View Full Version : camping in the forrest

10-11-2011, 06:51 PM
hi all
is there any rules / regulations about camping in the Forrest woods ect i know you need permission if its
peoples land but what about the Forrest of dean or Sherwood Forrest for example i keep hearing about stealth
camping is this trespassing or is it ok to go just so i know


10-11-2011, 09:29 PM
All land is owned by someone and you need permission to camp there. Stealth camping is trespassing which is not a criminal offence but a civil matter except on certain ground such as air ports, MOD properties and other proscribed places. Basically, the land owner has every right to ask you to move on and if asked then it is important that you do so without argument. The land owner has the right to use 'reasonable force' to remove you from his land which, ultimately, can mean the use of various weapons.

The Forest of Dean is mainly owned by the Forestry Commission which prohibits camping in its woodlands. Some of it is owned by Prince Charles who isn't too keen on camping either.

Don't forget that some forestry is owned or controlled by shooting syndicates so you stand a chance of being shot if you're not sure about where you are camping.

The bottom line is, I guess, that as long as you understand the risks of camping on private property then it's up to you. The worst that could happen for the trespassing is that you could be taken to court to claim for any damage you may have caused on the land.

I'm sure that you will get loads of responses to this thread but in a nut shell that's the legal situation.


11-11-2011, 10:46 AM
Martin, the way I understand it, on any land in England, trespass became a criminal offence when the criminal justice act was passed in 1994. (Part v) The police can prosecute trespassers. Certain criteria have to be met before the police can prosecute. In the case of a police matter, trespass would be a criminal act not civil.

11-11-2011, 05:51 PM
Martin, the way I understand it, on any land in England, trespass became a criminal offence when the criminal justice act was passed in 1994. (Part v) The police can prosecute trespassers. Certain criteria have to be met before the police can prosecute. In the case of a police matter, trespass would be a criminal act not civil.

No, but the offence of criminal trespass was introduced. Trespass is still a wholly civil matter unless you commit other offences which then make it a criminal matter. Section 61 of the act is quite explicit about this.


11-11-2011, 09:02 PM
A birdie tells me that National Trust has or is about to relax some of its rules on wild camping :happy-clapping:

11-11-2011, 09:03 PM
hi all
is there any rules / regulations about camping in the Forrest woods ect i know you need permission if its
peoples land but what about the Forrest of dean or Sherwood Forrest for example i keep hearing about stealth
camping is this trespassing or is it ok to go just so i know


Never mind sherwood mate loads round my way

11-11-2011, 09:22 PM
A birdie tells me that National Trust has or is about to relax some of its rules on wild camping :happy-clapping:

Hey Sapper4083 That sounds very interesting !!!

Does your birdie have any more information or is it all hush hush at mo ?!?!

Cheers Whistle

11-11-2011, 10:02 PM
Surely there must be a tacit acceptance of wild camping by the National Trust else some of their fells etc are inhabited temporarily by people they must try and see off? They don't mind short camps on some NT property in Cornwall and actually say so eg. Tremayne Quay on the Helford, light a fire there too if you want.

Forestry Commission are quite relaxed, on a bit they have on Den building they answer the question as to whether people sleep over in them they say that yes they do but don't encourage it. By the same token they are not that worried.

We used to camp all over on the Downs with no hassle except for one time when we were ordered off the Fyfield Down nature Reserve near Avebury but we just shifted to the Ridgeway. However, there are some claims that the Ridgeway is owned by neighbouring landowners rather than being a highway but as far as I know this has never been tested except by Police moving on Festival goers. The National Trust, when asked by me, denied that it owns the land of the Ridgeway adjacent to its property Ashdown House so its a very muddled area.

11-11-2011, 11:27 PM
Hey Sapper4083 That sounds very interesting !!!

Does your birdie have any more information or is it all hush hush at mo ?!?!

Cheers Whistle

Soon as I know more I'll let you know. It may be regional yet but my source is INCREDIBLY reliable

13-11-2011, 07:28 AM
Make sure you dont set a light trees and I think you will be fine mate.