View Full Version : urban survival tips

04-01-2012, 03:26 PM
i used to do martial arts class,s at oxford uni and was taught a great way to avoid muggers, if a mugger approaches you with a knife/gun or any other weapon and says "give me ya money, bag ect" you calmly and confidently reply back " hello bud, long time no see, hows your dad doing, you still got that dog?" as if you know him. this throws his memory into turmoil as he trys to remember where he knows you from. he will probably then decide robbing you is a bad idea ( just because he doesnt remember who you are right now doesnt mean you dont know him) a freind used this in amsterdam last year and the 2 blokes legged it without saying another word. my freind has a strong cockney acsent and was obviously not even dutch, but the dutch muggers didnt even realise. works well.

04-01-2012, 08:34 PM
Nice one, I hope that i never have to use it....

04-01-2012, 08:59 PM
Thats a very good tip, I hope I can remember that if it even happens!

Dan XF
05-01-2012, 08:53 AM
I did martial arts for all of my teen years and on Monday nights one of our instructors ran self defense classes to add a few more skills. His 2 rules were;
1 If you have to fight use anything as a weapon, feet, fists, elbows, knees, something you can pick up of the floor even bits of furniture.
2 Never be so stupid that you get in to the situation of having to fall back on rule 1.
Looks like this is a classic example of avoiding that situation. Great bit of advice.

05-01-2012, 11:17 AM
I did martial arts for all of my teen years and on Monday nights one of our instructors ran self defense classes to add a few more skills. His 2 rules were;
1 If you have to fight use anything as a weapon, feet, fists, elbows, knees, something you can pick up of the floor even bits of furniture.
2 Never be so stupid that you get in to the situation of having to fall back on rule 1.
Looks like this is a classic example of avoiding that situation. Great bit of advice.

we all hope to never be in a situation like this, and so far ive avoided all troubles. i done wing chun at oxford uni and we were always taught that all the tecniques are a last resort only as self defence. but where ever possible avoid confrontation of any kind. rule 1&2 sound good to me too and i should think are standard teaching in all martial arts. the mind is more powerfull than the fist and all that.

cuppa joe
05-01-2012, 04:21 PM
My leg kicks used to make people want to go away and leave me alone lol.

05-01-2012, 04:57 PM
"Warning! I have gas and I'm not afraid to use it!" Lol

05-01-2012, 05:59 PM
I live in Cornwall. :cool:


05-01-2012, 06:26 PM
old proverb served me well so far - strike first or be struck first

Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.... make of that what you will

05-01-2012, 07:13 PM
I live in Cornwall. :cool:

Yeah -I was just thinking the same thing, 'cos nothing very exciting happens in our village.

Having said that we had a wet bedraggled middle-aged woman knock on our door at 11.30 xmas evening. Nursing a broken arm she said she needed help 'cos she'd spent the last 3 hours in a ditch up the lane, and had to crawl to safety (like some kind of female Joe Simpson), and said she was desparately trying to survive. I think the 3 bottles of wine she'd apparently drunk earlier helped numb the pain, and it certainly livened up our xmas with the ambulance and the police getting the curtains twitching. Our 17 year old lad (who answered the door) was a little freaked though!

Metal mug
06-01-2012, 09:43 AM
Yeah -I was just thinking the same thing, 'cos nothing very exciting happens in our village.

Having said that we had a wet bedraggled middle-aged woman knock on our door at 11.30 xmas evening. Nursing a broken arm she said she needed help 'cos she'd spent the last 3 hours in a ditch up the lane, and had to crawl to safety (like some kind of female Joe Simpson), and said she was desparately trying to survive. I think the 3 bottles of wine she'd apparently drunk earlier helped numb the pain, and it certainly livened up our xmas with the ambulance and the police getting the curtains twitching. Our 17 year old lad (who answered the door) was a little freaked though!Ha ha. She sounds like a normal British citizen. :)

06-01-2012, 11:44 AM
I live in Cornwall. :cool:


I live in Brixton.

Don't mess - my chai tea is stronger than your wing chun (that's No. 67 on the menu, isn't it?).




06-01-2012, 01:08 PM
I have to go up to that London next month some time. I'll be sure to bear this advice in mind whilst I'm there. :)


06-01-2012, 06:25 PM
I live in Brixton.

Don't mess - my chai tea is stronger than your wing chun (that's No. 67 on the menu, isn't it?).




I'm from the North. I have a Black Pudding belt (9th Eyup) in Ecky Thump so there

cuppa joe
06-01-2012, 06:58 PM
old proverb served me well so far - strike first or be struck first

Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.... make of that what you will well put.

cuppa joe
06-01-2012, 07:03 PM
I'm from the North. I have a Black Pudding belt (9th Eyup) in Ecky Thump so there ecky thump ...brilliant sketch.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJxGi8bizEg...really funny.

06-01-2012, 11:43 PM
ecky thump ...brilliant sketch.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJxGi8bizEg...really funny.

Aah a man after my own heart, someone who appreciates good comedy

17-01-2012, 06:24 PM
I live in Newport, so you definitely need some skills around here. Saying that, if I say " hello bud, long time no see, hows your dad doing, you still got that dog?" in a situation as described, I may end up down the hospital, because lately, the percentage of people around in Newport that is actually from here is quite small, so I would say that and the guy may don't even understand what I'm saying, and that's rich coming from me, I know.

cuppa joe
17-01-2012, 06:52 PM
I live in Newport, so you definitely need some skills around here. Saying that, if I say " hello bud, long time no see, hows your dad doing, you still got that dog?" in a situation as described, I may end up down the hospital, because lately, the percentage of people around in Newport that is actually from here is quite small, so I would say that and the guy may don't even understand what I'm saying, and that's rich coming from me, I know. Im from sunny Bradford originally but have moved up to the highlands for a while .

old dog new tricks
24-01-2013, 01:23 PM
love it! i live in newport as well, i was down lower dock st yesterday and there was a guy walking toward me with about half a dozen dogs i dont know if they were for protection or if he'd lost his sled!

24-01-2013, 01:36 PM
I saw a guy walking along in a shopping precinct at 2. a. m with a paving slab under his arm, It was non violent though, He was on his way to get a new TV from comet before they closed down or opened in the morning.
http://yoursmiles.org/hsmile/pirates/t3819.gif (http://yoursmiles.org/h-pirates.php)

24-01-2013, 03:48 PM
The best defence from a knife weilding thug.

1, Make sure you can get at least two arm lengths space between you by stepping back.

2, Turn 180 degrees.

3, RUN !!!!

It's no good trying to be a have a go hero if you are dead.

I studied Ju Jitsu for 5 years, and no ammount of training will get you out of every situation like the one above.

24-01-2013, 05:11 PM
I used to work in security - going on the offence can very often get you the sack even against an armed assailant particularly in the shop where every little helps

24-01-2013, 05:54 PM
I was mugged while living in Oslo once. The little creep with the knife and his friend did not take my mobile phone. So I used it and called my old platoon CO from when I was deplyed in the Lebanon, who was a police officer and happened to be on duty...I was identifying them 1 hour later at the police station, and got my wallet and credit cards back...they where not even smart enough to toss that. The cash they had spent on smack...sometimes it's allright to be a veteran :-)

25-01-2013, 12:47 AM
talk quietly and firmly,this scares folk more than shouting. first always try to deflate the situation,fight as a last resort.

25-01-2013, 03:05 PM
Kinda off topic from one of our Regt Asc' Newsletters..
An SAS trooper collecting toys for children was stabbed when he helped stop a suspected shoplifter in east Perth.
The 'Toys-R-Us' Store Manager told 'The West Australian' that a man was seen on surveillance cameras last Friday
putting a laptop under his jacket at the store.
When confronted, the man became irate, knocked down an employee, pulled a knife and ran toward the door.
Outside were four SAS Troopers collecting toys for the "Toys For Tots" program.
Smith said the Troopers stopped the man, but he stabbed one of them, in the back.
The cut did not appear to be severe.
The suspect was transported by ambulance to the Royal Perth Hospital with two broken arms,
a broken leg, possible broken ribs, multiple contusions and assorted lacerations including a broken nose and jaw...
injuries he apparently sustained when he tripped whilst trying to run after the stabbing.
THE CLUMSY B.. Plonker!!! :wink:

Dave ward
07-04-2013, 08:02 PM
Yes the "I don't know how he got those broken bones officer" line can be very well applied in these situations ha ha fair play to the sas guys. It was them or him.