View Full Version : Felis Manul

14-12-2011, 07:52 AM
Or Palla's Cat:





Once common over a large area of norhtern Asia, this beautiful cat is one of my favourite animals.
Unfortunally they are highly in danger of extinction due to hunting/poaching (they are one if the the reasons why I will never buy any Asian product with fur in/on it), decreasing habitats as well as contact and competition from wild domesticated cats (Felis catus) - they are not used to competition and their immune system is incapable of handling a wide variety of common vira and bacteria, carried by normal domesticated cats, for the same reason the Felis manul is very hard to breed in captivity.
In Russia, the Felis manul is a very prestigious pet to own, but because they are so hard to breed in captivity, most of the ones sold are trapped ilegally and smuggled into Russia - more than 50% die during transpotation and those who make it rarely get very old, due to simple infections.

This is but one species, out of thousands, suffering a similar fate...

15-12-2011, 02:31 AM
Just when I thought I knew every animal out there....that's an interesting cat. Too bad it's endangered.