View Full Version : Debris Shelter by night
29-11-2010, 09:48 PM
Thought I'd try my hand at low light photography.
29-11-2010, 10:00 PM
Great pics..
29-11-2010, 10:23 PM
That looks amazing, Mike.
Cracking pictures and love the night sky one.
29-11-2010, 10:26 PM
That's lovely! Brings back memories of my first debris shelter, what a great night sleep I got! :)
sleeping bags
30-11-2010, 11:49 AM
looks cosy and a great view of jupiter by the looks of it.
30-11-2010, 11:56 AM
Top of the class, I wondered how many people would notice what the photo was of. I might try it again tonight with a good zoom.
sleeping bags
30-11-2010, 01:31 PM
(i posted this already but it didnt show grrrr), mike zoom aint gonna make much diff on jupiter if you are only using a digi cam, you could try a longer exposure, low iso settings and a tripod or the ground, set the self timer aswell it stops camera shake, the long exposure and low iso will bring out the background stars much better, you should end up with some great pics, ps, try the moon you can get some great shots with a digi cam, :),
ps, focus on a distant building, turn of af and set to manual and leave it, it stops the cam continually trying to focus on the objects in the sky, resulting in a much better pic, have fun
30-11-2010, 01:39 PM
Thanks buddy, It is a Digi Cam but 18x Optical zoom. Should have a small effect. I don't like going to low on ISO as the picture will begin to get Grainy, Exposure is already at 15 seconds(camera's max) and mounted on a tripod. I was using a 2 second delay, but found switching to the 10 better.
Haven't turned of the AF though. Any hints on F-stop? I'm using 3.2 at the moment to capture as much as possible.
sleeping bags
30-11-2010, 01:47 PM
set it to the fastest f ratio,(smaller the number faster it is, f/32 = 1 sec f/45 = 2 secs and so on). if you want to get a fantastic pic take a small avi movie and stitch the pics together, (i have a great prog for this thats free, it seperates the movie frames and then layers them to make a final still image, its quite cool).
05-12-2010, 06:02 PM
Great pics mate the shelter looks great, did you get a good nights sleep in it?
05-12-2010, 09:58 PM
Not Slept in it, might do early in the new year. It was built as a little sunday walk project with my 3 yr old daughter. Use it for a little bushcraft hideaway when I'm out walking the Mutts in the Evenings
28-12-2010, 09:33 PM
(i posted this already but it didnt show grrrr), mike zoom aint gonna make much diff on jupiter if you are only using a digi cam, you could try a longer exposure, low iso settings and a tripod or the ground, set the self timer aswell it stops camera shake, the long exposure and low iso will bring out the background stars much better, you should end up with some great pics, ps, try the moon you can get some great shots with a digi cam, :),
ps, focus on a distant building, turn of af and set to manual and leave it, it stops the cam continually trying to focus on the objects in the sky, resulting in a much better pic, have fun
Great advice, will try this myself when this fog clears
Ashley Cawley
25-01-2011, 06:47 AM
Some great shots there Mike thanks for sharing :)
What camera are you using bud? I was trying to take shots of the moon the other night with a Canon 450D but I was doing crap - my fault no doubt not the moons!
25-01-2011, 11:48 AM
Thanks Ash,
The camera is quite an old Fuji finepix S5600. A point and shoot, that I like to keep with me, it is only 5Mp but takes some cracking photos. It has a really good manual setting that allows as much fiddling as some of DSLRs. The trick is to play around with the exposure timings to get the right balance between picking out dark night features but not glaring out your subject i.e the moon.
If your only taking a picture of the moon then, you will be surpised how short an exposure you need, I think I took the moon photo at 1/1600 and ISO200 with an f-stop of 3.2, however the landscapes were taken at 8, 4 and 2 seconds. These are the raw files straight from the camera with no post processing and they are still pretty good.
541 540 538 539
Hope that helps you out a bit, look forward to seeing your pics.
beechnut mick
05-03-2011, 07:17 AM
looks good fella,how was your nights stay in the shelter
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