View Full Version : My Metal Work Projects

30-09-2011, 11:58 AM
I started off looking at home-made meths stoves from pop cans, but thought they were a bit flimsy, so came up with bean tin ones.
The design is a hybrid of the penny stove & trangia style open centre. There is an internal collared reservoir so it preforms without the need for a penny to create pressure!

Then I started looking at my daughter's favourite food Tuna! & came up with a char-cloth tin, untested, but I think the theory is sound as the lid that seals the top screws in to place for a tight fit!
Finally for now I picked up a multi-tool for £5 from the local charity shop & I wanted to have a stab at heating metal & re-shaping it. So I had a piece of steel tent pole spare & having recently been looking at light weight trekking trowels & liking the design of the SeatoSummit Ipood, came up with this, the handle will stow the bog roll!

Thanks for looking!

30-09-2011, 12:30 PM
Love the pic mate, the trowel is great

30-09-2011, 01:34 PM
Hi there, you must have been very bored. Love the kit
Any pictures of them burning?

30-09-2011, 01:43 PM
Time off from back surgery still got 5 weeks to go till back to work!

No non burning pics sorry I keep forgetting to get some in action!