View Full Version : Cooking in aluminiumfoil

30-01-2012, 06:15 PM
Hi all.

A lot of authors of survivalkits mentions using aluminiumfoil to cook water in. What a sloppy ordeal. I tried but it was almost impossible to take the foil pot out of the fire. Any thoughts about this? Even paper was more stabile.
Any tips anyone, bcs all sites with survivalkits tells but never shows.:confused2:

Norseman in minus 10 with little snow. :-)

30-01-2012, 06:21 PM
Forget where I read it, but get a couple foil break pans, fold them flat and use that. I've done it, but haven't opened one up yet, still it's quite heavy duty yet light weight and doesn't take up much space. As for taking out of the fire, multitool or stick to drag it away from the fire I'd guess.

Adam Savage
30-01-2012, 08:22 PM
Sounds like an idea for a video in the future. I'll report back when I have had time to try it lol.


Dan XF
31-01-2012, 08:10 AM
I've seen water boiled over a flame in a paper cup. It was an experiment to demonstrate how much heat the water can take from its surroundings. The result of the experiment was that you will get colder quicker in water than in air.

01-02-2012, 05:18 PM
Hmmm those thicker bake trays should be possible to flatten reasonably well. Good tip CanadianMike. :-)

01-02-2012, 06:00 PM
Thanks! They aren't bad at all to fold, just be careful not to puncture while doing so. I folded a couple up and stuck in my cooking bag, haven't unfolded yet.

paul standley
02-02-2012, 07:47 PM
I've previously used aluminium foil 'take-away' food trays for boiling water and frying in with some success.

Even these become unstable when full of water so a trick is to use 2 thin 'green' sticks and use on along each long side with the 'lip' of the foil tray folded around the stick then using two hands, they can be easily lifted in and out of the fire.

I just tried something similar using ordinary kitchen bacofoil and shaping the foil around a mug (substitute for a round rock in the wild) and using two thin wooden skewers and it works after a fashion as long as you don't try using a pint of water as it's too heavy.

Adam Savage
02-02-2012, 08:12 PM
Looks like I have been saved from testing again :), cheers Paul T^

25-02-2012, 05:56 PM
I got some bake/lunch tins with paper lids. I carefully folded it flat ,and it fitted nice in my pack. But even being good for handling they are easy to puncture. But I tried boil water in one with a small hole. I just made a inner bag of thinner alufoil. That went well. :-)

Adam Savage
25-02-2012, 07:59 PM
Great way to solve the puncture problem buddy. I would never have thought of a second skin. T^


04-03-2012, 04:50 AM
I've seen water boiled over a flame in a paper cup.

You mean like this (http://youtu.be/mOLmcwnPwfI)? ;)