View Full Version : Scouting magazine bowdrill article

05-10-2011, 04:28 PM
I’ve got a bit of a cloud hanging over me at the moment and I want to start a thread on here to explain why. In the previous issue of ‘Scouting’ magazine I did a bowdrill article which attracted some correspondence concerning one of the pictures. I don’t want to reproduce the said pic but if you *really* want a look you can go to the Scout Association website and find the online magazine or look in your hard copy if you get it.

It was a shot which was used to show the base board having the circular depression made to receive the business end of the drill in, I had a great deal of trouble with this particular shot for some reason; shot after shot was either blurred, wasn’t clear or had light shining off the knife blade.
I was turning the base around in my hand figuring out how to get a decent shot and my wife (who was taking the pics over my shoulder) took one and showed me...the depression was in sharp focus and the knife wasn’t reflecting light so I said ‘That’s it’ but unfortunately my hand wasn’t in the best position as regards holding the base. So many shots had been taken that the depression was carved and the pic was only ever going to be a posed one but unfortunately a little style crept inadvertently into the substance.

I was mortified when I was emailed and asked for a reply for the magazine letters page and the for the last two months I’ve been scoping the bushie forums & Escouts to see if this picture generated a thread with one ‘piece of correspondance’’ actually causing me to lose sleep one night...now that the next issue is out with the letter in I feel compelled to put this thread up if for no other reason than to say that this has been a hard time for me, I’m sad that this has made work for the Scouting magazine and probably the Info Centre and to say to anyone who’s seen the pic that it’s not reflective of me as a bushcrafter or indeed as a writer of articles...it has made me a bit nervy when writing new ones.

I’ve had a brilliant bushcrafting 2011 and this year I’ve done stuff with Essex Wildcraft, Woodland Ways, Woodlife and Mike Ashton from Tamarack and I don’t believe I’ve done anything to cause the said players to suck air through their teeth.

I’ve done just short of half a dozen articles which have all been in the Cub supplement, I’m doing some more in the future for both the supplements and main magazine and the pic aside I was actually pleased with the bowdrill article, despite the fact that it had to be edited down in size and that I’d got this prized skill featured in the main magazine...the coal I knocked out was huge!

05-10-2011, 05:18 PM
I was wondering if I was missing something after reading your post and couldn't really fathom what you were getting at so I looked for the picture, and, well, it all made sense then..I understand how frustrating it must have been in getting a good pic but when you're working with kids showing something like that just may have a rather unpleasant consequence. If it were me I would not have used that pic at all, but we live and learn and I'm sure most people who use bow drill are aware of knife safety and cutting techniques and will understand that the pic was posed. Don't beat yourself up over it, it's not worth stressing over and I'm positive that there will be nothing to worry about at all concerning it...as Cody Lundin says "Party on!"

05-10-2011, 10:26 PM
Hey Mang, don't lose sleep over it ! It doesn't matter what you do, when you are involved with youth groups, or any groups for that matter, there will always be those that will object to something. Fair enough when I first looked at the picture when the mag came through I went 'oops' but then thought nothing more of it. The real problem is that some individuals have nothing better to do than to make an issue of it. I see them as needing to make themselves appear better than others around them and, to be honest, I have no time for them. The trick here is that you recognised something happened but its done, put the record straight as it sounds like you may have and move on. The busy bodies will have something new to have a go at soon and the good work you do is too important for the youngsters. The good guys always take it the hardest when something like this happens but don't go the way that most do and give up.

And don't forget that you are not trying to run the whole organisation. Each group has its own leaders that should safely instruct those under their care. The fact that you are a bit nervy may be a good thing, we all need bringing back to reality now and again just to keep us on our toes.

ASL 1st Ilfracombe.

sgt mad
06-10-2011, 12:12 AM
Hi Mang
Admitadely not the best picture in the world, but any child using a knife should be under one to one supervision by a responsible adult who should know safe knife handling techniques.
Why not post a picture in the mag showing the safe position for cutting the depression.
Dont be put of by the critics, keep up the good work

06-10-2011, 12:19 AM
They only moan when they want to hide behind health & safety as an answer for their fears of doing anything edgey & kids actually learning some useful stuff.

As stated if some one is a responsible scout leader they will teach how to keep safe when doing or using something potentially dangerous!

Down with health & safety gone mad (although some of it is useful) & let common sense prevail!

Forget it they were jealous they didn't doit that's what!

Rant endeth!

06-10-2011, 12:26 PM
At least you took the trouble to provide an article that was otherwise excellent.

There's always some smarta**e quick to point out something they dont like but its a pity they dont spend as much of their time writing the articles as they do looking for faults in other peoples efforts!

Don't worry about it mate just keep sending in more stuff and encouraging young 'uns to have a go!!

06-10-2011, 01:58 PM
Well, having now seen the picture and the letter from the 12 year old girl who has complained about it, I'm not sure that I would lose sleep over any of it.

If anything, this maybe highlights how things in the written/printed form can easily be misinterpreted and why NaturalBushcraft is so keen to ensure that people aren't offended by content on this family forum.

It was also good of the magazine to give you the right of reply to argue your case so eloquently. Like Thumbcrusher says, 'Don't worry about it...'.


06-10-2011, 03:58 PM
Dont worry me ol mate, ill not suck through my teeth at you lol. What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger and theres always someone there to point the finger of scorn, I find it highly unlikely a 12yr old girl wrote in either i smell a preverbial rat there, as has been said you would have been better doing the correct stance for doing bow drill but after thought is a wonderful thing eh. keep up the articles buddy there all good... ;) JP

06-10-2011, 04:30 PM
Ooop's, but I wouldn't worry about mate, I've seen so called experienced bushcrafter's/woodsmen making mistakes when showing kids stuff, It's a wonder there was no-one complaining you were using a knife in the first place.
Well done to you for your time and effort in the article.

06-10-2011, 09:23 PM
Thankyou to all who have commented.

I really just wanted to start the thread about it rather than scoping forums looking 'Just in case...', I wasn't enjoying forums as a result! Thankyou all. I was doing a bit of Youtube research and whilst I would, with hindsight, have used a different image I noticed Uncle ray holds his hand close to the action whilst making this pot hanger.



06-10-2011, 09:54 PM
You acknowledge your pic wasn't perfect.
Pretty sure you didn't have a team around you to check everything (as RM would have).
Lesson learnt, I'm sure.
The fact you are so concerned says every thing really.
Just carry on with the good work.