View Full Version : A Hot Chocolate in the Woods

21-01-2012, 11:35 PM
Hi All,

Well it's my first post here so hope you all like it :) I went out today and took some pics of me with my youngest today. She's just turned three but as she's always come along with her brothers on our trips out to the woods she's totally at home there Today we went by ourselves as it was the day of one of her brothers birthday partys so everyone else was at home preparing for the madness and as the dogs needed walking we took the chance to find some calm before the storm!

We're very lucky living in between the Malvern Hills and the Eastnor estate and so we have endless great walks and spaces to explore. Today we headed up into Park Wood where the local conservators have been hard at work coppicing an area that used to be used for limekilns and quarrys.


The spot that we found was nicely sheltered in one of the old limestone quarrys. It had a number of great boulder seats too. We had collected a piece of standing deadwood on the way up (along with some stones for my daugher) to get a hot chocolate on for us to share.


Despite only going out for a few hours couldn't resist the kit shot. The greatest piece of kit in the photo is the old dispatch riders bag on the right. I got it off ebay for a few quid, having had one myself when I was dispatch riding at university. It just makes such a great kit and foraging bag. It is wide enough my GB small forest axe, a pair of gloves, folding saw etc, can take a huge amount of wood if walking to an over night camp spot, just pick up the best bits as you go along, and as I'm a great fan of the multifunctional it makes a fully waterproof seat too if ever you need to park the bum for a minute. Also featured is the emberlit stove from the group buy, my battered Alpkit mug and my faithfull F1 for getting the wood sorted for the water.


The two rabbit catchers, although they prefer the ones that meow raher than bounce!


Our little quarry shelter.


I appreciate that it may not be the most adventurous of outings and making a hot chocolate in the bush is not the most difficult of tasks but I wanted to show that even sharing the basics of the craft with the next generation if enjoyable and worthwhile.

Many Thanks


22-01-2012, 12:06 AM
Great pics Rich. It's great passing on a love of the outdoors to the younger ones. I used to use the promise of hot chocolate too when my son was that age, now that he's 9 he's forever nagging me 'can we go camping this weekend Dad?'

Hope your hand wasn't in the glove when you stabbed it lol (pic 2)

22-01-2012, 12:30 AM
:welcome:Rich to the forum.Looks a great outing with the love of you'r life,it looks that shee enjoyed it too.Nice brace of long dog tooT^

Dan XF
22-01-2012, 07:20 AM
I do the same with my daughter. The promise of a hot Chai and looking back to check you've left no trace.It makes for a great day out. Passing that mind set on to the little 'uns seems to be one of the commonest threads on this website, it's one thing a lot of us have in common. Nice dogs for the all day walks.

Ben Casey
22-01-2012, 08:20 AM
Hi There looks like you had a great time and it is great yor passing everything on to the next generation :)

22-01-2012, 09:00 AM
Even the shortest trip can be a big adventure for the little 'uns and just lighting the flame of interest in the outdoors is a great thing. By her smiley face I would say it's another little trip she will remember too. ;) :happy-clapping:

22-01-2012, 09:48 AM
A nice idea heading for the woods before tackling a children's party! I must try that myself. :)

A good spot for wandering and brewing up you have.

Welcome to the forum too.
