View Full Version : My neck of the woods.
11-01-2012, 02:32 AM
I thought I'd share a few photo's to show where I call home. I enjoy hunting, fishing and camping, as well as just taking pictures of various things. These are a few of my favorite shots, and I thought you folks might enjoy seeing where I call home.
Whitetail deer.
Some fishing holes.
The hunting grounds.
And of course, our lazy shepard/lab, Charlie.
11-01-2012, 03:41 AM
Looks like home to me, except it seems you are a BC/Alberta guy judging by the pics........... ;)
11-01-2012, 04:04 AM
Scenery's great, look's like the hunting's good too!
Steve :)
11-01-2012, 04:08 AM
...what bore and mv is that rifle of yours there, then Jason, and what scope RU using, mate?
Steve :)
Ben Casey
11-01-2012, 07:51 AM
Nice pics there :)
11-01-2012, 11:40 AM
Yes, I should add that I am indeed from alberta Mike. The rifles pictured are. 22 ld and. 30-06. The '06 was firing a 180 grain bullet at around 2700 fps. It's wearing a leupold
Metal mug
11-01-2012, 12:25 PM
Great pictures. All the lovely wilderness seems to be in the west. :)
11-01-2012, 05:53 PM
Beautiful country. Spent a short time in Calgary and Banf many moons ago and immediately fell in love with the place. Would love to return one day.
12-01-2012, 01:19 AM
Beautiful land and great shots.
Nice one Jasonn.
I actually came to do a post myself, with the same name 'My neck of the woods' and I found yours!
I was going to suggest people posting photies from their local woods so we can see 'the world on our doorstep' sort of thing.
You know, by real people and their environs, it'd be great to see, just like your post.
Here are 3 from today, walking with the dog, down the bottom of the road,
here in rural Manchester.:D
You don't have to go far to find a bit of nature, do ya.
26-04-2012, 03:30 PM
Nice pics all. Roughly whereabout you situ in rural Mcr? Suba
26-04-2012, 04:43 PM
Nic pictures Suba, Paul
Nice pics all. Roughly whereabout you situ in rural Mcr? Suba
Hi mOtxr, yeah, I'm in Prestwich.
Photies are just taken on me phone, nothing special, but thought that others could do the same round their local. It'd be really nice to see.
Should I start another thread for this?
27-04-2012, 08:24 AM
why not ? nice to show off your locale!T^
29-04-2012, 09:42 PM
had a walk round my local patch saturday,last year I watched a pair of woodpeckers raise there family in a hole in a tree,as the hole was just off the foot path and at eye level I thought I would go back and see if they would try again. My son stuck his camera phone in the hole and took this;4483
29-04-2012, 10:31 PM
had a walk round my local patch saturday,last year I watched a pair of woodpeckers raise there family in a hole in a tree,as the hole was just off the foot path and at eye level I thought I would go back and see if they would try again. My son stuck his camera phone in the hole and took this;4483
awesome what a great sight and photo op for a young one!!!T^
awesome what a great sight and photo op for a young one!!!T^
29-04-2012, 11:17 PM
had a walk round my local patch saturday,last year I watched a pair of woodpeckers raise there family in a hole in a tree,as the hole was just off the foot path and at eye level I thought I would go back and see if they would try again. My son stuck his camera phone in the hole and took this;4483
I think the photo is excellent and (as a countryside ranger in my job) I think it's brilliant that your son is getting involved in nature also. well observed and the experience will stay longer with him than even the great photo.
Almost feel picky about posting this but I think this is probably a Great Tit sitting on the nest - I love Great Tits and Blue Tits (no comments or misquotes please) in that they are fairly common birds to see but sometimes will surprise you by letting you see them at 'work' instead of just feeding on peanuts (if you but spend the time watching them) - Heard a 'woodpecker' hammering away in my garden 2 days ago - only to discover it was a Blue Tit chipping away and expanding the hole of a bird box I had put up a few years back! And, in fact, had as much a good time watching that as watching anything else.
29-04-2012, 11:29 PM
It took a good couple of years before Blue Tits used the box I put up. Its like they need to check it out for a while before using it. They must be happy though as they are back for the fourth year now and little tweets can be heard already.
30-04-2012, 07:04 AM
Yes Hushwing it is a great tit,my son loves the outdoors as much as me(he's 18 and still loves to get out with his dad wich I think is great now days)
30-04-2012, 01:40 PM
Yes Hushwing it is a great tit,my son loves the outdoors as much as me(he's 18 and still loves to get out with his dad wich I think is great now days)
Apologies PaultF,
Re-read your posting and realised I had speed-read that you thought it was a woodpecker. In fact you clearly stated that LAST year it was a woodpecker hole. My mistake and, boy, do I now feel like a big Great t....:ashamed:
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