View Full Version : Epic adventure
07-12-2011, 03:00 AM
I very well could have been doing something useful this evening, but instead I spent my time devising the most
effiecient trans-Algonquin canoe route. It looks something like this:
170-ish kilometers
42 portages
50+ lakes
12-14 days
Now all I need is a few good people like this Apsley Cherry-Garrad fellow.
Would love to. But time and money is a definite issue unfortunally :)
07-12-2011, 10:18 AM
I very well could have been doing something useful this evening, but instead I spent my time devising the most
effiecient trans-Algonquin canoe route. It looks something like this:
170-ish kilometers
42 portages
50+ lakes
12-14 days
Now all I need is a few good people like this Apsley Cherry-Garrad fellow.
That sounds exactly the sort of thing I would enjoy but unfortunately Canada is a bit far and as with Jeep, time and money would be an issue.
07-12-2011, 03:06 PM
Can't imagine you will have too much trouble finding accomplices for a trip like that:D
Hope it works out for you.
07-12-2011, 03:25 PM
That sounds awesome!
08-12-2011, 02:16 AM
Right then, we've got the CanadianMike twins...
08-12-2011, 02:59 AM
Lol, was hoping it didn't come off as a "count me in" thing! But it does sound like a pretty amazing trip overall, but over my head currently as far as practice, ability, endurance, time off, etc. Hadn't touched a canoe for 20 odd years before last year at Lake Clear, and that was a white knuckle affair for me even just paddling across the lake (in the dark, 6km, looking for an island with no lights, then the next day going fishing by myself in it, with a strong wind............... let's just say I got soaked yet got back all my gear thanks to a boater who saw me tip it and fall in............. and the two younger guys in the other canoe who rushed out to meet up with me while I was kicking the canoe to the tiny island, typical me, they got close and I'm spitting water, breathing hard, and all I said was "Eh, how's it goin'?")
So ya, way more than I could hope to join, need much more practice with what I have, and learning to use my newer gear, as well as needing a canoe, etc. Funny though, many others would jump at the idea, yet I'm the closest to you.............
Nutshell, I'm still too green to be tossed into the fire.
08-12-2011, 11:22 PM
So I guess Kilimanjaro would be out, too...
Sounds like a traumatic canoe experience you had Mike, hope the water was warm at least!
Yeah, I have enough trouble finding a week at a time off work, my summers are usually a bunch of 4 day canoe trips, friday to monday.
We did a couple nice 7-8 day ones in Killarney--gives you a proper chance to get into the real backcountry.
We have a couple friends who like a lighter version of a canoe trip...will keep you in mind for one of those.
09-12-2011, 04:12 AM
Was funny, my buddy Troy (you'd dig him!!) was out fishing with his girlfriend at the time, and were a ways away when they saw me tip and get picked up not long later and towed back to the island, in his typical dry sense of humour really only asked "How's the water?" I laughed, and said it wasn't that bad, especially considering it was mid-May when it happened. Wasn't that traumatic for me, I had my PDF on and didn't panic, was more of a session of bitching the entire 20mins of it all, and the biggest piss off was finding my smokes soaked once I got helped to the wee island. Next day paddling to the nearby beach to unload was more confident paddling than the dark night on Friday (my girlfriend was in front of our overloaded canoe, 1/3 of the there I found out she had never been in a canoe before, just kayaks................. yikes!!!!) and I had also learned when windy crosswise and going solo, avoid it, if not put a good amount of weight in the front to avoid the sail function of a light canoe. I'm fine with doing it more, always loved canoeing (in the back only), just getting plopped into an extreme canoe trip is over my head, at least until I get my own and rack up a few years of good experience.
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