View Full Version : UK man Jonathan McGowan lives on roadkill for 30 years

Ashley Cawley
23-10-2011, 09:48 PM
A (http://www.whatsontianjin.com/news-1629-uk-man-jonathan-mcgowan-lives-on-roadkill-for-30-years-never-buy-meat.html) funny article I saw on Twitter, this man does eat some funny stuff even by my standards (and I eat road-kill!)They couldn't even get the captions right to some of the images though; says 'Pigeon' when it's obviously a pheasant he's butchering.

- http://www.whatsontianjin.com/news-1629-uk-man-jonathan-mcgowan-lives-on-roadkill-for-30-years-never-buy-meat.html


24-10-2011, 03:16 AM
Isn't there a bloke who lives on Bodmin who has lived on Road-Kill for years? There was a TV documentry about him iirc

Metal mug
24-10-2011, 05:53 AM
Isn't there a bloke who lives on Bodmin who has lived on Road-Kill for years? There was a TV documentry about him iircI think there's a chap on Dartmoor who does it as well. Unless it's the same fella and i've got the moor wrong.

24-10-2011, 06:51 AM
Mr Boyt of Bodmin LINK (http://www.veoh.com/watch/v15061938RThZfXqp?h1=The+Man+Who+Eats+Badgers+%5BP art+1%5D)

warning: some strong language from the beginning - just in case the kids are listening

Ashley Cawley
24-10-2011, 10:57 AM
Yeah that's the documentary I remember.

24-10-2011, 11:59 AM
Quite a handy scourse of meat for a Taxidermist eh......

"'I used to cut up dead animals to see their insides and when I did all I could see was fresh, organic meat, better than the kind I had seen in the supermarkets. So I never saw a problem with cooking and eating it.'"

Brains with a nice chiante any one "thsssp thssssp thhsssspppppp!!" lol

Nowt wrong with Road kill, obviously some precautions must be observed.
However id not eat anything found dead in the woods or on farm land as it states he does in the blerb...
And also sometimes carnivores get poisoned and wander into roads, id stick to bird life and herbivores...

24-10-2011, 12:04 PM
Yeah that's the documentary I remember.

Did you listen to the abusive phone calls he gets? The bloke is treated like a leper by the locals on Bodmin. His wife refused to be seen in the TV programme :)

Ashley Cawley
24-10-2011, 01:32 PM
Did you listen to the abusive phone calls he gets? The bloke is treated like a leper by the locals on Bodmin. His wife refused to be seen in the TV programme :)Yeah but we all get those sort of calls, don't we?.... right? :ashamed:

24-10-2011, 03:11 PM
oh no hes got the same aga as me and the same colour ! but one thing that isnt the same about are aga is what we cook in ours and it doesnt work lol
he eaten a cat !

26-10-2011, 08:03 AM
I was speaking to Jonathan on the phone a couple of weeks back about something entirely different.
He's not as mad as the newspaper article would have you believe.

Ashley Cawley
26-10-2011, 08:39 AM
I was speaking to Jonathan on the phone a couple of weeks back about something entirely different.
He's not as mad as the newspaper article would have you believe.I don't doubt it. Like I said; I eat road-kill occasionally, nothing wrong with it when it's in a good state, just healthy meat. Having said that I've stuck to mainly Pheasant, Rabbit & Deer up till now.