View Full Version : A metal mug to avoid
Metal mug
03-01-2012, 07:04 PM
I was tidying up some of my bushcraft stuff in the house today and stopped for a cuppa. I used one of these cheapy black 500ml enamel mugs. After I'd finshed my drink I put the empty cup on top of the radiator and carried on sorting my stuff. Later on I accidentally knocked the empty mug off the radiator on to an ammo box below, the fall was only about two feet. Then the cup made this weird crunching noise and I picked it up to look at it. This is what I found....
The 'enamel' had cracked on both the inside and outside of the mug, which was a bit dodgy. It made me wonder what was in the paint. :ashamed: The radiator wasn't on and the empty mug only fell two feet so I binned the broken and will definitely not be using the other two that I have. This is a picture (from the internet) of what the mugs look like new.....
They'd make an okay storage cup for nails or something but I won't be drinking from them again. Anyway just thought I'd warn people.
03-01-2012, 07:46 PM
Must of been ginsters Jack ha ha
03-01-2012, 07:58 PM
I had one in my pack a few months ago, I cooked some soup noodles in it and when I tipped the last into my mouth got this lovely face full of gritty enamel shards in between my teeth, not at all pleasant and I used to love enamel cups, needless to say I use the stainless steel army ones now!
03-01-2012, 08:04 PM
From memory, enamel is made from ground glass. :(
Metal mug
03-01-2012, 08:29 PM
From memory, enamel is made from ground glass. :(
MartinI didn't know that. Well you learn something every day.
03-01-2012, 08:39 PM
Crusader or GTFO.
Ashley Cawley
03-01-2012, 08:50 PM
I had one in my pack a few months ago, I cooked some soup noodles in it and when I tipped the last into my mouth got this lovely face full of gritty enamel shards in between my teeth, not at all pleasant and I used to love enamel cups, needless to say I use the stainless steel army ones now!That's absolutely appalling! :(
03-01-2012, 09:08 PM
I didn't know that. Well you learn something every day.
Good, glad my memory's not failing me yet. Nevertheless, it's not the nicest thing to be swallowing but it shouldn't do you any harm.
03-01-2012, 09:17 PM
Good old stainless steel wins again. Ooh and it's so shiny as well!
Dan XF
04-01-2012, 08:03 AM
I'm sure those expensive Ti ones wouldn't do that.
I've gotta say that ingesting ground glass doesn't sound very clever, perhaps it's just my dodgy memory, but isn't ground glass supposed to be rather hazardous to our digestive system?
I've never been a fan of enamel mugs. My first experience of them in the scout was of too hot to put your lips to, followed by a minute later finding your drink was suddenly cold. They always seem to have a handle which prevents them stacking too.
I used thick plastic beakers for years, but they do feel greasy after a while despite thorough cleaning, but now have stainless which serves very well.
04-01-2012, 12:44 PM
HMMM think I'll change my cup. Though I have had my enamel mug for a few years now.
cuppa joe
04-01-2012, 12:57 PM
its the same with polyester socks....when I was a younger soul I was in a rush to go out on the town but had no clean socks....In a frenzy I washed a pair in the sink, wrung them out and looked around...... PING !" microwave" ...I threw them in popped the dial to 10 mins think that would dry them and jumped in the shower...ding a ling a ling a ling alarm in my 1 bed flat in Bradford went off....I ran into the kitchen only to find a smoking,bubbling pile of melted plastic dripping out of my microwave.....I felt a right heel.
Metal mug
04-01-2012, 01:20 PM
I have had other enamel mugs for years that have served me well. They have had regular use and have taken quite a battering but are still in good shape. It's only this particular make of cup I've had a problem with. ( Just thought I'd clarify. :) )
I used to use enamal cups and plates quite a lot when out and about, I still do sometimes.
I have dropped my enamel ware on hard surfaces seveal times, I have experenced the enamel chipping at the point of inpact - but I have ever experienced a reaction like the one described above.
I think it depends on the type of enamel. Most of my enamel ware was bought by my mother, during the 1960s and -70s.
04-01-2012, 04:02 PM
Jakob is right,modern enamel ware is no where as durable as older stuff,we several that we use to measure out oats,washing powder etc,had them for years,not a mark on them where as modern ones we have chip with the slightest knock. I tend to think its the thickness of the steel thats the problem,modern stuff is thin and flexes. Paul
04-01-2012, 09:59 PM
Mines a £2 enamel mug thats now more black than white. I have boiled my water in it, cooked with it, ate and drunk from it. The poor thing has been dropped and bashed but still lives on. However I agree with Al21 with regards to the burning cold drinks bit which is why I tend to use a kettle and insulated mug whilst at work now. Ti mug will be next on the list for nights away.
05-01-2012, 07:32 AM
We got a bunch of the old white enamel pots and frying pans here I mean seriously old stuff it definitely is harder for sure, but it still does chip and has its chips to. Ya do have to treat it with a bit of care. That being said I still like the classic enamel ware to me it says classic camping
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