View Full Version : Gransfors Bruks or Hultafors axes

20-11-2011, 07:23 AM
Does anyone have experience of using either Gransfors Bruks or Hultafors axes; if so, what is your experience and opinion of both?

20-11-2011, 01:57 PM
I have the GB Smnall Forest Axe, love it, very impressed with the ability of it and the high quality! Haven't heard of the latter one, so can't comment, but I'm impressed enough with my GB axe I'd gladly shovel out the cash for a different style of GB axe.

20-11-2011, 02:50 PM
Hi bonzo I also have the small forestAxe by GB made by Kjell-Ake sjolund.great Axe,razor sharp after a bit of work on the face,and very expensive for wot it is,I'v never used mine in anger never needed to, I'v got some good knifes,but aways take it along with me just in kace.I'v read a cupal of good reports about the Hultafors Axes and if I was now looking for one I'd go for one of them,I think they are about £20 cheeper than the GB and made in the same villlage,I think they make all the sams stiles,but if you wait for Jeep ot reply he'll now all about them LoL.ATB...............DONT GET EATEN BY THE BEARS...........TONY

20-11-2011, 03:13 PM
Hi bonzo,ye I have the Gb small forest Axe made by Kjell-Ake Sjolund.It is now razor sharp after a bit of work,but I'v never use it in anger always got a good knife with me,and it was'ant cheep.I'v read a report somewhere that the Hultafors are made in the same vilage and are just as good and about £20 cheeper but because uncle RAY did'ant use one their not as dear.When Jeep replys he'll now all about them and give you the lowdown LOL.Atb.........DONT GET EATEN BY THE BEARS..........TONY:o

20-11-2011, 04:40 PM
There are three "great" brands of Swedish handforged axes; Gränsfors, Hultafors and Wetterlings (Huskvarna).

All three brands produce excellent axes - and it it impossible to go wrong with either of them. The quality of the axed heads, from all three brands, are very similar; handforged (not really; they are machine hammered, by hand) and the steel is high quality Swedish steel. The tempering is also quite similar.

Gränsfors are the best known outside of Scandinavia, because Ray Mears uses them, they are also (likely for the very same reason) the most expensive. Gränsfors are very classic Scandinavian axes, with thin heads (good for carving, less ideal for felling/splitting). What sets Gränsfors appart is the quality of the handles and the overall finish of the axes - the handles of the two other brands are not bad at all, Gränfors' are just better. Is the the connection to Ray Mears, the somewhat better handles and the slightly better finish worth the extra cash? Well, not for me - but it is for many.

Hultafors are the most widely sold, of the three brands, in Scandinavia. They do make traditional Scandinavian axes, with heads that are thicker/heavier and more wedge shaped than the Gränsfors axe heads. The classic Hultaforse axes are priced at the same level as Gränsfors, but with slightly less attention to detail/finish and the Gränfors handles are slightly better.
The most commonly sold Hultafors axes are their "American style" axes, with heavier even more wedge shaped axed heads, ideal for splitting, less for carving. The Hultafors "American style" axes come with excellent handles and a good finish, but not as nice as Gränsfors - they are, however, a gread deal cheaper. I own two Hultasfors "American style" axes an 800 g and a 900 g. I rarely bring an axe when out and about, but when I do I usually bring the 800 g. If you wish to buy a Hultafors, got for an "American style" axe - othervice Gränsfors gives you better finish/handle money - and Wetterlings will give you a classic axe of similar quality/finish, for less money.

Wellerings (who also produce the Huskvarna branded axes) are very similar to Hultafors' classic axes; the same broader/more wedge shaped heads, unlike the thinner heads of Gränsfors. Wetterlings axes used to be somewhat hit-or-miss as to the quality of their handles, this is no longer the case, the handles are as good as Hultafors. The heads are a bit rougher finished than both Gränsfors and Hultafors (more authentic actually). What really makes Wetterlings interesting is the fact that they can be found a lot cheaper than both Gränsfors and the classic Hultafors axes (even cheaper under the Huskvarna brand). I have just ordered a Wetterlings Large Hunter Axe.

Gränsfors: Top finish, best handles, Ray Mears uses them, expensive (they used to be a lot less expensive before Ray Mears started recommending them), best for carving
Hultafros Classic: Good, but priced like Gränsfors and with less finish/slightly less good handles. More "allround"; good for both splitting/felling and carving
Hultafors "American": Cheap, excellent quality. Best bargain to be had. Best for splitting/felling
Wetterlings: Imho. the best combination of quality and price. Slightly rough finish, improved handles. More "allround"; good for both splitting/felling and carving

A fourth Scandinavian brand, which I am quite fond about is the Norwegian brand Øyo; http://www.oeyo.no/default.aspx?pageId=39 Their Vikingøks (07510) is my personal favourite carving axe/small pack axe.

20-11-2011, 07:50 PM
Always good to have a 'gear-u' around here. :)

20-11-2011, 09:26 PM
Just been on ronnie sunshines site he's got HULTAFORS AGDOR 17&1/2in axes with hickory handle for £31.99.Hope this elps bonzoT^

20-11-2011, 09:43 PM
There are some nice ones here www.bestmadeco.com.

20-11-2011, 09:54 PM
The axe's are a bit priceie:shocked:

21-11-2011, 07:10 AM
There are some nice ones here www.bestmadeco.com.

Wow, some of this stuff is ridiculously overpriced!

The "Hotta-san Hunting Knife" is usually priced around $50-75

04-12-2011, 02:46 PM
I'll second JEEP's view on the quality of the Wetterlings. I had their scout axe sitting gathering dust because the handle length and balance were not to my liking so I knocked the head off and put it on a GB SFA handle - superb bit of kit. A fraction lighter then the SFA which is grand as I've got tendonitis.

Did anyone mention the Roselli yet? It's a formidable splitter....

14-12-2012, 02:49 PM
Had a fairly new hultafors (gift) snap right on the working edge, about 5-10mm of the whole working edge snapped completely off!!! I know what I'm doing with an axe and it hadn't been much used or ever abused.!! Ive used cheap ass axes before that have become blunt quickly but never had an axe 'snap/break' before.! A forging/tempering fault...
I've used an old husqvarna hatchet for years and now swear by wetterlings as they're simply the best value. Gransfors are great quality but I find the blades a little thin and the wetterlings have a better profile for me allowing use for chopping small logs where a Gransfors don't fair as well (bite too deep-get stuck.!) But to be fair, a Gransfors is better finished out 'of the box'..

14-12-2012, 03:00 PM
Dont have the Axe but have just won the hat on facebook lol


14-12-2012, 03:15 PM
Had a fairly new hultafors (gift) snap right on the working edge, about 5-10mm of the whole working edge snapped completely off!!! I know what I'm doing with an axe and it hadn't been much used or ever abused.!! Ive used cheap ass axes before that have become blunt quickly but never had an axe 'snap/break' before.! A forging/tempering fault...
I've used an old husqvarna hatchet for years and now swear by wetterlings as they're simply the best value. Gransfors are great quality but I find the blades a little thin and the wetterlings have a better profile for me allowing use for chopping small logs where a Gransfors don't fair as well (bite too deep-get stuck.!) But to be fair, a Gransfors is better finished out 'of the box'..

14-12-2012, 03:16 PM
Nice hat.!!

dave budd
14-12-2012, 04:51 PM
it shouldn't do that, obviously. Return it to wherever you bought it and I'm sure they will replace it free of charge. Hultafors are one of the big 3 Swedish makers and have a reputation to maintain. When I first got a Gransfors a corner snapped clean off the edge, so i called the folk i got it from and the axe was replaced straight away (and that was 15 years ago, so before they became commonplace in the UK and only 1 company sold them!).