View Full Version : catty hunting
still water
17-10-2011, 01:43 PM
hi all, iv been into hunting for years now and have tryed different types and method of taking home dinner.
for me the best way is with a catty or slingshot for our mates over the pond.
Do any of you use a catty for hunting ?
I use one i made myself as well as a brown fish hunter(witch kicks @ss by the way) and a millbro copy.
17-10-2011, 03:25 PM
I was just telling my family yesterday that hunting with a bow is illegal in England, but I think it's still legal to hunt with a catty. Which I find a little strange to be honest.
I'd like to give it a go, and I must say I miss the pleasure of coming home with food for dinner from the wild. I used to spearfish in Cape Town many many moons ago. I'd like to one day bring home my own wild food, but it's so difficult to find places where one can take wild animals.
Please tell us more about your typical prey and hunting techniques. If they're not secrets of course! ;)
17-10-2011, 07:40 PM
I think it's a grey area to hunt with a catty in the UK and to be honest I'm more of the opinion that it is ilegal unless some one can prove otherwise..
17-10-2011, 08:59 PM
I think it's a grey area to hunt with a catty in the UK and to be honest I'm more of the opinion that it is ilegal unless some one can prove otherwise..
What do you mean grey area?
Can't kill or restricted to normal areas as with air rifle?
18-10-2011, 01:03 AM
You guys make me chuckle,the art of catty huntting is concealment you dont go out over you'r park on a Saturday arfter noon to hunt,you go out when they nobody about so you can hunt wot you like,you do it with steff and concealment<<<good word:DI'v taken pritty boys,dear and wooly jumpers in the concealment of darkness:happy-clapping:Infact to my mind it's the only way to get bunny's if netting or lamping with gun or Long dog. Thats Y I'v always huntted wear I like and never got court,apart from one time when I did tag along with some guys that were doing some ferriting,but I got away with it and got the 12 rabbits back that plod had kept in there freezer untill we went to court:happy-clapping:Atb with you'r poach I meen concealment.DONT GET EATEN BY THE BEARS:guns:
18-10-2011, 07:53 AM
This thread almost has the air of "A poachers tale" about it, but I think it's more about "in season" ie if you have a catty (or whatever) and the potential prey is in your sights, then you deem it "in season" of course it would be more palatable for the masses if your on private land with the owners permission.
However none of you have ever scrumped apples have you?.............. let's leave it at that, I also have a Fish pocket rocket, conceals nicely and does the job and Bernie, I don't think you have that amount of moons under your belt, there is still spear fishing happening out here around the Cape, but I think it could be a lot more regulated than when you were here perhaps?
What's wrong with the waters around the UK?
Don't tell me it's against the we go again!
18-10-2011, 08:29 AM
Just slightly off topic: I know that some people are using Paddle Boards to spear fish from around North Devon
18-10-2011, 08:42 AM
......What's wrong with the waters around the UK?
It's bloomin' freezing!!! That's what's wrong with the waters around the UK. :(
18-10-2011, 09:54 AM
It's bloomin' freezing!!! That's what's wrong with the waters around the UK. :(
Fair comment Martin, but ask Bernie what the temperature of the water is like, on the Atlantic side of the Cape when the currents are flowing up from the ice!
18-10-2011, 09:59 AM
Fair comment Martin, but ask Bernie what the temperature of the water is like, on the Atlantic side of the Cape when the currents are flowing up from the ice!
LOL. Can't be as cold as the north coast of Cornwall at any time of the year. :D :D
18-10-2011, 10:41 AM
LOL. Can't be as cold as the north coast of Cornwall at any time of the year. :D :D
Well you live & learn, we'll have to agree to call it a draw on this one Martin, seems we both have average temperature ranges of between 10-15 degrees C one of the big differences though is that because of ocean current flow, the seas off Cape Town can be at their coldest in the Summer!
still water
18-10-2011, 11:37 AM
I think it's a grey area to hunt with a catty in the UK and to be honest I'm more of the opinion that it is ilegal unless some one can prove otherwise..
its not illegal to hunt as long as you are good enough and have the permission of the land owner
18-10-2011, 06:53 PM
its not illegal to hunt as long as you are good enough and have the permission of the land owner
Please reply with the appropriate section from the Criminal Justice Act or the Countryside and Wildlife act to prove your statement, thanks..
still water
18-10-2011, 07:23 PM
i dont need to prove any statement i make mate,
you have a computer put your question in google and find out for yourself.
18-10-2011, 07:23 PM
Play nicely boys...
still water
18-10-2011, 07:29 PM
im sorry did that come over unkind
18-10-2011, 07:31 PM
The curse of the written word or sarcasm...
Who knows? :)
still water
18-10-2011, 07:42 PM
Catapult hunting and UK law.
It is completely legal to shoot rabbits with a catapult with the intention to kill. So if you are looking for dinner you can use a catapult, it is legal.
However you must :
a. Have permission from the landowner to do so first!
b. Be proficient enough to be able to kill, and must use suitable projectiles to ensure this! For example steel ball bearings.
c. Intend to kill.
It is also important to note : The Wild Mammals Protection Act 1996 which makes it an offence to injure, maim, beat with sticks, torment, burn, wild animals etc. . In other words not to kill but merely to cause suffering. Therefore if you are seen shooting at a rabbit time and time again without killing or stunning the rabbit only hitting it, this could be seen as contrary to this act, and would need to answer for it, possibly in court. Therefore power, accuracy, using adequate and suitable projectiles, and at a range whereby an accurate shot will kill, is vital to be and be seen to be within the law.
18-10-2011, 07:45 PM
i dont need to prove any statement i make mate,
you have a computer put your question in google and find out for yourself.
OOOH deary me, don't worry I'll pick your dummy up for you son..Thanks for taking the time to respond, here's some reading for you
18-10-2011, 07:46 PM
Catapult hunting and UK law.
It is completely legal to shoot rabbits with a catapult with the intention to kill. So if you are looking for dinner you can use a catapult, it is legal.
However you must :
a. Have permission from the landowner to do so first!
b. Be proficient enough to be able to kill, and must use suitable projectiles to ensure this! For example steel ball bearings.
c. Intend to kill.
It is also important to note : The Wild Mammals Protection Act 1996 which makes it an offence to injure, maim, beat with sticks, torment, burn, wild animals etc. . In other words not to kill but merely to cause suffering. Therefore if you are seen shooting at a rabbit time and time again without killing or stunning the rabbit only hitting it, this could be seen as contrary to this act, and would need to answer for it, possibly in court. Therefore power, accuracy, using adequate and suitable projectiles, and at a range whereby an accurate shot will kill, is vital to be and be seen to be within the law.
And this is taken from where???
still water
18-10-2011, 07:59 PM
this information is taken a catapult hunting website whos name i dont know weather i can mention, as the guy who ran it sold hunting cattys and its his business to know the law. now there were no dummys chucked out of any prams and if you read through my posts i have said sorry if it came over unkind.
can i ask you, why you have got on to your high horse about this please.?
18-10-2011, 08:08 PM
this information is taken a catapult hunting website whos name i dont know weather i can mention, as the guy who ran it sold hunting cattys and its his business to know the law. now there were no dummys chucked out of any prams and if you read through my posts i have said sorry if it came over unkind.
can i ask you, why you have got on to your high horse about this please.?
I'm not on any high horse (I get vertigo) I Just don't want to see anybody unintentionally break the law and have to pay the penalty..As I said it's a gray area, if you're seen to injure an animal with one then the full force of both the Criminal justice act and the countryside and wildlife act can be used against you..I love cattys always have and would love to hunt with one but don't want to risk the wrath of plod..I know exactly who you are talking about and which forum with regard to the law quote you used and that forum also fails to quote from either act to prove their point, be sure you can prove your point from legislation incase you are faced with prosecution one day and if you can you'll have made me a very happy man and I will start hunting with wild abandon, until then descretion is the better part of valour.
still water
19-10-2011, 01:59 PM
Ok luresalive your point is taken in and noted. I would like to say sorry again as im new here i don't want to start out on the wrong foot.
The sorry is to all members of the forum i really don't want to start off on the wrong foot. I joined this forum to talk to like minded people about a subject that i hold close to my hart bushcraft. The subject of catty hunting is one that i shell not bring up again.pete.
19-10-2011, 02:06 PM
By all means bring it up and I'd love to hear of your exploits, it's just something I'm not comfortable with atm, but that could change and I hope it will..It's also natural to have differing viewpoints and I've no problem with that provided it comes along with mutual respect..T^
still water
19-10-2011, 02:29 PM
no probs chap, hope that we can start off again with mutual respect and i hope we can share the same view over a coffee one day.pete.
cuppa joe
19-10-2011, 06:04 PM
i used to have a bike made from old bits of other bikes when I was a kid had (cow horn) handle bars so named because of the shape....anyway I used to hook an elasticated luggage strap into the end and this gave me a kind of catapult come bow and arrow ....i put a 4 inch nail in the end of a length of cane and a card tied into a split at the other end.
Then i put the (arrow ) in place ...pulled back stuck in the back of my hand ....theres a moral in there somewhere.
cuppa joe
19-10-2011, 06:06 PM
i used to have a black widow and could hit a playing card nine out out ten times at twenty or so feet away with a marble.
19-10-2011, 07:10 PM
Remember if it isn't prohibited its legal in the UK, still, thank goodness. Thus spear, bow and crossbow are named as illegal hunting methods as is hurting an animal or permitted bird target without intent to kill (as already mentioned). So catapults are legal given the other conditions which have been stated are satisfied. must admit it baffles me why blunt arrowhead for small game aren't allowed.
I did hear that the MP who was supposed to put the amendment to the legislation allowing bow-hunting was in the loo at the appropriate time during the debate.
19-10-2011, 09:54 PM
Fascinating debate here, so to recap.
If you have a permission to hunt with air rifle, then you can legally do same with catty.
And of course with intent to kill cleanly and not main or injure intentionally.
Then all is good:D
And of course we all have different opinions of lots of subjects, which is why life is so enriched.
30-03-2012, 06:45 AM
Sorry to re-open this post but here's some information on ammuntition to use in your cattys
The Box of Truth (
Here's what I'm doing with mine -
with 14 month lab, who I'm trying a bit of gundog training with.
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