View Full Version : Woodgas stove

30-12-2011, 09:42 PM
Today I finally found time to construct a wood gas stove, which I had been planning for some time, having realized the correct sized tins required.

As Paul Standley correctly points out in an earlier thread, tins any smaller than this (backpacking size), don't really work effectively - as I discovered last week. This one was constructed with an SMA baby powder tin as the body, and a Lidl soup tin as the combustion chamber. I used part of side wall from another baby powder tin, cut and rolled out flat, to fabricate the top concentric edge. Tabs cut around the circumference of this overlap the edge, and tabs cut and folded down inside grip the combustion chamber.

Four bolts fix from the inside lip of the big tin and up through the top ring, and also act as potstand, with the addition of a bent bicycle spoke clipped round three of the bolts, for smaller pots. These may be a tad too tall, and may be shortened soon, to optimize pot heating without choking the flame.

I find this idea of jets firing inside from wood gas diverted through the wall cavity fascinating, and at this scale it really is quite effective.

30-12-2011, 09:50 PM
I think I have just found my next project. Thats a really good looking end product considering it used to be SMA and soup tins. Good work that.