View Full Version : Pay attention!

01-10-2011, 09:13 AM
Well after living in the same place for the last 8 years or so, I had a little lesson last night in just how little I know about the wildlife that exists in the immediate vicinity of my house. I now of foxes that live around here as I often see them walking up and down the road at night. These are not your true urban foxes as we live on the edge of town surrounded by woodland and fields but it is still a relatively built up area so I suppose the foxes are just using all the resources around them. We also regularly see the buzzards flying around as they nest in the woods as well as peregrines that nest nearby. But last night whilst stepping outside for my last cigarette of the night I spotted what I initially thought was a large cat. No exmoor beasties I'm afraid but was suprised to recognise it as a badger as it came closer. It was just walking up the road towards some allotments which join onto the woods. I have never seen them before or come across any tracks so I think a little investigation is in order and see just what else is out there.

Just goes to show really that you don't need to go far to enjoy the wildlife, you just need to pay attention to whats around you.

01-10-2011, 09:42 AM
Enjoy them while you can. The south west is one of the “hotspot” areas for the governments proposed cull.

01-10-2011, 12:53 PM
I do a fair bit of work on farms these days so understand the farmers desire to get this under control but I'm on the fence with this one. Just seems too easy to blame one animal for the spread of TB when so many other animals are walking around.

Ok, on reflection I have hopped off the fence and don't agree with the cull, maybe the solution is to kill everything in sight and be done with it once and for all!

:guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns: :guns:

01-10-2011, 03:05 PM
Can't see how the cull can work anyway. I have several old setts in my wood and If I had one in use I certainly wouldn't tell anybody likely to tell the cullers, multiply this by the number of odd bits of woodland to get an idea of the scale of the challenge to any cull.
The point about other animals is very valid when you think how many deer there are around, are these tested ever for TB?

01-10-2011, 03:06 PM
Just checked, the British Deer Society has this http://www.bds.org.uk/response_to_defra.html which implies that deer could be a problem.

01-10-2011, 10:21 PM
Its no secret that deer are carriers but as they are more nomadic deer are harder to cull in large numbers. This means its easier to focus on badgers. The other problem is the cattle themselves. They are moved from farm to farm as they are sold on and this spreads TB aswell!

01-10-2011, 10:29 PM
<Its no secret that deer are carriers but as they are more nomadic deer are harder to cull in large numbers. This means its easier to focus on badgers.>

That is like the story of the policeman helping to look for a lost ring. Eventually he asked the man who had lost it if he was sure it was around where they were looking, "Oh no, it was dropped down in that street but there is more light here under the lampost."

02-10-2011, 08:02 AM
Edwin I love that analogy bet the government use that idea.

02-10-2011, 09:13 AM
It's a bad business this proposed cull in the South West.
I know of one small farm where they never had an incidence of Bovine TB despite having one of the largest Badger setts in Devon. They looked after their cows pretty well but did not over medicate them. All around this little farm are what would be better described as "Agri businesses" They all reported cases of Bovine TB but the little farm had none
I'm not sure what point I'm trying to make here but I do feel, personally, that this cull business has been badly thought out.

03-10-2011, 04:23 PM
About the cull. It is just my humble oppinion but hasnt the world been here for billions of years even if it has only been here for 40,000 that is still a shed load longer than any of us will be here so to think WE know what is best is not only Stupid but deeply arrogant. Nature has a way of culling what and when it needs to so unless you have a family of 8 badgers living at the foot of your bed and biting your toes of i say leave them alone. :D :D :D

03-10-2011, 04:34 PM
About the cull. It is just my humble oppinion but hasnt the world been here for billions of years even if it has only been here for 40,000 that is still a shed load longer than any of us will be here so to think WE know what is best is not only Stupid but deeply arrogant. Nature has a way of culling what and when it needs to so unless you have a family of 8 badgers living at the foot of your bed and biting your toes of i say leave them alone. :D :D :D

But humanity is arrogant enough to think that nature must bend to our wishes. Mother nature will always win but it is a shame that mankind must destroy so much before we destroy ourselves.

03-10-2011, 04:49 PM
Sorry but this thinking of Nature as something sentient is wrong. All farming is unnatural anyway because the crops or animals are forced to produce more than required for the reproduction of the species snd we eat the surplus.

Nature is neutral and there is no Gaia to care if the earth is a fruitful green planet or a burnt out cinder. We collectively shape the future and the effects of our choices are all that will happen not some cosmic shrug of the shoulders to despatch us.

03-10-2011, 06:10 PM
Apparently the cull should now be postponed because it will clash with the Olympics!


03-10-2011, 09:04 PM
Sorry but this thinking of Nature as something sentient is wrong. All farming is unnatural anyway because the crops or animals are forced to produce more than required for the reproduction of the species snd we eat the surplus.

Nature is neutral and there is no Gaia to care if the earth is a fruitful green planet or a burnt out cinder. We collectively shape the future and the effects of our choices are all that will happen not some cosmic shrug of the shoulders to despatch us.

After some thought I will bite my tongue on this one as it is difficult to convey the meaning in written form without coming across in the wrong way (and I tried!) It is also prudent to respect individuals beliefs and their right to express them, as you express yours, but I do think you may have taken my post a little literally.

04-10-2011, 08:03 AM
After some thought I will bite my tongue on this one as it is difficult to convey the meaning in written form without coming across in the wrong way (and I tried!) It is also prudent to respect individuals beliefs and their right to express them, as you express yours, but I do think you may have taken my post a little literally.

Ok with you and Edwin in mind i will reply to this and the comment that prompted it.
Edwin. I never said i believe in Gaia or that i thought nature is a higher power i did however say that weather the world has been around for a billion years or 40,000 humanity has only been here for a blink of an eye and to asume the we are so wise is amazing stupidity. The world survived without our interferance before and it would probably benefit from our taking a step back and not interfering all the time.
Please dont think i am trying to attack you i mean no mallace.

Jus_young. I know what you are saying mate but the world is an abundance of nature resources enough for all human kind and then some. It is less about our impact on the planet and more about the people we put in charge being extremely greedy and the fact that we put so much value on something that is completely worthless (Money.) Basically guys it is all about striking a balance and not being greedy. I do believe the individual can make a difference after all we are all learning about bushcraft and sustainable living, that is alot of individuals redressing the balance :D :D :D


04-10-2011, 05:14 PM
I neither believed I was being attacked nor was I attacking anybody. Cliche, but it is the curse of the Internet that we only have words not tone etc.

04-10-2011, 07:56 PM
Jus_young. I know what you are saying mate but the world is an abundance of nature resources enough for all human kind and then some. It is less about our impact on the planet and more about the people we put in charge being extremely greedy and the fact that we put so much value on something that is completely worthless (Money.) Basically guys it is all about striking a balance and not being greedy. I do believe the individual can make a difference after all we are all learning about bushcraft and sustainable living, that is alot of individuals redressing the balance :D :D :D


Couldn't agree more. :)

04-10-2011, 07:59 PM
I neither believed I was being attacked nor was I attacking anybody. Cliche, but it is the curse of the Internet that we only have words not tone etc.

Your right about the curse of the internet, no attack intended. Looking forward meeting you at Daves, we could have some good debates between us :)

05-10-2011, 10:09 AM
Glad that no one felt under attack but i thought better to put that in there and avoid any hurt feelings than not put it in and hack people off :D

05-10-2011, 09:34 PM
As Edwin stated, and appears numerous times on other threads, conversation is hard with the written word and can be taken the wrong way. Normally you know all is well until the ******* swear words start appearing and THINGS GET WRITTEN IN CAPITAL LETTERS!!!! :D

05-10-2011, 11:03 PM
There are a few setts up here in now not so sunny west yorkshire!
Welcome back wind, rain & cold!

I have on a few occasions taken the kids up at dusk to watch the cubs come out to play!

There seems to be a better level of understanding up here their setts are usually fenced off to prevent unwanted disturbances, the ones I've found anyhow!

However there could still be plans to cull here if it is a national thing or is it a SW issue ??????

I'd be against it where ever it is! Has anyone thought of mentioning it on the 38 degrees website? http://38degrees.org.uk/

05-10-2011, 11:06 PM
There are a few setts up here in now not so sunny west yorkshire!
Welcome back wind, rain & cold!

I have on a few occasions taken the kids up at dusk to watch the cubs come out to play!

There seems to be a better level of understanding up here their setts are usually fenced off to prevent unwanted disturbances, the ones I've found anyhow!

However there could still be plans to cull here if it is a national thing or is it a SW issue ??????

I'd be against it where ever it is! Has anyone thought of mentioning it on the 38 degrees website? http://38degrees.org.uk/

I have just realised that that is a political campaign forum thing & may be not allowed sorry mods if I have violated some cardinal sin!