View Full Version : 8 Items - 3 Days - Dartmoor Challenge

18-09-2011, 06:41 PM
As some of you will know, four of us went out for two nights on Dartmoor in October last year and the challenge was to take only ten items of kit with us plus food and clothing. Well, this year, the challenge to take only eight items has been laid down which is quite a daunting task.

The challenge will be to walk to our camp site, which we haven't established yet but will only be three or four miles, then set up camp, cook a meal and spend the night. The following day, we will almost certainly break camp and walk to another spot for the second night.

What eight items would you take for this challenge? Don't forget, your rucksack, if you choose to take one, is one item. If you carry water with you then your water bottle will be another.

Tell us what your eight items would be.


18-09-2011, 07:24 PM
rucksack, tent, rollmat, doss bag, leatherman, crusader cup, firesteel and a bottle of meths.... i think thats it?

if the meths and other consumables aren't allowed then probably a stainless steel bottle instead.

18-09-2011, 07:27 PM
rucksack, tent, rollmat, doss bag, leatherman, crusader cup, firesteel and a bottle of meths.... i think thats it?

if the meths and other consumables aren't allowed then probably a stainless steel bottle instead.

Meths is fine mate. What you going to burn it in?? And, if it's a two day trip, won't you need to use the toilet? Toilet paper is on my list. ;)


18-09-2011, 07:58 PM
What are you allowed to take besides the 8 items? I mean clothes are, I assume, not included in the 8 items. If you hammock, is the hammock counted in addition to a tarp? I think it'd be better to limit size or weight than number of items. But 8 items is an interesting challenge.

18-09-2011, 08:16 PM
What are you allowed to take besides the 8 items? I mean clothes are, I assume, not included in the 8 items. If you hammock, is the hammock counted in addition to a tarp? I think it'd be better to limit size or weight than number of items. But 8 items is an interesting challenge.

Clothes aren't included in the eight items, I don't fancy seeing some of them trying to get away with no boxers!! Tarp and hammock are two items Bernie and the weight thing is a bit of contentious issue as that would depend on how much money you are prepared to spend rather than on how resourceful you are prepared to be. This is the natural progression of the ten item challenge which wasn't really that challenging.


18-09-2011, 08:52 PM
Meths is fine mate. What you going to burn it in?? And, if it's a two day trip, won't you need to use the toilet? Toilet paper is on my list. ;)


burn it in? nah i just dont fancy trying to find finding dry birch bark :P i use it to get other stuff burning. So really it is essentially a fire lighter itself. Thats not to say we wouldnt stumble accross something i could make into a stove using my leatherman? Donno how clean Dartmoor is

bog roll? used moss before and it wasnt too bad, aside from you know, having a mossy crack.

18-09-2011, 08:54 PM
burn it in? nah i just dont fancy trying to find finding dry birch bark :P i use it to get other stuff burning. So really it is essentially a fire lighter itself. Thats not to say we wouldnt stumble accross something i could make into a stove using my leatherman? Donno how clean Dartmoor is

bog roll? used moss before and it wasnt too bad, aside from you know, having a mossy crack.

Ha ha!! :) All very good points. The good thing about the toilet paper is that it is multi purpose as it would double as tinder. Dartmoor is pretty clean, I really can't recall finding drink cans etc where we're likely to be going although I'm sure we could find one fairly easily if we really needed to.


18-09-2011, 09:02 PM
Also in my top secret plan was to keep an eye open for any disguarded plastic drinks bottles, free water but non essential holding item

Metal mug
19-09-2011, 12:34 PM
Are you allowed to stand around the back of a camping shop incase they throw out some gear that you could use. :)

19-09-2011, 10:26 PM
Thought provoking challenge! It seems to presuppose going alone. If five people are going only one needs to take an essential item to the group.

If I was going alone I'd take:

1. Rucksac - virtually obligatory.
2. Sleeping bag - not really much option to leave that out.
3. Tent - there are wooded areas on Dartmoor but most of it has nothing to hang a hammock on.
4. Knife - can't do much without that.
5. Good lighter - I could take firesteel but why would do that when I can take a lighter?
6. Mug - gotta have a cuppa tea in the morning.
7. Trangia stove - mine includes pans and can be prefueled with enough meths for two days. (or am I cheating?) This is a luxury and I could eat cold, in which case one of my throw-outs would replace it, but that means losing me cuppa tea!
8. Water bottle - not essential but handy.

Things I threw out at the last minute:
1. Sleeping mat - there's plenty of natural material such as bracken, heather or pine needles around to use as substitute.
2. Water purif tablets - mostly the water on Dartmoor is safe enough to drink. It's true, you do walk upstream after taking a drink and find a dead sheep in the river but it's never killed me up until now! :)
3. Considered taking army rations which do not need any stove/cooking utensils as the packed meal can be throw into the fire as-is, but that pre-supposes an open fire is possible and that require firewood - not much of that up near Cranmere Pool.
4. Toilet roll - apart from its intended purpose this is handy stuff but there is plenty of sphagnum for 'cleaning up' and most alternative uses can be done with locally sourced material.
5. First aid kit - useful for blisters, cuts and headaches but not able to treat broken legs or heart attacks. Left out on the basis that you can't fit a helicopter into a rucksac.
6. Spoon/spork/kfs set - toss up between this and water bottle. I can make a spoon so this had to go.
7. Piece of paper with phone number of Dartmoor Rescue Group written on it - not much use without radio or mobile phone! :)
8. Torch and whistle. These are supposed to be obligatory for such expeditions for safety reasons, I threw them out (reluctantly) on the basis that if I die on Dartmoor I'll die happy.

Nice challenge.


20-09-2011, 07:41 AM
if you take a drink in a can you can make yourself a passable tea cup ;)

Ashley Cawley
21-09-2011, 09:18 PM
... If five people are going only one needs to take an essential item to the group...
Sharing of items is not allowed - it would make it a lot easier if it was allowed.

We of course had a First Aid Kit & Mobiles which weren't used but were there for emergencies only.

Actually Martin, I believe last year the water-bottle was controversial but we actually ended up allowing it as a free-item, based on the concept that food & drink were free and if you bought your water from the shop it came in a bottle, or something like that!

My kit for last year's 10 item challenge was:

Rucksack (45L)
Knife (Fallkniven F1)
Toilet Roll
Tinder (cotton-balls) - this was a last minute decision, I literally had 1 space left to fill the night before when packing. I did know that an important/useful item would have been a head-torch, but part of me wanted to show myself that you could stay on Dartmoor without a torch as it was something I'd not done before.

Ashley Cawley
21-09-2011, 09:21 PM
3. Tent - there are wooded areas on Dartmoor but most of it has nothing to hang a hammock on...
Dartmoor is as the name would suggest mostly moorland but there are lovely woodlands dotted about, we love the woods and usually navigate our way to them.

Ashley Cawley
21-09-2011, 09:27 PM
There are two blogs articles about last years '10 Item Challenge Trip' which you might find interesting...

- Posted on 22nd October 2010 (http://www.naturalbushcraft.co.uk/camping-trips/dartmoor-10-item-challenge.html) - Pre-Trip
- Posted on 26th October 2010 (http://www.naturalbushcraft.co.uk/camping-trips/dartmoor-for-3-days-with-just-10-items.html) - Post-Trip, explaining how it went :o

Ashley Cawley
21-09-2011, 09:32 PM
And all the photos from the trip are here: https://picasaweb.google.com/NaturalBushcraft/Dartmoor3Day10ItemsTripOct2010#



21-09-2011, 10:32 PM
I love this idea! really tuff to decide.

I think you should put a monetary value limit on there too!!! just to make it fun :)

I would take (presuming water is included with food and drink)

rucksack £20
wool blanket £20 (sleeping bag if no price issue)
tarp £40
sleeping mat £20
stove £1
billy £5
knife £17 (leatherman if no price issue)
lighter £1


Metal mug
22-09-2011, 05:39 AM
This is what I'd take

sleeping bag
bivi bag
sleeping mat
motor home :)

30-09-2011, 03:55 PM
Not long to go on this and I'm still struggling with my eight items. This is where I'm up to so far.

1. Rucksack
2. Torch
3. Rollmat
4. Toilet paper
5. Tent
6. Knife (Not really sure why)

Can't really decide what else to go for. Any ideas guys??

Just for clarity, I don't eat any meat or dairy products, I also don't drink coffee or tea so I'm not going to bother with a stove or billy. I will have plenty of food which will help me to keep warm and I will have warm clothes that I will wear at night instead of a sleeping bag.


30-09-2011, 06:14 PM
Tough one. I do like having a cover of some sort when sleeping, even if its only a light blanket. (unless I fall asleep on the sofa of course :ashamed: )

30-09-2011, 06:48 PM
It is a tough one. I'm seriously contemplating taking a tarp instead of the tent but then I'd need to take paracord as well which would be another item. I could do this as a six item challenge!!!


30-09-2011, 11:05 PM
What if the tarp already had the cord attached? No different than a tent with lines. Will the tarp be warm enough with no sleeping bag, tents do seem to be a little warmer being enclosed. Or is that just my impression?

Ashley Cawley
02-10-2011, 09:12 PM
It is a tough one. I'm seriously contemplating taking a tarp instead of the tent but then I'd need to take paracord as well which would be another item. I could do this as a six item challenge!!!

Martinlol... we discussed this last year; Tarp (& it's pre-attached guy-lines) count as one item! Your forgetting a lot from last year :p

I'm surprised to see you so confident this year Martin because you wasn't half getting twitchy the nearer we got to last years 10 items! :p

02-10-2011, 10:24 PM
This is the natural progression of the ten item challenge which wasn't really that challenging.


;) :happy-clapping: :D lol

Ashley Cawley
03-10-2011, 07:36 PM
Watching the 10 item Dartmoor video from last year, something hit me at 5:50 in, there's a scene:


Got to admire Matt's dancing at 7:30 ... hoping for more of that this year! :)

You both had walking sticks, which weren't on the list! I know that sounds trivial but they can be very multi-purpose and weren't made on the trop. Infact I'd even go so far to say the GPS and map should be items on the list. Now I'm not saying don't take a map/compass/GPS to Dartmoor, but like the mobile phones & first aid kits, the navigation equipment could just be there incase of an emergency.

I'm confident we could safely spend 3 days on Dartmoor without modern day nav equipment (well and even if we did need it we'd still have it on us).

Are we really gona man-up boys and truly do 8 items? Or is it HiFi time again? :rolleyes:

I'm getting excited! :happy-clapping:

03-10-2011, 08:22 PM
First things first, I had my walking sticks but you had your camera tripod!! I rest my case m'lud.

Secondly, I could add my hi-fi to the six items I have on my list; I need to do something to make up my six items. :p


03-10-2011, 09:21 PM
Just for clarity, I don't eat any meat or dairy products, I also don't drink coffee or tea so I'm not going to bother with a stove or billy. I will have plenty of food which will help me to keep warm and I will have warm clothes that I will wear at night instead of a sleeping bag.


oof...cannae whack a hot cup of tea on a cold morning...only think thatll coax me out of my sleeping bag.

warm clothes idea make sense....plenty of people have had to make do before...

Ashley Cawley
03-10-2011, 09:39 PM
First things first, I had my walking sticks but you had your camera tripod!! I rest my case m'lud...lol! And so it begins :p ... it was agreed before hand that photography equipment was allowed as free items to document the trip, my tripod didn't aid me in anyway other than photography.

03-10-2011, 09:43 PM
lol! And so it begins :p ... it was agreed before hand that photography equipment was allowed as free items to document the trip, my tripod didn't aid me in anyway other than photography.

Neither did my walking poles but..... :p


04-10-2011, 02:20 PM
Hmmm, let me see.
I don't use modern nav kit anyway. If you were aiming to camp in woodland then probably wouldn't need a shelter, however cannot guarantee woodland is available. So my list would be:

1) rucksack
2) tarp
3) bivvi bag
4) sleeping bag
5) knife
6) firesteel
7) billycan

Not sure what I'd take for number 8. - Maybe my walking stick to use as a tent pole if caught out on the moor.

It's not too far of of what I'd normally pack to be honest - Throw in my hammock, hatchet and saw and that would be my normal pack - excluding clothes, first aid kit and food/water

04-10-2011, 02:25 PM
Hmmm, let me see.
I don't use modern nav kit anyway. If you were aiming to camp in woodland then probably wouldn't need a shelter, however cannot guarantee woodland is available. So my list would be:

1) rucksack
2) tarp
3) bivvi bag
4) sleeping bag
5) knife
6) firesteel
7) billycan

Not sure what I'd take for number 8. - Maybe my walking stick to use as a tent pole if caught out on the moor.

It's not too far of of what I'd normally pack to be honest - Throw in my hammock, hatchet and saw and that would be my normal pack - excluding clothes, first aid kit and food/water

What about something to sleep on? That frosty ground can get pretty cold. ;)


Ashley Cawley
04-10-2011, 02:50 PM
What about something to sleep on? That frosty ground can get pretty cold. ;)

Martin.... he's not wrong! Here is some photos I took on last year's 10 item Dartmoor challenge, it was the same time of the year aswell...

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-jriASr6mF3U/TMWh9ZQBHQI/AAAAAAABESw/hffduMwd3CE/s400/IMG_4448.JPG https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-UM-J79j0ZQY/TMWh6bc3mgI/AAAAAAABErU/A9r3Bb-6b-s/s400/IMG_4445.JPG https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-zT77ZDk2OyQ/TMWiTQWKhfI/AAAAAAABEtw/sj7MQ0qWFSI/s400/IMG_4475.JPG https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-p99a7MuFCXU/TMWiYhe2GLI/AAAAAAABEVw/48A2hS1BWpA/s400/IMG_4480.JPG https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-qx9ebJlfDi0/TMWihCqiE5I/AAAAAAABEus/1o_73ja90Jk/s400/IMG_4488.JPG

04-10-2011, 03:44 PM
What about something to sleep on? That frosty ground can get pretty cold. ;)


off the floor is the way forward!

1, Bergen
2, Hammock
3, Tarp
4, Double Sleeping bag (fold it in half it become double layered either side :) )
5, Coleman stove
6, Camelbak (filled)
7, Firesteel
8, Knife

with :

2 x cans of ' all day breakfast '
2 x British Army Dinner Ration Packs
2 x pack of haribo.
8 x tea bags with powdered milk
1 x of what ever is left of my JD single barrel whiskey.........what?!! its warming ok..!

Ashley Cawley
04-10-2011, 03:56 PM
off the floor is the way forward!

1, Bergen
2, Hammock
3, Tarp
4, Double Sleeping bag (fold it in half it become double layered either side :) )
5, Coleman stove
6, Camelbak (filled)
7, Firesteel
8, Knife

with :

2 x cans of ' all day breakfast '
2 x British Army Dinner Ration Packs
2 x pack of haribo.
8 x tea bags with powdered milk
1 x of what ever is left of my JD single barrel whiskey.........what?!! its warming ok..!You've got a Stove, tea-bags & powdered milk but you haven't got a billycan to boil water in or a cup to hold your brew! Awkward isn't it? lol.

04-10-2011, 03:57 PM
You've got a Stove, tea-bags & powdered milk but you haven't got a billycan to boil water in or a cup to hold your brew! Awkward isn't it? lol.

crap..... owell, im hardcore, il cup my hand over the flame.

04-10-2011, 03:57 PM
Are you going to boil water and drink out of the empty cans??

04-10-2011, 03:58 PM
You beat me to it ash

04-10-2011, 03:58 PM
Are you going to boil water and drink out of the empty cans??

yeh ashley! that's what il do!! ta scott!

04-10-2011, 04:01 PM
I wish I was coming on the 8 item challenge, the 10 item was fun apart from the walking nearly killing me. Plus I have some lighter kit now.

04-10-2011, 04:04 PM
is there a proposed date for this yet?

Ashley Cawley
04-10-2011, 04:14 PM
is there a proposed date for this yet?Yes there is! And it is very soon! But I think we'll keep the date secret until we've done it ;)

Ashley Cawley
04-10-2011, 04:15 PM
I wish I was coming on the 8 item challenge, the 10 item was fun apart from the walking nearly killing me. Plus I have some lighter kit now.I wish you could make it again mate.

04-10-2011, 05:11 PM
I wish you could make it again mate.

Me too, won't be the same without you!! And, no one to carry all of our kit. ;)


04-10-2011, 05:25 PM
so what do you need to be able to this guys? i've read somewhere about a dartmore leadership course?

04-10-2011, 05:52 PM
so what do you need to be able to this guys? i've read somewhere about a dartmore leadership course?

You don't need anything mate, in fact the challenge is to go with as little as possible. Of course, you need to know how to navigate around the moor in open terrain with the good possibility of poor visibility and numerous bogs and marshes but other than that you just need a love of the outdoors. :)


04-10-2011, 06:02 PM
You don't need anything mate, in fact the challenge is to go with as little as possible. Of course, you need to know how to navigate around the moor in open terrain with the good possibility of poor visibility and numerous bogs and marshes but other than that you just need a love of the outdoors. :)


satnav? lol, im kidding. yeh i seriously need to brush up on that side. havnt needed to use it in years. iv got so many downs around where i live now that ive never needed too. iv always been able to work out where i am with landmarks.

Ashley Cawley
04-10-2011, 06:03 PM
so what do you need to be able to this guys? i've read somewhere about a dartmore leadership course?Yeah - this is by no means a highly organised event that it is well known. This is just a private little challenge organised amongst four friends.

You are free to camp on a lot of Dartmoor, but as Martin pointed out it isn't always a hospitable place, it's weather and terrain can be truly unpredictable at times, so you'd do well to leave plans with friends/family as to where you'll be going and be confident in your own basic navigation skills (& it's worthwhile thinking how you'd react to an emergency in a remote place). Still don't let me put you off! --> It's well worth a trip! :)

04-10-2011, 08:57 PM
I will be there next time

Ashley Cawley
04-10-2011, 09:13 PM
I will be there next timeHarsh days - that'll be six items! lol. :)

04-10-2011, 10:08 PM
Harsh days - that'll be six items! lol. :)

when i gets to one it'l just be knife. no clothes. you have to catch and skin animals to get clothing hahaha

05-10-2011, 06:47 AM
Harsh days - that'll be six items! lol. :)

6? Pah, piece of p**s!!!


Ashley Cawley
05-10-2011, 11:25 AM
6? Pah, piece of p**s!!!

Martinlol! - Considering all your confidence this time round I'm gona be padding you down for sure! :p

Really enjoyed last years trip, twas brilliant wasn't it? :happy-clapping: Are we doing as much hiking this year do you think?

I should imagine the fewer & fewer items we take the less time we'll spend walking and more time spent preparing things like shelter, bedding etc.

05-10-2011, 11:33 AM
I was thinking walking in to the agreed spot from Belstone. Is a beautiful walk alongside the river.


Ashley Cawley
06-10-2011, 09:20 AM
Hey, you know Clothing isn't considered an item, well where does this stand...


Ashley Cawley
06-10-2011, 09:21 AM
Seriously though a colleague just showed me this site: http://www.selkbagusa.com/ - I've not seen those before! lol

06-10-2011, 09:45 AM
Look forward to seeing how this goes guys, and for the future challanges that will follow. I reckon when you get down to the one or two items of kit it is going to be a short walk in, a near full day of preparing camp, a circular walk the next day, followed by a few hours of camp refinement.

In fact, now that I think about it, the introduction to Mors Bushcraft reckons all you need is an axe and a pot. How about a knife and a pot challange!! Or to save a little time a knife, pot and pre-excursion prepared natural cordage. Hmm, I'm thinking a day off work and an experiment coming on soon.

06-10-2011, 10:16 PM
Hey, you know Clothing isn't considered an item, well where does this stand...


Excellent! 'Developed in the Chillian Andes' and you can see why - no one around to laugh at you for wearing it :D

07-10-2011, 06:54 AM
Hey, you know Clothing isn't considered an item, well where does this stand...


Damn!!! Busted again. :(


08-10-2011, 11:13 AM
I'm getting really stoked about this trip!! I'm still undecided on my final list. Really enjoying changing my mind and working out different combos of kit. I think I'm defo gonna take a dossbag now, I considered sleeping in my down jacket and fleece pants, but surely then my spare clothes would technically become an item?? And that'd be cheating wouldn't it??? ;)

Metal mug
08-10-2011, 03:39 PM
Hey, you know Clothing isn't considered an item, well where does this stand...

LMAO!The Austrian army have a sniper sleeping bag thats very similar to this. The only difference is it also has arms. :)

08-10-2011, 06:39 PM
I'm getting really stoked about this trip!! I'm still undecided on my final list. Really enjoying changing my mind and working out different combos of kit. I think I'm defo gonna take a dossbag now, I considered sleeping in my down jacket and fleece pants, but surely then my spare clothes would technically become an item?? And that'd be cheating wouldn't it??? ;)

Cheating is a very harsh term. Maybe using the rules to our advantage ;)


08-10-2011, 07:40 PM
Haha!! I've been waiting for a bite all afternoon :D

08-10-2011, 09:42 PM
Hey, you know Clothing isn't considered an item, well where does this stand...


This gave Alex and i a serious laugh! But even so another great invention all it needs now is a snuggy attached to the top and you have a product that would give my girlfriend no excuse not to come out with us lmao!

Metal mug
09-10-2011, 01:19 PM
Hey, you know Clothing isn't considered an item, well where does this stand...

LMAO!Hey I've just noticed - It's Mr Bean! :)

Ashley Cawley
09-10-2011, 03:02 PM
I'm getting really stoked about this trip!! I'm still undecided on my final list. Really enjoying changing my mind and working out different combos of kit. I think I'm defo gonna take a dossbag now, I considered sleeping in my down jacket and fleece pants, but surely then my spare clothes would technically become an item?? And that'd be cheating wouldn't it??? ;)I don't think it's cheating mate, clothes are classed as a free item for this challenge.

Ashley Cawley
09-10-2011, 03:06 PM
Just so you all know, we have a Google document online that contains each of our kit-lists, it's not public but the four of us can access and update it. Someone just sabotaged my list swapping Rucksack for "Finest Camping Chair", Lighter for "KY-Jelly" and then it just got drastically worse!

I'm glad I just checked my list again before the morning of packing! :p ... I could have left home kitted out for a very different gig!

09-10-2011, 03:08 PM
I don't think it's cheating mate, clothes are classed as a free item for this challenge.

Cool, so I might take my army issue poncho instead of a tarp as technically its an item of clothing...... ;)

Oh and I hope the buzzing coming from your hammock dont keep me up all night!!!!! ;)

Ashley Cawley
09-10-2011, 03:08 PM
Pretty sure I'll be doing a blog-post about this trip this evening, I'll post a link in here if I do :)

09-10-2011, 03:10 PM
Why is Matt taking Baby Wipes? Are you two sharing items now?:tongue:

Ashley Cawley
09-10-2011, 03:10 PM
lmao!!! I've just seen other's lists have been sabotaged! Who's done that! Phil? Martin?

09-10-2011, 03:12 PM
Well Martin appears to be taking a PA!!! :D

Metal mug
09-10-2011, 06:13 PM
I'd love to see the lists, but imagining it is better. :D

Ashley Cawley
09-10-2011, 08:29 PM
Blog Post about this trip - [/URL][URL]http://www.naturalbushcraft.co.uk/blog (http://www.naturalbushcraft.co.uk/blog)

The four of us are also having a meeting at the pub about this trip tomorrow evening, so if there's any news I'll update ya'll ;)

09-10-2011, 08:47 PM
I would love to come! haha.. I might do a similar thing in a friends woodland with Tyler.. 8 items.. hmm.. idea for a video there.. or maybe even 7 items ;) haha

09-10-2011, 08:49 PM
Meths is fine mate. What you going to burn it in?? And, if it's a two day trip, won't you need to use the toilet? Toilet paper is on my list. ;)


You could always pack far to many "clothes"...
I'll leave the rest to your imagination haahaa

10-10-2011, 06:59 AM
You could always pack far to many "clothes"...
I'll leave the rest to your imagination haahaa

I did think about taking a spare flannel, but then got worried about confusing the two when I washed my face in the morning.


10-10-2011, 07:21 AM
I did think about taking a spare flannel, but then got worried about confusing the two when I washed my face in the morning.


Haahahahaa... That would be... funny..

Ashley Cawley
11-10-2011, 08:52 PM
I can't believe it but after last night's meeting the lads convinced me to leave my knife at home! I can't say I ever remember going on a camping trip without a sharp so I'm a little nervous! lol.

The shock isn't just that I'm not taking a knife but infact now none of our group are taking a blade! :zombie-fighting: So if we all die, you know why :(

11-10-2011, 08:57 PM
Surely you need something to cut your food with, thats got to be a good enough reason to take a knife... if you know what I mean ;)

11-10-2011, 09:02 PM
Surely you need something to cut your food with, thats got to be a good enough reason to take a knife... if you know what I mean ;)

Or cut open food tins/packets/whatever you're taking? :/

11-10-2011, 09:07 PM
I think I have the answer to your prayers!
DO NOT take a billy can!!!

You're taking food?.. Yes.. Well simply buy some kind of tinned food.. (maybe a bigger tin.. like potatos, or fruit tins which are a little bigger than bean tins) then.. as you wont throw the can away.. use it as a billy tin???..........

Please respond..

Ashley Cawley
11-10-2011, 09:38 PM
hehe.. we're well ahead of you there Kieran, we just all kept that secret didn't want to go blurting out our item-saving tactics! hehe.

Nah, I am taking a Billycan, for me it's both a boiling/cooking device aswell as a cup (the lid has handle etc). but yes you could feasibly take 2 tin can to replace those and you'd get those free I suppose.

Adam Savage
11-10-2011, 11:19 PM
I'm gunna have to keep an eye on this one. Hopefully the camcorder will survive this one (if you're taking it that is).

12-10-2011, 06:49 AM
Like Ashley said Kieran, I had also considered taking a tin of fruit and then using the can as a billy/cup. I may still do it, not made my mind up. I'm also considering not having any hot food or drink at all which would considerably lighten my kit list meaning I wouldn't need a billy, stove or fire steel.


12-10-2011, 07:29 AM
Like Ashley said Kieran, I had also considered taking a tin of fruit and then using the can as a billy/cup. I may still do it, not made my mind up. I'm also considering not having any hot food or drink at all which would considerably lighten my kit list meaning I wouldn't need a billy, stove or fire steel.


I was thinking that.. But this time of year.. 3 days.. COLD! :P

12-10-2011, 11:34 AM
Like Ashley said Kieran, I had also considered taking a tin of fruit and then using the can as a billy/cup. I may still do it, not made my mind up. I'm also considering not having any hot food or drink at all which would considerably lighten my kit list meaning I wouldn't need a billy, stove or fire steel.


There's always self heating ration packs ;)

12-10-2011, 11:38 AM
Actually Martin, I believe last year the water-bottle was controversial but we actually ended up allowing it as a free-item, based on the concept that food & drink were free and if you bought your water from the shop it came in a bottle, or something like that!


This is similar to the can idea...

12-10-2011, 12:17 PM
This is similar to the can idea...

I know Kieran, but when I mentioned this at our pre-trip meeting on Monday night, I was greeted with derision!!


12-10-2011, 01:22 PM
Sounds like the fun has already started;)

Can't wait to see the vid.

12-10-2011, 04:02 PM
I know Kieran, but when I mentioned this at our pre-trip meeting on Monday night, I was greeted with derision!!


Food and drink is free... A plastic drinks bottle (the one you get free with drink only) can only be used for drink.. It can't be used for cooking or anything, so it should be fine?

Adam Savage
12-10-2011, 04:15 PM
Food and drink is free... A plastic drinks bottle (the one you get free with drink only) can only be used for drink.. It can't be used for cooking or anything, so it should be fine?

Almost true. You can boil water in a plastic bottle, as the water takes the heat away from the plastic, stopping it from melting, and water boils at a lower temperature than plastic melts. Also, if you have the round "panda pop" style, you can use it as a magnifier lens (with water in it) to start a fire :).

12-10-2011, 04:44 PM
Almost true. You can boil water in a plastic bottle, as the water takes the heat away from the plastic, stopping it from melting, and water boils at a lower temperature than plastic melts. Also, if you have the round "panda pop" style, you can use it as a magnifier lens (with water in it) to start a fire :).

Surely you couldn't do it over a fire?

Adam Savage
12-10-2011, 04:51 PM
Yep, I've seen it done before.


12-10-2011, 05:07 PM
Yep, I've seen it done before.


.. impressive

13-10-2011, 08:41 AM
Well, guys the big day is nearly here and I'm really really excited. By this time tomorrow we'll be well on our way to the moor. I think I've finally decided on my eight items and this has been made much easier by the forecast for mild weather this weekend.

1. Rucksack
2. Tent
3. Rollmat
4. Head Torch
5. Toilet Paper
6. Fire Steel
7. Stove
8. Billy

As you can see, I've decided to take a stove as I have finally come to the conclusion that two days without warm food and drink will really limit my choices. I will take the ingredients to make a nice hot vegetable stew/soup as well as herbal tea bags for a warm drink. The stove I will probably take is the honey stove with a trangia burner, I don't think this tips me into two item territory but I'm willing to take the risk that I may be considered a social outcast. ;) It also gives me the flexibility to use wood or meths as a fuel source.

Other than that, food will be primarily fruit and snacks and as natural as possible so plenty of nuts. I will take biscuits and crisps as they are easy to neck down when you're feeling a bit peckish and I will also take vegetable pasties as lunch for the three days.

I intend to take plenty of warm clothing, which will negate the need to take a sleeping bag but to leave out the roll mat was a step too far and this will help to keep me warm at night.

Will let you know how I fared when I get back.


13-10-2011, 08:53 AM
I would obviously take the basics like food, water and clothing, the other things I would take are:
1. Rucksack
2. Mora Clipper
3. Tarp
4. Hammock
5. Stove
6. Firesteal
7. Cooking/Eating Utensils
8. Toilet Roll


13-10-2011, 08:58 AM
I would obviously take the basics like food, water and clothing, the other things I would take are:
1. Rucksack
2. Mora Clipper
3. Tarp
4. Hammock
5. Stove
6. Firesteal
7. Cooking/Eating Utensils
8. Toilet Roll


You'll have a pretty miserable couple of nights with no insulation between you and the hammock.


13-10-2011, 09:30 AM
Yeah, I will use some clothing as insulation or improvise with some leaves :)


Adam Savage
13-10-2011, 10:08 AM
Remember Martin, slip on a pair of fresh socks before you go to bed. moisture build up in the clothes (especially socks) can cause you to loose heat during the night. A nice (100%) dry pair of socks will help keep you happy through the night :)

Ashley Cawley
13-10-2011, 01:37 PM
So my list is currently looking like...

Toilet Roll
Although I'm having serious doubts about not taking a knife as I could easily make other things I'd need if I took a knife like cutlery etc.

13-10-2011, 02:26 PM
So my list is currently looking like...

Toilet Roll
Although I'm having serious doubts about not taking a knife as I could easily make other things I'd need if I took a knife like cutlery etc.

I don't think you could make any of the things on your list with a knife.


13-10-2011, 03:08 PM
I don't think you could make any of the things on your list with a knife.


With Care, Bogroll could be made by slicing verrry thin slivers of wood......

My final list is....
6.Jetboil (nicked it off Mrs roadkill... not a fan of these, but it's a 3 in 1 item!)

At first I was thinking of 8 more bushcraftyer items, but this is a challenge about resource selection and this is what I've ended up with.... Still not 100% happy about the jetboil ;)

13-10-2011, 03:13 PM
The Jetboil is a brilliant solution mate. If I had one, I'd be able to bring a sleeping bag but I need the firesteel to light my stove. :(


13-10-2011, 03:31 PM
The Jetboil is a brilliant solution mate. If I had one, I'd be able to bring a sleeping bag but I need the firesteel to light my stove. :(


What about a Compact Gas Stove with Piezo egnition?

13-10-2011, 03:53 PM
Well, guys the big day is nearly here and I'm really really excited. By this time tomorrow we'll be well on our way to the moor. I think I've finally decided on my eight items and this has been made much easier by the forecast for mild weather this weekend.

1. Rucksack
2. Tent
3. Rollmat
4. Head Torch
5. Toilet Paper
6. Fire Steel
7. Stove
8. Billy

As you can see, I've decided to take a stove as I have finally come to the conclusion that two days without warm food and drink will really limit my choices. I will take the ingredients to make a nice hot vegetable stew/soup as well as herbal tea bags for a warm drink. The stove I will probably take is the honey stove with a trangia burner, I don't think this tips me into two item territory but I'm willing to take the risk that I may be considered a social outcast. ;) It also gives me the flexibility to use wood or meths as a fuel source.

Other than that, food will be primarily fruit and snacks and as natural as possible so plenty of nuts. I will take biscuits and crisps as they are easy to neck down when you're feeling a bit peckish and I will also take vegetable pasties as lunch for the three days.

I intend to take plenty of warm clothing, which will negate the need to take a sleeping bag but to leave out the roll mat was a step too far and this will help to keep me warm at night.

Will let you know how I fared when I get back.


How do you plan on eating your food Martin? :)
using a tent peg...? :L

Adam Savage
13-10-2011, 03:56 PM
How do you plan on eating your food Martin? :)
using a tent peg...? :L

Could sharpen the striker for the firesteel, and use as a small knife. Could even sharpen the firesteel to a point and use as a single prong fork. ;)

Ashley Cawley
13-10-2011, 04:04 PM
I don't think you could make any of the things on your list with a knife.That's a good thing! - And confirms in my mind that I've chosen good items because if it was something I could easily make with a knife then I'd rather carry a knife then you'd have the knife plus whatever you could make.

This is my current dilemma; I want some eating utensils; something that's easily resolved if I take a knife (because I can easily make a very crude spoon or fork etc)

13-10-2011, 04:06 PM
That's a good thing! - And confirms in my mind that I've chosen good items because if it was something I could easily make with a knife then I'd rather carry a knife then you'd have the knife plus whatever you could make.

This is my current dilemma; I want some eating utensils; something that's easily resolved if I take a knife (because I can easily make a very crude spoon or fork etc)

what is your current list Ash?

Ashley Cawley
13-10-2011, 04:08 PM
what is your current list Ash?I just posted it here (http://www.naturalbushcraft.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?1907-8-Items-3-Days-Dartmoor-Challenge&p=25716&viewfull=1#post25716) a couple of hours ago.

13-10-2011, 04:08 PM
How do you plan on eating your food Martin? :)
using a tent peg...? :L

I've got hands mate. Nothing else required for what I'll be eating. :)


13-10-2011, 04:10 PM
Just out of curiosity... If the Jetboil counts as one Item.. does that mean the Swedish Trangia set would count as one item as well?

13-10-2011, 04:11 PM
Just out of curiosity... If the Jetboil counts as one Item.. does that mean the Swedish Trangia set would count as one item as well?

Are you sure you weren't eavesdropping in the pub on Monday night?? :D


Ashley Cawley
13-10-2011, 04:13 PM
Just out of curiosity... If the Jetboil counts as one Item.. does that mean the Swedish Trangia set would count as one item as well?I *think* it was said at the pub that the Swedish Trangia set would count as 1 item. Although I'm still not sure about that!

13-10-2011, 04:13 PM
Are you sure you weren't eavesdropping in the pub on Monday night?? :D


No.. I wasn't lol...???

13-10-2011, 04:14 PM
I *think* it was said at the pub that the Swedish Trangia set would count as 1 item. Although I'm still not sure about that!

Surely it must be the same as the jetboil.. But then you'd have to count every cooking set as one item e.g. honey stove, trangia, billy which Martin is taking? :) haha

13-10-2011, 04:22 PM
werrrl, the Jetboil stove and cup are kind of integral, the stove doesn't work properly without the diffuser that is welded to the bottom of the pot/cup....likewise, you wouldn't put the cup/pot in a fire because of the aforementioned diffuser. Plus it says Jetboil on the cup, not Jet - Boil. See? Logic!! JETBOIL.....JET - BOIL.... One item....... even tho I prefere my other 3 stoves :D

Adam Savage
13-10-2011, 04:25 PM
I *think* it was said at the pub that the Swedish Trangia set would count as 1 item. Although I'm still not sure about that!

Are you sure you weren't eavesdropping in the pub on Monday night?? :D


Just out of curiosity... If the Jetboil counts as one Item.. does that mean the Swedish Trangia set would count as one item as well?

No.. I wasn't lol...???

Surely it must be the same as the jetboil.. But then you'd have to count every cooking set as one item e.g. honey stove, trangia, billy which Martin is taking? :) haha

If you check the 10 item challenge (or Martin's wall, can't remember where it is) there is mention of the SMK on there. ;)

13-10-2011, 06:36 PM
Iv'e been watching this one with interest, 8 items is a tough challenge for Dartmoor made slightly easier methinks by the mild (dry) weather we have had this week.

My fictional list is similar to yours Martin although Iv'e binned the bog roll for a sleeping bag, if you can't sleep it's game over in my book and yes if that means wiping my arse with moss then so be it!!

You guy's stay safe and have a good one.



13-10-2011, 06:38 PM
Won't you need a shuvle to bury number 2's?

Adam Savage
13-10-2011, 06:45 PM
Won't you need a shuvle to bury number 2's?

Digging stick :)

Ashley Cawley
13-10-2011, 06:49 PM
Iv'e been watching this one with interest, 8 items is a tough challenge for Dartmoor made slightly easier methinks by the mild (dry) weather we have had this week.

My fictional list is similar to yours Martin although Iv'e binned the bog roll for a sleeping bag, if you can't sleep it's game over in my book and yes if that means wiping my arse with moss then so be it!!

You guy's stay safe and have a good one.


GlenThanks for the best wishes Glen!

I'm happy with the advice you gave to Martin, hopefully he takes his sleeping-bag then I can leave my toilet-roll at home (I'll just use the bottom of Martin's sleeping bag when he isn't looking!) :wink:

13-10-2011, 08:59 PM
just re packed..... again!

13-10-2011, 09:51 PM
I'm packed... Eight items of kit and about 800 items of food!!! I swear my pack weighs more than the 10 item challenge last year. However, I have got three pasties, four heavy buns, enough veg to make to veg stews, fresh fruit, nuts, two litres of water, and various biscuits and crisps. Will be much lighter on the way home I hope. :)


13-10-2011, 11:42 PM
Thinking about the challenge from a re-enactors point of view then a cloak does duty both for wearing to keep cold and rain out and to sleep in but as it is clothing doesn't count. Cloak could be of close-woven lanolined wool. Following on this theme other items could be knife or the more modern kfs combo set, firesteel and skillet/frying pan plus wet wipes for hygiene. Except for the wipes more or less what Scottish soldiers took on campaign except for cloak see plaid. For luxury a tarp would be nice for sleeping under/on to make the cloak extra comfy and one can use a tarp during the day as a pack. I make this six items.

For three days the food could be similarly basic, I don't like oats much but, again, the Scots marched and fought on them. For me hard cheese and hard biscuits have taken me a long way and with bacon and tea that is high cuisine and except for the tea are the rations of the English and American Civil Wars if nothing else could be got. Water and fire can be got but some water could be carried.

Ashley Cawley
14-10-2011, 05:47 AM
Right, today's the day - we're off this morning! :happy-clapping:

Think of us & checkout this cool Dartmoor Webcam (http://www.naturalbushcraft.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?203-Dartmoor-Live-Webcam-Feed) to see what the weather is like up there :) - Pitch black at this time! (06:43) but it'll be lovely later'on I'm sure ;)

14-10-2011, 07:16 AM
best of luck guys, i hope you all have a great time. look forward to reading your blog and seeing your pics+vids when you get back.


15-10-2011, 08:04 PM
Evening all. Just to let you know that the challenge is going well. We had a good walk of about 8 miles yesterday followed by a reasonable camp in a difficult spot. Today is far better and, after another walk of about 5 miles we have a great spot tonight with a nice bit of bush tv going. Looking forward to seeing all the photos and video.

All the best


15-10-2011, 08:04 PM
Evening all. Just to let you know that the challenge is going well. We had a good walk of about 8 miles yesterday followed by a reasonable camp in a difficult spot. Today is far better and, after another walk of about 5 miles we have a great spot tonight with a nice bit of bush tv going. Looking forward to seeing all the photos and video.

All the best


Adam Savage
15-10-2011, 09:03 PM
Thanks for keeping us posted Martin. Sounds like you're having an excellent time. Looking forward to any photos/video taken, and all of the stories :)

Ashley Cawley
16-10-2011, 02:07 PM
We're back! Just un-packed & washed, downloading photos & video now :)


Superb trip, blessed with brilliant weather, wildlife & company - Shame about the terrain on the first day - tussocks galore! lol :(

We found some interesting trash on the first day, which in the survival spirit I put to good use, no doubt we'll see some pictures of that :(

Metal mug
16-10-2011, 02:25 PM
Looking forward to the film Ash.

16-10-2011, 02:26 PM
Tussocks!! :guns:

16-10-2011, 02:52 PM
Pics look good whats with the cow???

16-10-2011, 02:57 PM
Pics look good whats with the cow???

You never smelled Phil's bad guts mate. It was just far too much for that poor cow who got both nostrils full. :(


16-10-2011, 03:00 PM
Lol looks like a great trip

Ashley Cawley
16-10-2011, 03:32 PM
it'll probably before 48hrs till I get the video done...





16-10-2011, 05:07 PM
Photo's look great. Can not wait to see the video!

16-10-2011, 05:21 PM
Well, all settled and unpacked. Cleansed and badgered. What a fantastic weekend :D A massive thanks to Matt, Ash and Martin for a great time had :D

For me, the challenge is an affirmation of how I like to camp. For this trip I chose to take some high tech gear, including mordern expedition clothing and a Jetboil.... I was being a bit of a fanny with the clothing as I didn't want to damage it. My usual bushcrafting clobber is combat95 pants, a scraggy t shirt and a dpm fleece. Clad in this I have no problems rolling around in the mud and not batting an eyelid at ballistic embers heading my way!

As for the jetboil, I cannot argue with the efficiency of the thing for making a brew in less than 3 minutes, or its lightweight packaway personality.... but it just isn't the way I wanna boil water, cook or rely on fuel. I much prefer a meths stove, or even better, a fire. I was constantly jealous of Matts cooking and brewing rig... The fire, the tripod, the billy and the parang n firesteel that made it all so. I'd look from the fire to my Wifes jetboil chugging away, and feel an air of disapointment which I would quickly turn into a feeling of satisfaction at the certainty that I don't ever want a Jetboil!

Anyways, I learnt loads from the others and from the landscape around me. We spotted tons of wildlife including Deer, Crossbills, Woodpeckers, Jays, CoWs, Trout, Buzzards and possibly, mebbe a Goshawk, mebbe :D

So without further a do, here be a whackload o pics from the weekend, Enjoy :D

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6230/6250282410_d7e05865dc.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250282410/)
Clapper bridge (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250282410/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6214/6250282420_a7d3ded98b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250282420/)
Dartmoor (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250282420/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6115/6250282432_a53c57809f.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250282432/)
Pubs that way (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250282432/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6057/6250282450_9d6a874b74.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250282450/)
'ansum place for lunch (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250282450/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6176/6250282470_b49772a3eb.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250282470/)
Matt mekkin a brew (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250282470/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6226/6250282478_82a5a03d05.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250282478/)
Ash's water filter (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250282478/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6173/6250339672_f1c58c6c0b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250339672/)
'ansum (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250339672/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6224/6250339686_e77f543c5e.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250339686/)
Sleeping Coo (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250339686/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6159/6250339694_e9c1c77d7e.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250339694/)
Matt n River (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250339694/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6042/6249849577_d9d2fc0590.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6249849577/)
Pony (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6249849577/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6091/6250339702_00912ed021.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250339702/)
comin upto Fernworthy (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250339702/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6100/6250339714_7e8e54b259.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250339714/)
Fernworthy camp and the start of Matts Spoon (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250339714/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6114/6250339724_3d5f434789.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250339724/)
What?? (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250339724/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6170/6249849543_295b473259.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6249849543/)
Matts camp (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6249849543/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6044/6249849567_30a533ab2e.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6249849567/)
Billy (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6249849567/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6106/6249849573_7fd3e71236.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6249849573/)
Not my favourite cooking tool... (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6249849573/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6052/6249849585_d03ec1e943.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6249849585/)
Fireside spooncarving (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6249849585/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6043/6249849587_539b708b68.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6249849587/)
Fernworthy res (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6249849587/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6173/6250406970_97020ceef6.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250406970/)
The Moon and jupitor, taken by iPhone (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250406970/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6120/6250406974_ee0d5cde2f.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250406974/)
Pre dawn mist (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250406974/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6058/6250406978_f2c2255762.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250406978/)
Dawn mist (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250406978/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6233/6250469916_2ee6acddb5.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250469916/)
Devonport leat (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250469916/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6100/6250469998_96a7e72269.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250469998/)
My camp (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250469998/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6163/6250470010_faa054fceb.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250470010/)
smoky spoon mekkin (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250470010/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

Thanks for looking :D

Adam Savage
16-10-2011, 06:11 PM
Splendiferous images my dear fellow. Looks like a wonderful time, had bu all. I also, am looking forward to the video footage. :)

16-10-2011, 07:10 PM
what is the bra for?

Ashley Cawley
16-10-2011, 07:13 PM
what is the bra for?lol - this was a foraged item found on the trail, it was hanging from a tree above the river at our lunch-spot, so it was obviously worth risking life and limb for me to go and get it. Man use of anything you can find on the trail ;) a bra can have many uses - water-filter, billycan/pot hanger :p ... you'll see.

16-10-2011, 07:16 PM
Makes me wonder why it was hanging there... ;)
Looking forward to video and more images!!! :)

16-10-2011, 07:55 PM
The poor maid that was swimming in the river at the time is probably still looking for it! Looked like a good weekend, hope to hear about how you got on with the 8 items soon.

16-10-2011, 08:01 PM
The poor maid that was swimming in the river at the time is probably still looking for it! Looked like a good weekend, hope to hear about how you got on with the 8 items soon.

Now Justin, it's not important how we got on with the eight items. I actually had eight items but somehow the others didn't see the addition of a spork as just part of my cook 'kit' and decided that that constituted an extra item. Then, when I borrowed Matt's wind shield, they added another item so apparently I did the eight item challenge with ten items. :D :D :D


16-10-2011, 08:06 PM
Toothbrush???;) :happy-clapping:

16-10-2011, 08:11 PM
Typical martin lol

16-10-2011, 08:12 PM
Now Justin, it's not important how we got on with the eight items. I actually had eight items but somehow the others didn't see the addition of a spork as just part of my cook 'kit' and decided that that constituted an extra item. Then, when I borrowed Matt's wind shield, they added another item so apparently I did the eight item challenge with ten items. :D :D :D


They were obviously envious of your initial ability to do the challenge with six items, maybe you should have stayed with that and then there would have been no opportunity to gang up on you.

Shame on the rest of you :wink:

16-10-2011, 08:22 PM
Thanks fellas for an epic weekend :campfire:
Ace photos Phil:)


16-10-2011, 08:36 PM
Hats off to you guys, seriously jealous.
Brilliant pictures, video is going to be worth waiting for.

16-10-2011, 09:05 PM
Pics are superb, I`m really envious of you guys. Glad the weather held out for you. :)

16-10-2011, 09:17 PM
Toothbrush???;) :happy-clapping:

Toothbrushes aren't kit!! Come on the rest of you, back me up here!!! How can a toothbrush be kit?? :ashamed:



Adam Savage
16-10-2011, 10:39 PM
Look...it clearly states "TRAVEL KIT" :P


Ashley Cawley
17-10-2011, 06:14 AM
Everything was kit other than food/drink & clothes (& foraged bra's) - Sporks, Toothbrushes & toothpaste are certainly kit! As well as the multiple items in your "stove kit" :p

There's me making chopsticks in the bush and Martin eating using a plastic spork he just whittled! :rolleye: lol it's all good fun.

17-10-2011, 08:29 AM
Photos look Fantastic, Looks like a good time was had by all. Looking forward to the video.

Now if you had all been clever, you could have gone up the week before and stashed items at various Caches along the route and declared them "foraged" items. I'm willing to bet that various 'campers' have left all sorts of junk up on the moors. If it is anything like up here, I've come across whole outer tents, various cutlery, thermos flasks, etc... It is quite amazing what the average yob is willing to leave to be honest.

Just remember to sound exicted when you stumble across your brand new with tags and unopened Tipi Tent with your name on the invoice, exclaiming that you wondered where the postie had lost that!!! :p

17-10-2011, 08:56 AM
A couple more pics...

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6093/6250469962_112cbbb7e1.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250469962/)
Burrator camp (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250469962/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6057/6250282450_9d6a874b74.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250282450/)
'ansum place for lunch (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250282450/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6038/6250469950_8ca62b7ba3.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250469950/)
'avin a breather (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7904270@N07/6250469950/) by roadkillphil (http://www.flickr.com/people/7904270@N07/), on Flickr

Thanks for lookin

17-10-2011, 12:14 PM
Look...it clearly states "TRAVEL KIT" :P


The defence rests its case m'lud. :D


Adam Savage
17-10-2011, 01:17 PM

More great pics Phil. I'm gunna have to find out what editing software you use for your other iPhone photos you know, the ones with the "sweet spot" in the centre.

17-10-2011, 04:00 PM

More great pics Phil. I'm gunna have to find out what editing software you use for your other iPhone photos you know, the ones with the "sweet spot" in the centre.

The iPhone app is called camera+, I use it to take the pics instead of the iPhone camera, then crop and add effects in app. The effect called Miniaturise. Its a technique used mainly on stuff like long range cityscapes to make them look like like toytowns. Blur the outside sharpen up the centre and hey presto :D

Adam Savage
17-10-2011, 06:15 PM
Thanks Phil, I'll hunt it down. :)

17-10-2011, 07:04 PM
I'm with Martin on this......unless it was battery operated.....nuff said:ashamed:

Ashley Cawley
18-10-2011, 09:18 AM
My Photo Slideshow is online: http://www.naturalbushcraft.co.uk/photo-gallery/dartmoor-3-day-8-item-challenge.html
Just a note: When viewing the slideshow using the link above you can click on the slideshow itself to enlarge all of the pictures in the album :)

I have started work on the video but there's a lot more work needed on it (might be published late this evening or tomorrow).

Ashley Cawley
18-10-2011, 10:16 AM
Datrmoor National Park Authority just re-tweeted my tweet :o
You can find their Twitter page @ http://twitter.com/dartmoornpa
Oh and if you don't already know you can find the Natural-Bushcraft Twitter page @ twitter.com/naturlbushcraft (http://twitter.com/naturlbushcraft)

Ashley Cawley
18-10-2011, 08:47 PM
I've spent a few hours editing all the footage this evening, it's all done, well it's now rendering which will take 1 hour then probably another 1hr+ to upload to YouTube! :(

Still, it's the longest Natural-Bushcraft video yet and it's one I love! :D It'll be on here soon. :campfire:

18-10-2011, 08:57 PM
Looking forward to the vid.. The pics came out well and it looks like you guys had a great time. I so should of joined you..

Ashley Cawley
18-10-2011, 09:49 PM
Ok, I under-estimated the upload-time - it's going to take 3 hours to upload! :( I'll upload it from work in the morning (much faster connection there ;))

18-10-2011, 11:29 PM
great photos looks like you had a great time. Cann't wait till the video comes out, how did you find it compared to the 10 piece challenge?

19-10-2011, 07:51 AM
Just watched the video mate looks like you all had a great time wish i could have been there

Ashley Cawley
19-10-2011, 09:00 AM

19-10-2011, 09:24 AM
What a fantastic video Ash, felt like we were back there again. Once again, thanks for putting in all the hard to work to produce the videos I know how much time and effort you put into it to get such good results. :)


19-10-2011, 09:52 AM
Crackin' vid, much better than looking at pics eh? lovely area. T^

19-10-2011, 09:56 AM
Superb vid Ash, totally captured the mood of the weekend :D

Nice one fella :D

19-10-2011, 11:21 AM
Once again a cracking vid, Loving Matts spoon T^

Adam Savage
19-10-2011, 11:30 AM
Top video Ash, well done mate.

still water
19-10-2011, 01:23 PM
what a great vid ash made me want to pack my daysack grab a tarp and go.
the point about drinking the water from a river or stream were a dead animal is, really hit home with me mate it just shows that taking the time to walk up stream a ways can stop you from making yourself ill.

19-10-2011, 01:44 PM

Hey Ash,

what Martin said, many thanks my friend :)

Oll an gwella,


Ashley Cawley
19-10-2011, 06:35 PM
Glad you all like it folks, please feel free to share it with friends, family and other forums you might think might enjoy it.

Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwJhCMHPkOs

19-10-2011, 09:09 PM
Was waiting to see you guys go all bear grylls with the cow and make a shelter with it... :zombie-fighting:

19-10-2011, 09:10 PM
Was waiting to see you guys go all bear grylls with the cow and make a shelter with it... :zombie-fighting:

lol, that was the topic of conversation for the rest of the weekend. :D :D :D


19-10-2011, 09:13 PM
Nice one gents and the vid superb as always.

Ashley Cawley
19-10-2011, 09:52 PM
Was waiting to see you guys go all bear grylls with the cow and make a shelter with it... :zombie-fighting:I did want to play with the Cow but the saner amongst the group prevailed. :(

Nice one gents and the vid superb as always.Thanks to Martin on this one, he captured some good shots that went into the mix also.

19-10-2011, 10:29 PM
Great vid Ash, glad you all had a cracking time by the looks of it.

Ashley Cawley
20-10-2011, 02:41 PM
You've got to love the BCUK Discussion about this video (http://www.bushcraftuk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=80973) - The annual Fire Trolls are back!

It wouldn't be a full-blown tradition without them ;)

Makes me want to do a 6 item trip even more next year now!

20-10-2011, 03:48 PM
Lol I forgot about that last year they might send the tree police after you

Ashley Cawley
20-10-2011, 04:04 PM
Lol I forgot about that last year they might send the tree police after youIt's ok, Martin has got good connections with the Forest Police.

Adam Savage
20-10-2011, 04:16 PM
Jealousy is a cruel, and unforgiving, mistress :D

20-10-2011, 04:22 PM
Good point I forgot about that lol

20-10-2011, 04:35 PM
yh nice looking spoon matt , and a great video

still water
21-10-2011, 09:05 AM
next year why dont you have 6 items between you, you could have a set amount of gear like knife, fire kit (however you make them),water,sleeping kit, cooking kit
and then have 6 items to share just to make things a bit harder.

21-10-2011, 09:31 AM
next year why dont you have 6 items between you, you could have a set amount of gear like knife, fire kit (however you make them),water,sleeping kit, cooking kit
and then have 6 items to share just to make things a bit harder.

We discussed this on the weekend but, personally, I think this will actually make things easier.

On this trip, we each had to carry a means to light fire and a billy can if we wanted to cook over it. It would have made more sense to have one or two fire steels between us and the same goes for knives etc. If I could have borrowed a knife, I wouldn't have had to take my spork as I could have easily carved something to eat with. Most of our kit, except for sleeping, could have been shared and would have lightened our loads considerably, especially if we'd combined food as well.


still water
21-10-2011, 09:36 AM
ok then martin why not do it with 1 knife 1 fire kit a mess tin each and then let us pick the 6 items you take, things like sleeping kit and water plus a good map are a must have so would not be in the 6 items.

21-10-2011, 09:50 AM
ok then martin why not do it with 1 knife 1 fire kit a mess tin each and then let us pick the 6 items you take, things like sleeping kit and water plus a good map are a must have so would not be in the 6 items.

I've got a far better idea. Why don't you come down to Dartmoor and give it a go? Seriously, it's only a couple of hours down the road and you'd love it. :)

I would really love to see how you fair. I think the items you take are quite a personal thing as what one person can do without would be a major sacrifice for someone else. Let us know how you get on. :)


still water
21-10-2011, 09:55 AM
i see your point your right our gear it is a personal thing. and thanks for the invite im up for it i would love to trek dartmoor.

Ashley Cawley
21-10-2011, 10:09 AM
... let us pick the 6 items you take, ..Are you mad!? As if I'd let people on the Internet choose what equipment I had to take with me on Dartmoor! lol.

still water
21-10-2011, 10:15 AM
Are you mad!? As if I'd let people on the Internet choose what equipment I had to take with me on Dartmoor! lol.
we would be kind.lol

21-10-2011, 10:19 AM
i see your point your right our gear it is a personal thing. and thanks for the invite im up for it i would love to trek dartmoor.

Not so much an invitation as a suggestion. There are 368 sq miles of Dartmoor National Park sitting there waiting for people to go and explore it. I'm always amazed at how quiet it is when you venture not far from the beaten track.


Adam Savage
21-10-2011, 11:04 AM
I'm always amazed at how quiet it is when you venture not far from the beaten track.

I can vouch for that. It's like another planet, when you get deep into the heart of Dartmoor. Even when stood atop a large tor (with a view for miles), it's so far that you can't make out roads, let alone people/civilisation. A truly wondrous place, for all kinds of adventurer.


Metal mug
22-10-2011, 11:54 AM
Great vid, very enjoyable. Did you see any zulus in microlites wearing berets? :)

Adam Savage
22-10-2011, 11:59 AM
Great vid, very enjoyable. Did you see any zulus in microlites wearing berets? :)

Don't be silly Jack....microlites can't wear berets :p

Metal mug
22-10-2011, 12:22 PM
Don't be silly Jack....microlites can't wear berets :pThey can if the beret is big enough. :)

Actually do you think the dead cow was killed from a falling beret? :confused2:

Adam Savage
22-10-2011, 01:08 PM
More likely it was bitten by a zombie, started attacking people, and the guy with the beret shot it in the head with a plastic arrow, saving the day. :)

Metal mug
22-10-2011, 04:41 PM
More likely it was bitten by a zombie, started attacking people, and the guy with the beret shot it in the head with a plastic arrow, saving the day. :)God bless that beret guy, :rolleye: .

23-10-2011, 07:34 PM
just watching your vid! Well done... how on earth did matt make that spoon?

23-10-2011, 07:38 PM
also how did you cover up your fire spots?

Ashley Cawley
23-10-2011, 07:56 PM
just watching your vid! Well done... how on earth did matt make that spoon?With an over-sized blade of course! Watch closer next time :p

24-10-2011, 09:06 AM
With an over-sized blade of course! Watch closer next time :p

haha i got that! i meant how he got the actual hallow of the spoon!

24-10-2011, 09:39 AM
haha i got that! i meant how he got the actual hallow of the spoon!

The same way, believe it or not. He has a far more patience than I do. :)


24-10-2011, 10:34 AM
that's pretty cool. Was that your new paramo smock you had? how did it fare?

24-10-2011, 01:00 PM
that's pretty cool. Was that your new paramo smock you had? how did it fare?

It certainly was. Got to admit that it was a little warm but then again, it was a warm weekend. I sweated up quite badly at one stage and my base layer got soaking wet. However, I can't really complain about that as my base layers get soaked with sweat when I'm not wearing a coat at all.

All in all, I'm very pleased with the Paramo and looking at other garments from the same manufacturer. Incidentally, it's raining cats, dogs and cattle in Cornwall today and had to pop out of the office for a while. The rain just beaded straight off the coat and I didn't have any concerns about its waterproofness. The only thing I would say is that the water ran off, straight onto my trousers leaving them soaking wet. Doh!!!!


25-10-2011, 09:42 PM
looks like ye had a great time guy's,loved the vid aswell,as for the fire issue and posting it online for the "authorities" to see,i can imagine the conversation where one of the national park guys tries to explain to the others that he thinks its wrong for responsible people to show others the importance of clearing up after you and leaving no trace when as ye said the place had lot of scorch marks from irresponsible campers !!! i'd personally feel stupid if i did,they should focus more on the kamikaze campers and commend the responsible people
i'd say personally that vids like ye'rs have stopped a lot of people leaving traces behind them and should be commended for sharing the knowledge of how to respect the moor's not berated for showing the importance of respecting it ;)
don't like the fox hunters tho,none of us has the right to hurt any creature of this earth imo,i know the guy in the vid was just probably using a scent but i bet he don't always do that,you could see he was'nt comfortable being filmed,barbaric sport if you ask me
keep up the good work guys :)
peace,ken :)

Ashley Cawley
26-10-2011, 12:11 PM
Hi Ken,

Thanks for your comments. I really don't think the people on the hunt knew I was filming them, I only started filming as they were walking away from us.

26-10-2011, 04:38 PM
Hi Ken,

Thanks for your comments. I really don't think the people on the hunt knew I was filming them, I only started filming as they were walking away from us.
hey ash,
as they say assumption is the mother of all f up's :) my bad lol
reading back over my comment again i probably insulted all fox hunters,i understand most of them stick to the new rules,my apologies to the ones who are sticking to the rules and to the rest,well,hey :)
peace ken :)

20-03-2012, 01:17 PM
5x7 silnylon tarp
32oz. bottle/cup
roll of bankline
Cotton Bandana

Good to go from there!

20-03-2012, 07:36 PM
How about 8 days 3 items?

20-03-2012, 08:14 PM
Hawk, Bottle and cup