View Full Version : Information on my Peru expedition 2012

03-10-2011, 06:06 PM
In response to interest from another thread about what im goin to be doin while im away in Peru ive decided to write up the itinerary. We depart between the 28th June and the 5th of July (we havent got the definate date as of yet), and we will be spending 28 days 'in country'.

So we arrive in Lima - the capital city of Peru - on day 1, and after spending 2 days aclimatising to the new time zone ( -6hrs GMT), travel to the city of Cuzco, and spend a further day getting used to the alitidude (3000 meters above see level if i remember correctly). In Cuzco we are spending 5 days doing volounteer work in a boys orpahanage, wecould be doing anything from digging and building foundations for a classroom to planting an orchard. After the project at the orphanage we are travelling out to the city of Arequipa - which lies in the Andes. It is from here we will be doin our trek. The trek last 5 days, we are trekking the Cotahausi canyon, the deepest at the world - 3535 meters at its deepest point - with the last day of the trek heading out of the canyon and trekking through a cactus forest before spending our final night at a desert oasis. Then we will be travelling to the Incan City in the skys, Machu Picchu, where we will be spending 3 days exploring the area. From there we will be heading back out into the desert to basically muck about in the sand dunes, and hopefully try sand boarding, which is like skeleton boarding, but on sand, where the boards can reach 40 MPH :happy-clapping:. Next stop is Lake Titicaca, the highest commercial navigable lake in the world, also the largest by volume of water. Here we will be spending a few day exploring the lake and spending time on the woven reed islands which are home to villages of people. After that its time to head back to Lima where we will spend one final day eating and shopping:D.

Well thank you for reading:),Robb

03-10-2011, 09:31 PM
sounds most excellent man!

13-10-2011, 05:54 PM
Looks like a full trip hope you enjoy it :)

07-11-2011, 08:26 PM
Macchu Picchu, one of those mythical places.
Sounds like a rewarding trip all round Robb, should be some interesting pics to.

07-11-2011, 08:30 PM
Cheers all.:)
@rossbird i plan on doin a thread on it when i get back....im all ready dreading all the typing, and trying to get all the pics in;)


08-11-2011, 05:40 PM
sounds great mate :)

08-11-2011, 06:44 PM
Cheers all.:)
@rossbird i plan on doin a thread on it when i get back....im all ready dreading all the typing, and trying to get all the pics in;)


I'll be waiting.... not too patiently:D

27-11-2011, 09:12 PM
Just an update guys, we will be traveiling out to Peru on the 29th of July :)


Ben Casey
27-11-2011, 09:18 PM
Sounds really cool I bet yous have a great time :)

28-11-2011, 12:17 AM
Well jelous mate sound pucker ! Hope you have a wicked time and some even better pictures I wish you a safe trip when you eventually go ;) are you camping in places or is it all accommodation hostels and hotels!?

28-11-2011, 06:38 AM
Cheers, i cant wait its gona be amazing :)

Will, ye we're gona be camping most of the time, except when we're in Lima and such like :)


28-11-2011, 09:15 AM
Sounds good matey, how many people are going ?

03-12-2011, 10:57 PM
Look Forward to hearing more about this! hope all goes well and make the most Great opportunity !