View Full Version : Knife: Making my own.

08-12-2011, 08:05 PM
Hello everyone.

First i would like to say i have never made my own knife before nor sheath. I have done some research and i have found some suppliers but i would like to know if anyone else makes their own knifes and sheaths.

If you have or do are there any tips you could give and are there any unexpected pit falls that have been learned through experiance?

I would be greatful for any help that people can offer even if it is only a website for a british supplier.


08-12-2011, 08:11 PM
talk to crazysaint222 he made both my knifes and sheaths his work is second to non he would be a great help to you mate

08-12-2011, 08:21 PM
Mike go on to my flickr site and see my home made knifes,if you like enny of them let me now and I'll tell you how to do them.http://www.flickr.com/photos/wildstar3 let us now.:rock-on:

08-12-2011, 08:34 PM
30733071[ATTACH=CONFIG]3072 Some knifes and sheath I'v made.

08-12-2011, 09:04 PM
Hi there.

Here is a link to my Photobucket showing pictures of knives that I have made.

I'm no expert but if you want any help just shout.



08-12-2011, 09:13 PM
there are loads of great knifes made by the guys on here i didnt have all there names sorry all you other knife makers there are some great knifes you might be able to get someone to make one for you at a better price

08-12-2011, 11:19 PM
it isnt about having the worlds greatest knife it is about the enjoyment of doing something by and for yourself.

09-12-2011, 12:38 AM
as you say the enjoyment is doing it yourself.unless you have all the gear I'd say buy in a blade first hiden tang or full I can let younow the names of a cupal of guys that sele them.T^

09-12-2011, 02:43 AM
it isnt about having the worlds greatest knife it is about the enjoyment of doing something by and for yourself.

Bingo, as said above, there are a good handful of us knife makers on here that can help you out, Dave Budd (brilliant, especially for forging and primative means), myself, crazysaint, Tony, a few new guys that aren't around as much......... post up questions as yo ulike, no matter what, and chances are you'll get a major pile of tips, and on the cheap and easy. ;)

dave budd
09-12-2011, 06:41 AM
If you've got a few tools (eg a file and a vice) then you can make a knife, even if you need to outsource heat treating or even start with a kit. Kits are the easiest way to learn how a knife goes together, but are often a bit dull (off the shelf, so the end product is very like any other shop bought knife) IMO unless you have a kit put together by a maker for you.

Making a knife from raw materials is easy enough if you follow some of the tutorials that are all over the net.

Obviously I might be slightly biased, but the easiest and best way to learn how to make a knife (and to do it well) is to go on a course ;) Where in the world are you?

Like Mike and others have said, there are a fair number of knifemakers here to ask for opinions and advice. Some make from scratch, others buy blades and make the handles and sheathes, some make proper knives and others only scandi ground bushcraft things; many of the makers turn out very nice work too :) For my own part I specialise in forged blades and arhaeological set ups/recreations but I also make my own patternwelded ('damascus') steel, mokume, micarta, mosaic pins, etc, I've made plenty of knives solely the stock removal method using everything from only a file through to puropose built knifemaiers grinders. Pretty much if there is an aspect of knifemaking that you wanna try, I've probably had a go at it at some stage (not saying I'm very good at it, but anything is worth a go once!). Also I teach the stuff for a living so most likely have pictures that I can post up of different stages of work should you need them and a picture is worth a thousand words as they say

Jump in to having a go, you'll learn something from it that will help with the next one. There will almost certainly be a next one, it's quite addictive! :happy-clapping: