29-11-2011, 09:05 PM
I've just completed an article for Scouting magazine regarding paracord knitting and I did one thing that I chopped off due to there being too much to squeeze in so i thought I'd post it on here inncase it's any use...and beat Paracordist to it lol
Start with two lengths of crossed paracord, the piece running top to bottom must be on top. Cross over the ones running from left to right as shown.
Take one of the grey ends (in this case the lower one and cross it OVER the first length of Orange paracord and then UNDER the second.
And repeat with the other length and pull the knot tight, but not too tight.
You’ve basically formed a friendship knot.
Repeat steps 1-3 again and then turn it over and pull the orange paracord at the bottom to make a small loop and/ or add a metal (key) ring.
Keep going ‘til you reach your desired size or run out of paracord. Snip the ends close to the body.
I decided not to snip this at the last minute and carried on to make it a little bigger. To finish it off, take a lighter and gently singe the cut ends to melt and secure them/ the keyring. Darker paracord colours hide any scorch marks...I rushed this one and singed it a bit!:rolleyes:
Start with two lengths of crossed paracord, the piece running top to bottom must be on top. Cross over the ones running from left to right as shown.
Take one of the grey ends (in this case the lower one and cross it OVER the first length of Orange paracord and then UNDER the second.
And repeat with the other length and pull the knot tight, but not too tight.
You’ve basically formed a friendship knot.
Repeat steps 1-3 again and then turn it over and pull the orange paracord at the bottom to make a small loop and/ or add a metal (key) ring.
Keep going ‘til you reach your desired size or run out of paracord. Snip the ends close to the body.
I decided not to snip this at the last minute and carried on to make it a little bigger. To finish it off, take a lighter and gently singe the cut ends to melt and secure them/ the keyring. Darker paracord colours hide any scorch marks...I rushed this one and singed it a bit!:rolleyes: