View Full Version : 1st time camping out.

06-11-2011, 11:59 PM
I'm going camping soon at Troserch woods, and I wondered as I'm nearly 16, would I even be allowed to take a stove and knife and stuff like that, or will I just get in trouble?

07-11-2011, 09:25 AM
I admire your spirit of adventure, but if this really is your first time out camping in the woods the best thing you could take with you is somebody with a bit of experience. It would avoid 'trouble' in many senses of the word.



07-11-2011, 01:00 PM
I admire your spirit of adventure, but if this really is your first time out camping in the woods the best thing you could take with you is somebody with a bit of experience. It would avoid 'trouble' in many senses of the word.



That's the thing I don't have anyone. My friend said he'd like to go with me but he's not very much older than me.

07-11-2011, 03:47 PM
I would offer to go with you but my next night off is 23rd December. My advice is use the round house to cook in and don't take a knife.

Metal mug
07-11-2011, 04:47 PM
Maybe you could whittle a fake id? :)

07-11-2011, 04:51 PM
I would just add, make sure you have a strong plan incase of emergency.

07-11-2011, 05:23 PM
I would offer to go with you but my next night off is 23rd December. My advice is use the round house to cook in and don't take a knife.

I couldn't find that round house ahah, I think I'm going to get more familiar with the woods before camping. Or I might just spend a day there, take some tea up, beans, stuff like that.

07-11-2011, 07:32 PM
Sounds like a plan to me mate,get up early,pack your gear and spend the day just getting to know your way around, i agree with the earlyer poster leave the knife at home, some people just would get the wrong idea i'm afraid. Don't forget to let someone know where you are going and when you expect to be home( take a fully charged phone) . have fun!! Paul

07-11-2011, 07:59 PM
Well im only 13 and my first camp out I took my knife and only went with friends with no experience but was on my uncles land so was not going to get told of for having a knife on me .:camping:

07-11-2011, 08:23 PM
It's going to be cold, so I think a fire would be great to have, but I think your only allowed to make a fire at the shed/hut in Troserch.

07-11-2011, 08:45 PM
It's going to be cold, so I think a fire would be great to have, but I think your only allowed to make a fire at the shed/hut in Troserch.

Shed/hut is the round house. And your right, that is the only place you can light a fire.

07-11-2011, 10:02 PM
id check the legality of fires. if your after a stealth camp then you may have to think about a 'dakota fire pit ' rather than an open fire. somebody posted a how to guide on here last week some time and i had one of those bad boys going on the weekend. eeeasily enough heat from that if you sit close enough.

as for your knife, again, depends what your doing i suppose. IF you were to get stopped there obviously going to question your other gear. if its for cutting/ carving wood / striking a fire, and theres clear signs stating you cant light fires or cut foliage. then prepare for dressing down lol use your noodle and im sure you'll be fine.

08-11-2011, 08:17 AM
This is the roundhouse. Easiest way I know to get to its is from the top car park, take the path through the gate down hill. You can't miss it.


08-11-2011, 10:30 AM
Legal penknife, matches/lighter/firesteel for stove. What's to query or be questioned by any busybody? He is a free citizen, albeit a young one, and should have the right to go about his lawful business. We diminish our own freedoms by kow-towing to other people's erroneous perceptions of the law.

I see that restrictions on sales of knives etc does not apply to a legal penknife or razor blades enclosed in a plastic housing, according to a couple of County Council info sites for shopkeepers. Nor do any of them mention matches or lighters only lighter fuel. I do know that even penknives are now banned in schools and some other places. By definition, almost, carrying the full sleeping out kit will justify any one part of it.

08-11-2011, 10:54 AM
Should mention that I have tried to confirm the apparent legality of sales of legal penknives and matches to young persons but can't find anything definitive so there must be a query over that bit.

08-11-2011, 11:04 AM
Or get one of these that the Government defines as a tool not a penknife.


08-11-2011, 11:32 AM
It's all very well for barrack room lawyers to expound their theories about what is acceptable in a 'free society' but this is a young man who could live to regret the day he was found in public with an unlawful blade or point. The consequences of which could blight his career and freedom to travel for the rest of his life!!

This forum is not the place for unqualified strangers to give their opinions, thinly disguised as fact, which could be misconstrued as sound legal advice.

This young man has been on here asking advice on whether it is safe to eat certain funghi, whether it is safe to eat certain sea food, and now whether he would be ok to sleep in a privately owned woodland and to carry a knife and start a fire.

The only people who should be giving him advice on these matters are, in my opinion, his parents or legal guardians and the land owners. If he were to get into trouble either by eating the wrong thing or by falling foul of the law who on here is going to stand up in court and say that they are sorry for his death or his ignorance of the law?

The internet is a great source of information for research but you need to be able to sort the wheat from the chaff.

For those of us who are adults, we have to make our own decisions based on our understanding of the risks involved and our experience that comes with age. For children they need the advice of people they know, not strangers on the internet.


08-11-2011, 12:03 PM
The penknife would not be illegal, that is the basic point. If it ain't illegal in the UK then it is legal. That is a fact no matter what insulting remarks you make about Barrack room lawyers. But then perhaps you think we should all be afraid lest we might break the law and tiptoe around? What then of people discussing stealth camping on this forum? That could be construed as "conspiracy to trespass" which is a crime.

He asked for advice from strangers on the internet, if that is wrong then ban all under-age people from this forum whose main aim appears to be to give advice or do you love your role as advice giver too much to give that up?

08-11-2011, 01:45 PM
The penknife would not be illegal, that is the basic point. If it ain't illegal in the UK then it is legal. That is a fact no matter what insulting remarks you make about Barrack room lawyers. But then perhaps you think we should all be afraid lest we might break the law and tiptoe around? What then of people discussing stealth camping on this forum? That could be construed as "conspiracy to trespass" which is a crime.

He asked for advice from strangers on the internet, if that is wrong then ban all under-age people from this forum whose main aim appears to be to give advice or do you love your role as advice giver too much to give that up?

Fair play. You clearly know more about this young man and the Criminal Justice Act 1988 than I do. I withdraw all of my former comments. I'm sure he'll be just fine.


08-11-2011, 02:03 PM
This is the roundhouse. Easiest way I know to get to its is from the top car park, take the path through the gate down hill. You can't miss it.


I go a different way. So I've never really seen it

The penknife would not be illegal, that is the basic point. If it ain't illegal in the UK then it is legal. That is a fact no matter what insulting remarks you make about Barrack room lawyers. But then perhaps you think we should all be afraid lest we might break the law and tiptoe around? What then of people discussing stealth camping on this forum? That could be construed as "conspiracy to trespass" which is a crime.

He asked for advice from strangers on the internet, if that is wrong then ban all under-age people from this forum whose main aim appears to be to give advice or do you love your role as advice giver too much to give that up?

I think I might just not take a knife at all, although I've read loads of knife laws, and if I can remember it's ok to carry a edc <3.0" non locking blade, but I can't remember much.

I forgot to say thanks!, thanks.

Btw the only knife I have is a Mora Clipper 840MG, it's razor sharp thanks to my DC4! I'm not really sure when to camp yet, I think I'm going to go there more then camp.

08-11-2011, 02:54 PM

139 Offence of having article with blade or point in public place.E+W

(1)Subject to subsections (4) and (5) below, any person who has an article to which this section applies with him in a public place shall be guilty of an offence.

(2)Subject to subsection (3) below, this section applies to any article which has a blade or is sharply pointed except a folding pocketknife.

(3)This section applies to a folding pocketknife if the cutting edge of its blade exceeds 3 inches.

(4)It shall be a defence for a person charged with an offence under this section to prove that he had good reason or lawful authority for having the article with him in a public place.

08-11-2011, 03:10 PM
I bet even if I took a legal knife, if I was seen with it, people would not be happy. But I suppose your meant to be discreet with it.

08-11-2011, 03:14 PM
Take sandwiches and a thermos flask as apparently you may neither cut up your food nor heat it while camping.

08-11-2011, 03:17 PM
Take sandwiches and a thermos flask as apparently you may neither cut up your food nor heat it while camping.

:( It would be more fun camping in my back garden...

08-11-2011, 08:27 PM
Fair play. You clearly know more about this young man and the Criminal Justice Act 1988 than I do. I withdraw all of my former comments. I'm sure he'll be just fine.

I'm not sure why, you would want to withdraw your remarks Martin. They were obviously made with B/boys best intrest at heart.
I too hope he has the permission and support of those close to him.
I hope B/boy reads your post and realises the wisdom and commonsense contained within it.
To encourage a young lad along this route, without knowing all the circumstances, could cause real problems.


08-11-2011, 10:39 PM
Do I then understand that you would like to have people in general who are under 18 not to have a legal penknife with them while camping? perhaps we should ask Ashley to post this as a proscription at the head of the website as it is so important. So all you fond parents happy to have your children learn how to handle a legal penknife must confiscate them at once as some on this forum know more than the law of the land.

Yes it is a touchy subject but being craven is not the answer.

08-11-2011, 10:56 PM
i don't see craven as the issue Edwin. More the safety and wellbeing of a young man, whose personal circumstances, are not ours to speculate on.

08-11-2011, 10:57 PM
I have brought my granddaughter her own mora knife, she is only 7. The difference is she does not carry it in public, if we are in private woods then she can carry it, I am also continually teaching her that it is a tool and how to use it and when to use it.
It is my responsibility to help teach but to also make her aware of the law and why she should have respect and treat things in the right manner.
Well that's my take on the knife debate, anyhow BB use your common sense and enjoy going out, if by yourself just use a pocket knife that is legal, and unless you do something daft I don't think the old bill is going out to hunt you down.

08-11-2011, 11:45 PM
Following this thread is agony!

I think we might be missing the point. This young fella wants to go camping and bushcrafting for the first time. He is keen as mustard! I was at his age. He wants to sharpen some sticks with his knife, rub two boy scouts together and make a fire, cook his evening meal on the fire he made out of boy scouts. He's so keen he's prepared to camp and sleep in the wood on his own because he can't find a mate to go with him - admirable in my view.

We don't seem to be helping him much by quoting laws and going in ever decreasing circles argueing the finer points.

He hasn't got a mate to go with him and the venue he has earmarked seems to impose limitations which won't let him realise his dream.

As Martin has said (indirectly), his parent(s) are the ones who have the final veto on what he does and doesn't do. Without knowing the limitations he is working under it is difficult to know what to suggest.

BCB - what are your parents attitute to all this? What will they let you do and not do? Why can't you come to an organised meet near you? Would one of your parents accompany you? Would they let you go with a responsible ( maybe CRB approved) adult?

Can't we try to make BCB's path easier, help him out and welcome a new generation of Bushcrafters into the fraternity with proper, practical help and advice (and maybe a helping hand)?



09-11-2011, 12:47 AM
I love Canada, so much less rules and restrictions here regarding knife carry................ especially outdoors. I'd post a smiley face, but unfortunately you guys have to suffer due to the strict rules regarding knife carry. I feel for you. :(

09-11-2011, 09:15 AM
Following this thread is agony!

I think we might be missing the point. This young fella wants to go camping and bushcrafting for the first time. He is keen as mustard! I was at his age. He wants to sharpen some sticks with his knife, rub two boy scouts together and make a fire, cook his evening meal on the fire he made out of boy scouts. He's so keen he's prepared to camp and sleep in the wood on his own because he can't find a mate to go with him - admirable in my view.

We don't seem to be helping him much by quoting laws and going in ever decreasing circles argueing the finer points.

He hasn't got a mate to go with him and the venue he has earmarked seems to impose limitations which won't let him realise his dream.

As Martin has said (indirectly), his parent(s) are the ones who have the final veto on what he does and doesn't do. Without knowing the limitations he is working under it is difficult to know what to suggest.

BCB - what are your parents attitute to all this? What will they let you do and not do? Why can't you come to an organised meet near you? Would one of your parents accompany you? Would they let you go with a responsible ( maybe CRB approved) adult?

Can't we try to make BCB's path easier, help him out and welcome a new generation of Bushcrafters into the fraternity with proper, practical help and advice (and maybe a helping hand)?



Well said Paul, I've been following this thread too and up till now have refrained from posting. BcB has joined this forum for the same reason most of us have... To glean knowledge from like minded folk and as he has done in this thread, ask for help. Using this thread to argue ones opinion of the law is not helpful to BcB.

Unfortunately dude, (BcB) whether it's cool or not, parental consent and the law are facts of life.
For me the biggest issue is skills and experience. Experience will come with time. As for skills, surely there is someone here on NB that is of similar age and local ish to you that you could mebbe hook up with and learn from? Teaching yourself is ok, but hanging out with like minded folk will teach you more and would be way more fun and safer.

As for the knife thing, my kids are not dexterous enough at the mo to handle a knife, but as and when they are, sure, I'll get them a knife, but they'll be closely supervised to get them started in techniques and you can be sure it won't be a self folding, self finger amputating, piece of rubbish.

In conclusion sound advice and proper help is what we should be offering BcB, not heated debates and a whole fistful of opinions.

BushcraftBoy, I wish you the best of luck.

All the best


Ben Casey
09-11-2011, 09:51 AM
Well said Paul, I've been following this thread too and up till now have refrained from posting. BcB has joined this forum for the same reason most of us have... To glean knowledge from like minded folk and as he has done in this thread, ask for help. Using this thread to argue ones opinion of the law is not helpful to BcB.

Unfortunately dude, (BcB) whether it's cool or not, parental consent and the law are facts of life.
For me the biggest issue is skills and experience. Experience will come with time. As for skills, surely there is someone here on NB that is of similar age and local ish to you that you could mebbe hook up with and learn from? Teaching yourself is ok, but hanging out with like minded folk will teach you more and would be way more fun and safer.

As for the knife thing, my kids are not dexterous enough at the mo to handle a knife, but as and when they are, sure, I'll get them a knife, but they'll be closely supervised to get them started in techniques and you can be sure it won't be a self folding, self finger amputating, piece of rubbish.

In conclusion sound advice and proper help is what we should be offering BcB, not heated debates and a whole fistful of opinions.

BushcraftBoy, I wish you the best of luck.

All the best


Here Here

09-11-2011, 10:38 AM
But the facts are plain, any person, young or old may have with them a folding legal penknife except in areas like schools where it is now illegal and pubs or clubs where it might be misconstrued. No amount of paternalistic advice changes that. If the question had not been asked I strongly doubt if anybody would have thought twice about it as a problem when camping.

09-11-2011, 11:12 AM
But the facts are plain, any person, young or old may have with them a folding legal penknife except in areas like schools where it is now illegal and pubs or clubs where it might be misconstrued. No amount of paternalistic advice changes that. If the question had not been asked I strongly doubt if anybody would have thought twice about it as a problem when camping.

But the facts are not plain Edwin. It will depend at the time on the individual PC involved whether BCB gets hauled off to the nick or not, then the onus is on him to prove his innocence. If really unlucky the Custody Sgt will charge and bail him, and a criminal offence will be registered against him. Even if the case is dropped its still a nasty experience.

So far guys i think your advice is bang on the money with the exception of Edwins 'freedom' speeches - Sadly the population of this country isnt free and we HAVE to abide by the statute - particularly when only 15 or 16. Fortunately BCB seems like a switched on cookie and will do what he thinks is the safest option.

Lastly, Edwin you need to chill out a bit fella and I'll quote Phil here if i may.."In conclusion sound advice and proper help is what we should be offering BcB, not heated debates and a whole fistful of opinions."

BushcraftBoy, I also wish you the best of luck.

09-11-2011, 11:37 AM
As always, advice can be given but does not have to be taken.
IF YOUR PARENTS ARE COOL WITH IT TAKE YOUR KNIFE. BUT DON'T CAUSE DAMAGE OR GET CAUGHT. You prob wont see anyone up there after 4pm and even during the day it's really only dog walkers and they tend to stick to the paths.

Seriously. be careful with a knife, personally, I don't see the point of taking a knife. I never use one now. I hardly ever did in the army. But thats just my opinion. Again. HAVE FUN. GET YOUR PARENTS PERMISSION.
Please don't burn the woods down I love it up there LOL
Did I mention have fun?

09-11-2011, 11:43 AM
Right. I have just got off the phone to Police HQ in my area. The law is as Edwin described........HOWEVER as I said it is down to the interpretation of the officer dealing with any complaint. The officer i spoke with said that there are several options open to people (certainly within our force area), the most important option was not to be seen waving the flipping knife around - the police will be duty bound to respond to reports of an armed person and the basic response will probably be dogs and firearms officers.....NOT a good day out in Troserch Woods!!

Next they advised not to carry the knife on your person - when you have finished using it return it to your pack and certainly dont have it hanging around your body on a bit of paracord.

Another option they gave was to ring the local control room and tell them what when and where you are doing, and who with, that way if any busybody rings in complaining the Police can reply with 'yes sir we know and its all above board'. Maybe stick a copy of Ray Mears or similar in your rucksack to show to any bobbies and explain what your up to and most of all be discreet.

Lastly if the bobbies do rock up, be perfectly civil and up front with them having an attitude will get you locked up. Be polite and respectful and explain what it is you are doing in a calm reasonable manner.

I know that this doesn't hold with everyones feelings, ethics and ethos, but if thats the way it is, then thats the way it is.


09-11-2011, 11:51 AM
Another option they gave was to ring the local control room and tell them what when and where you are doing, and who with, that way if any busybody rings in complaining the Police can reply with 'yes sir we know and its all above board'.

Def agree. I once did a military themed photoshoot using a couple of MP5 and AK replicas. I made sure the police knew what I was doing.

09-11-2011, 01:14 PM
Right. I have just got off the phone to Police HQ in my area. The law is as Edwin described........HOWEVER as I said it is down to the interpretation of the officer dealing with any complaint. The officer i spoke with said that there are several options open to people (certainly within our force area), the most important option was not to be seen waving the flipping knife around - the police will be duty bound to respond to reports of an armed person and the basic response will probably be dogs and firearms officers.....NOT a good day out in Troserch Woods!!

Next they advised not to carry the knife on your person - when you have finished using it return it to your pack and certainly dont have it hanging around your body on a bit of paracord.

Another option they gave was to ring the local control room and tell them what when and where you are doing, and who with, that way if any busybody rings in complaining the Police can reply with 'yes sir we know and its all above board'. Maybe stick a copy of Ray Mears or similar in your rucksack to show to any bobbies and explain what your up to and most of all be discreet.

Lastly if the bobbies do rock up, be perfectly civil and up front with them having an attitude will get you locked up. Be polite and respectful and explain what it is you are doing in a calm reasonable manner.

I know that this doesn't hold with everyones feelings, ethics and ethos, but if thats the way it is, then thats the way it is.


Great pro active post Sapper, good of you to make the enquiries.
I'm sure everyone wants Bushcraftboy to go and have a good time.
He can get all the info and help, the good people on here give so willingly, my only concern is, the fact that he is a minor and as such other people need to be aware of his intentions.
If that is sorted then great. Go and enjoy himself.

09-11-2011, 02:50 PM
Well I'm going down Troserch Saturday, juts to get used to the woods more, then I'll camp out ^^

Great pro active post Sapper, good of you to make the enquiries.
I'm sure everyone wants Bushcraftboy to go and have a good time.
He can get all the info and help, the good people on here give so willingly, my only concern is, the fact that he is a minor and as such other people need to be aware of his intentions.
If that is sorted then great. Go and enjoy himself.

I have a phone and all that, I'll tell my mother obviously, she can drop me off, and I'll walk back.

09-11-2011, 05:14 PM
Fair play to you walking all the way back to llanelli.

09-11-2011, 05:29 PM
Sensible and correct legal advice from the police, as it should be.

However they are gilding the lily a bit by saying it shouldn't be on the person when there is absolutely no reason why it should not be. The other idea of informing the police is terrible. Of course, if there was a Wide Game or airsoft or reenacatment then advising the police is sensible but definitely not for a solo camp! From it being a good idea to tell the police is but a very short step to asking for police permission to do something.

By analogy, we have the same discussions about the advisability of informing the Coastguard of any boat trips made. Sometimes it might be a good idea sometimes not worth it but the argument is that eventually this will become mandatory almost by default as with telling the police about your perfectly legal actions could do.

I am sorry if some feel that discussions about freedom are irrelevant or somehow silly but consider this, the present UK Government is thinking about making squatting and some forms of trespass illegal on top of the existing restrictive laws. Stealth camping is going to be a bit difficult if you feel you have to tell the police where you are going armed to the teeth with a 3 inch penknife but the place you are going is illegal for you. Then there is the question of armed trespass on top.

09-11-2011, 05:48 PM
Fair play to you walking all the way back to llanelli.

I walked there (from Bryn) and back a few weeks ago, I don't mind walking really.

09-11-2011, 06:10 PM
O right from Bryn. not so bad then. You only live about a mile from me then.

09-11-2011, 06:32 PM
Sensible and correct legal advice from the police, as it should be.

However they are gilding the lily a bit by saying it shouldn't be on the person when there is absolutely no reason why it should not be. The other idea of informing the police is terrible.

You can't please some people can you ? We have tried to help out BCB, worked together and found a possible solution. If you have issues with the law, freedoms, squatters, capitalism then I suggest you take them somewhere else and start a new thread Edwin. This is my final word on this unless BCB wants anymore help

09-11-2011, 06:40 PM
Who mentioned capitalism?

There was no problem requiring a solution, the advice he was given originally was wrong. He was at perfect liberty to do what any of us might and still is. He did not require an OK from the police. If you cannot understand these simple premises then......

09-11-2011, 06:42 PM
Well I'm going down Troserch Saturday, juts to get used to the woods more, then I'll camp out ^^

I have a phone and all that, I'll tell my mother obviously, she can drop me off, and I'll walk back.

Now knowing your mother is involved, makes it a much safer trip.
If you listen to all the good advice on here, I'm sure you will have a great trip:)
Hope you will post a full report once you have camped. Good Luck

09-11-2011, 07:05 PM
I hope your phone has a camera on it BcB. I, for one, would like to see some pictures and, like rossbird, I'll be interested to see a report of how you got on. Is the camping plan for a tent, bivouac or hammock? I hope you've got a warm sleeping bag - it'll probably be colder than you think! :D Your first overnight stay will probably be something you'll remember for the rest of your life - I hope it's an enjoyable experience. Even if it isn't, don't be put off, just learn from any mistakes and you'll have a better time next time you venture out.

I admire what you're doing - you have my respect.

Have fun, enjoy youself and good luck.



09-11-2011, 08:23 PM
Have a great night BCB and dont forget to report back.

10-11-2011, 01:55 AM
You COULD survive a night without water, food or shelter, but forget to take a camera and don't show the guys on here the pics.............

10-11-2011, 02:04 PM
I'm not sure, I have a 2man tent, but I doubt I could fit that in my bag with my Swedish meths stove (which hasn't arrived yet!) and some boil in the bag meals.

10-11-2011, 03:04 PM
Best of luck with it all mate, you'll have a great time.

Don't worry about taking a legal knife (and make sure its not rambo/'tactical' looking, as whether it is tecnicaly legal or not- it will not be recieved well by the onlooker/police), just use it descretly and safely and you will be fine.

Lots of great advice here from both sides of the argument IMHO. Just get out there and enjoy yourself.

13-11-2011, 05:28 PM
Just picked up this thread BSB as he has become known should join a local scout group. I am a explorer scout leader and we try and get away for a bush craft weekend at least once a month.

Some pictures from last weekend. 10 Explorer Scouts 3 leaders and all leaders are CRB checked. We just let them get on with it.



13-11-2011, 06:02 PM
Just picked up this thread BSB as he has become known should join a local scout group.

BCB. Llangennech scouts do ALOT of hammock camping. The scout hut is by the roundabout where the M.O.D is, go through the subway and turn left on the Allt side, it's about 50 yards.


BTW. How did your walk/camp go in Troserch? I went up there today.


13-11-2011, 06:54 PM
I walk through Allt and go to this part of the woods, and walk all the way up, and sometime I go to Cwm.

2833 Sorry for the low resolution, it's been scaled.

I went there a few weeks ago, is was good, went with my friend, walked there and back, when your at the highest point there is a lovely breeze. I don't go up there alot as I don't have a car obviously, but my mother does (she is very busy though, most of the time).

I will be camping there soon, but I don't have enough equipment, I have a tent, a knife, and a DC4, and also some firelighting tools, but not much I did order a Swedish meths stove but I don't know what went wrong so my money was refunded, I'll buy it next week, I suppose it's better to learn to do without so much equipment...

13-11-2011, 07:31 PM
A map showing the way I go (hope this gets scaled clear enough to read) Pink line shows the way I go.


13-11-2011, 08:18 PM
Well I waked from Llywnhendy to Dafen, then to Troserch, I take that road going to Allt, I just walk along it.

13-11-2011, 10:54 PM
Wow. It sure is complicated. I really hope you get out on a nice camp-out in the bush.

14-11-2011, 06:18 PM
I will get there, maybe I'll go to Cwm instead, less people there, and I can just boil some of the water from the river for a brew or bovril :)

14-11-2011, 10:28 PM
When you do, sit back and take it all in. Thats when the bug will really get you and this will become a way of life and a means to escape the rat race even if only for a short while.

:ashamed: got all philosophical again

14-11-2011, 11:10 PM
there's nothing like passing on life experiences:D

14-11-2011, 11:17 PM
Sadly, I don't remember my first night out camping. I'm sure it was a big deal at the time, but didn't leave any lasting memory.:camping:

But, several hundred camp-outs later and I still don't recall a bad one!

15-11-2011, 12:38 AM
I hope I don't get sick from the water, all you have to do is wait for the roiling boil?

My luck I'll be very sick.

15-11-2011, 07:42 AM
I hope I don't get sick from the water, all you have to do is wait for the roiling boil?

My luck I'll be very sick.

Just take some water with you. Boiling will kill bateria and viruses but can't get rid of chemical polutants. There's a lovely river where we occasionally go for a walk but just up stream from the woods is a sewerage treatment works which overflows into the river when there is a lot of rain. All but the largest solids get washed in and you'd never know.

Where I live is a big mining area and the amount of arsenic and other nasty substances that are present is unnerving which is why I always take water with me when I can.


16-11-2011, 06:41 PM
Just take some water with you. Boiling will kill bateria and viruses but can't get rid of chemical polutants. There's a lovely river where we occasionally go for a walk but just up stream from the woods is a sewerage treatment works which overflows into the river when there is a lot of rain. All but the largest solids get washed in and you'd never know.

Where I live is a big mining area and the amount of arsenic and other nasty substances that are present is unnerving which is why I always take water with me when I can.


You're all a bunch of very helpful people thanks!

16-11-2011, 09:18 PM
WOW what a thread!!!! hope you have/had a good night out mate braver than me, ill start to get more practice when it warms up a bit!!

Happy camping Rich

16-11-2011, 10:40 PM
Well I know how to stay warm as I used to skywatch alot down Pembrey country park on the beach, it was -15oC one time, my eyepiece case was frozen to the benches. I was never cold really.

18-11-2011, 09:54 PM
Wow that hardcore!!!! lol

20-11-2011, 02:29 AM
Haha lol!