank, so a vehicle can't be used to get the woods out. So it will be a simple case of a human chain to move some wood around. Many hands will make light work of it believe me ;) The resulting charcoal will be used in my forges during coruses and shows next year, but I'm sure that I can find enough spare to fuel a decent BBQ over the weekend!

22-09-2011, 10:22 PM
Anything for food! (Well almost anything)

22-09-2011, 10:47 PM

I would like to see how a wood should be managed. Would it be OK if I stayed over Sunday night as there is a possible meet with some friends nearish on the Monday?

dave budd
23-09-2011, 08:14 AM
yep that's fine Edwin

24-09-2011, 03:48 PM
Hmmmmmmmm... will there be Forge Water available?? If so, and I can keep that date clear, then I'm in! ;)

24-09-2011, 05:26 PM
Would really like to come up for this Dave but not too sure on dates yet. Will keep an eye out and let you know for sure.


25-09-2011, 08:03 AM
Might have a +1 joining, and he is a chippy. Will confirm once he has cleared it with swmbo.

25-09-2011, 11:34 AM
Hmmmmmmmm... will there be Forge Water available?? If so, and I can keep that date clear, then I'm in! ;)

I don't think Forge Water has ever been a problem, has it? As long as no-one brings that dodgy chilly ale that got passed around at the Gathering. You feel compelled to try it but know your going to regret it! Mind you the cider was a bit that way as well!

dave budd
26-09-2011, 06:21 PM
i'll see what I can do regarding forge water, and maybe something less friendly for the brave (stupid) :war:

04-10-2011, 06:47 PM
just pm u mate about coming along will be up for that

10-10-2011, 11:32 PM
My +1 is confirmed.

04-11-2011, 11:41 PM
Bump! Getting closer...

dave budd
15-11-2011, 08:28 PM
The time is nearly upon us, so I guess I should get more info (and directions!) out to you all :D I've been a bit preoccupied with the last show (and some other things too), so my apologies for not updating this earlier.

I'll sort out which projects will be worked on first when we get to the weekend, based on the weather, materials on hand and who is available for what work. Here is what I have planned (in a rough order of priority):

1) Help Alex with the charcoal burn (Alex is the best collier I've come across and runs courses making charcoal, so its a great opportunity for those interested). Mostly ferrying wood, but also stacking the kiln followed by unloading and grading the charcoal.
2) Clear the top ride through the woods. Wion't take long, it's a short stretch of scrubby growth
3) Gather and cut firewood I've a saw horse set up (plus one for a chainsaw), but we could build another, otherwise its bowsaws and barrows, but there is alot of seasoned wood around that needs stacking up.
4) Extend the outdoor workshop I've got the wood, for the frame, but no roofing yet (I'm on the look out for some old tin, but might end up having to buy new)
5) Make bellows and at least one forge I've got the materials and the building of bellows is simple but I'm often asked how they work
6) Build benches and table I'll put some books out and point folk in the direction of wood, but the design and structure is up to you lot ;) There are a few on the list of volunteers who have some previous experience, so if anybody has a bright idea then let me know!
7) Open up the shooting range I've been meaning to open or move the archery range so I can make better use of it.

We have some lumps of meaty goodness on order from the butcher, so they can be buried in a hot hole or stuck on embers (pit oven or BBQ) and I might be able to find some beverages to lubricate the workers after dark. So at least I have a little something in a way of a bribe, but obviously there is plenty of fire around if you want to cook on it yourselves. Camping areas are plentiful, as are hammocking trees. The parachute will be up with a constant fire underneath so we should be OK whatever the weather.

I've been through the posts above and put together this list of interested folk (there are a few more who have contacted me via pm too):

Terry +1
Jus_young +1

I'll go through the list and pm's this evening and send you all directions :)

If you would like to come and haven't signed up yet, then please do so and I'll send you directios too. Car sharing would be good if people are able to. I'm going to have a word with a friendly farmer about a parking field, but if it doesn't happen there is a limited amount of verge to park on.

thanks again folks :)

15-11-2011, 08:51 PM
Would love to come, but its too far for me to travel ;S About 3.15hours and i would have to catch the train. As i can't drive yet ;D Maybe next time.. | But all the best to everyone who goes and hope you achieve your goals ;D

dave budd
15-11-2011, 09:07 PM
nevermind womblewill, there will be more parties like this ;) Others have got here by train, it just takes a bit of logistical inginuity when it comes to the countryside and public transport!

dave budd
23-11-2011, 06:38 PM
Right, a quick update on parking :)

I've spoken to the friendly farmer who has the fields surrounding Dabby Lane (where we normally park). Since there are going to be quite a few cars arriving I thought it might be nice to leave some space in the lane for the local doggers (sorry dog walkers). So the lane as described in the directions is for over flow parking. The area we have set aside in his field is through the gate at the top corner of Dabby Lane (before you turn the corner and go down the mud track). Go through the gate (it will be closed but not locked) and park in the COMPOUND, I'll put signs up there.

It's important that you park in the compound and NOT just in the field/hardstanding. If you do and you are in the way, then the farmer WILL move your car with his large tractor! Take heed of that, this is the friendly farmer who drags trailers through hedges and took a chunk out of the bridge a few years back! Once the compound is full, then park in the lane as orignally planned :)

Looks to be a good gathering!

23-11-2011, 09:27 PM
Friendly farmers :).

23-11-2011, 10:03 PM
Hi Dave.. I will be up there this weekend. Not sure of times yet. Looking forward to it.. :0)

27-11-2011, 05:35 PM
Good fun up at Daves.. Nice to meet you all. :0)
Did you get the roof up ok today..?

27-11-2011, 07:37 PM
Had a great time hope to come next time at least I know my way now :) And lovely a stew we had

dave budd
27-11-2011, 08:29 PM
twas a good weekend! Got lots of stuff done in the woods, including the top ride cleared, firewood cut up (thanks matt!) and a good way to building the extensions to my outdoor workshop.

Jonny, we got the small end all roofed finished. It turned out that I didn't have enough materials left to finish the long side (I'd forgotted that I'd used soome of the wood elsewhere already), but we got the main poles up and a couple of joists so I can easily finish it with a single helper when I've got more wood :)

A huge thanks to everyone that came along and lent a hand! The question on many peoples' lips though was, where were all of the Cornish boys?!!

27-11-2011, 08:33 PM
...A huge thanks to everyone that came along and lent a hand! The question on many peoples' lips though was, where were all of the Cornish boys?!!

I was on Dartmoor but spent three days walking. Two days on my 'Walking Group Leader' assessment, (which I passed) and then today walking with the Air Cadets on the first Ten Tors training weekend of the new season.

Glad you had a great time and will try to make it next time. :)


Ben Casey
27-11-2011, 09:04 PM
I was on Dartmoor but spent three days walking. Two days on my 'Walking Group Leader' assessment, (which I passed) and then today walking with the Air Cadets on the first Ten Tors training weekend of the new season.

Glad you had a great time and will try to make it next time. :)


Congratulations :D

27-11-2011, 09:17 PM
Hopefully you'll do one next year! Because i'll hopefully be able to drive if i pass ;D anytime after 15th July (Birthday) Providing i pass my driving test within enough time ;D Sounds like you had a great time glad you all enjoyed it, looking forward to the next one now, would love to see some pictures if you have some. Congrats Martin well done.

28-11-2011, 08:06 AM
A huge thanks to everyone that came along and lent a hand! The question on many peoples' lips though was, where were all of the Cornish boys?!!

Haha! Sorry Dave, couldn't be there due to other commitments, hopefully I'll make the next one tho Bud.
Glad everyone had a good time and sounds like you got loads done.

All the best :D


28-11-2011, 01:25 PM
Had a good weekend meeting some new faces. Tried a few bits of kit out and made aquaintance with a few woodland spirits.

Nice meeting you good folk, see you next time :)

28-11-2011, 04:52 PM
Thouroughly enjoyed myself at Dave's wood, shame I couldn't stay on the Sunday to finish the job. Nice to meet up with old friends and great to meet some new one's.


28-11-2011, 07:13 PM
I was on Dartmoor but spent three days walking. Two days on my 'Walking Group Leader' assessment, (which I passed) and then today walking with the Air Cadets on the first Ten Tors training weekend of the new season.

Congratulations Martin! :)

28-11-2011, 07:19 PM
twas a good weekend! Got lots of stuff done in the woods, including the top ride cleared, firewood cut up (thanks matt!) and a good way to building the extensions to my outdoor workshop.

Jonny, we got the small end all roofed finished. It turned out that I didn't have enough materials left to finish the long side (I'd forgotted that I'd used soome of the wood elsewhere already), but we got the main poles up and a couple of joists so I can easily finish it with a single helper when I've got more wood :)

A huge thanks to everyone that came along and lent a hand! The question on many peoples' lips though was, where were all of the Cornish boys?!!

A huge thank you to you too Dave. I know I'm not only speaking for myself when I say I had a fantastic time with good people and great food and drink.

This desk jockey might have overdone things a little though. I am properly knackered still. I was all but worthless yesterday and ready to go to bed tonight at 7:30.

I posted a bunch of pictures on Google+ here (https://plus.google.com/110351235332210640129/posts/Z4YwYi2AxbP)

The picture everyone wanted of Ellie and the pipe is there as well. ;)

I really hope it's not too long before I can visit again - it's so much cheaper than gym membership!

Thank you, best weekend I've had in a long time. :camping:

28-11-2011, 07:22 PM
Congratulations Martin! :)

Cheers Bernie. ;)


28-11-2011, 08:47 PM
Great pictures Bernie, had a fun time as dont get to spend much time with my big brother so that was good to drag him up. Also to get to know other people :) T^

28-11-2011, 08:53 PM
Sounds like a great weekend....now if Dave could move to somewhere around Brum:confused2: we could all join in:D

Congrats Martin, you must be pleased.