View Full Version : Turbolighters

Metal mug
15-12-2010, 10:33 AM
Over the years I have bought a couple of turboflame turbolighters. The trouble is that the sparker seems to wear out after a year or so. Which is disapointing because they have a 5 year guarantee. Does anyone know a better make that lasts longer than this or do all turbolighters have this problem? :confused2:

I must point out that the reason I haven't claimed on the guarantee is because the paintwork is chipped which counts as abuse.:mad2:

29-12-2010, 06:10 PM
I use turboflame lighters a lot for many daily tasks, like melting rope ends, lighting rubbish burners, and even have used one for soldering.
they can be tempermental if a couple of rules are not followed, firstly the correct grade of butane must be used or it will clog up the lighter as i found to my cost! secondly always vent out the lighter by depessing the valve on the bottom before refilling.
if you follow these rules(check out http://www.turboflame.co.uk/maintenance.php) you should have trouble free lighting for several years, as my current turboflame is about 30 months old.

29-12-2010, 06:22 PM
not to my liking, Had one for a while. never works when you need it, now doesn't work at all. Can't go wrong with a Zippo...its even cheaper.

29-12-2010, 06:27 PM
I use turboflame lighters a lot for many daily tasks, like melting rope ends, lighting rubbish burners, and even have used one for soldering.
they can be tempermental if a couple of rules are not followed, firstly the correct grade of butane must be used or it will clog up the lighter as i found to my cost! secondly always vent out the lighter by depessing the valve on the bottom before refilling.
if you follow these rules(check out http://www.turboflame.co.uk/maintenance.php) you should have trouble free lighting for several years, as my current turboflame is about 30 months old.

Cheers Scorpian

I guessed there must be a knack to it. I must admit, I've never had a lighter that was so prone to cold weather issues. Must remeber to keep it in my trouser pocket between uses. Problem is, since I stopped smoking, I never normally carry a lighter with me. :)


16-01-2011, 03:15 PM
I am a fan of the turbo lighters, i have had one of these http://www.paramountzone.com/microtorch.htm for over 10 years. I know there are alot of crap ones around but these really are good. It works in all weather and has never let me down.

16-01-2011, 03:39 PM
I have the Primus Power Lighter II. Like all gas lighters it is not very fond of cold weather (and, as I have been told; high altitudes). But, if you carry it in your inner pockets, to keep it nice and warm, it is actually a nice and quite stabile little lighter. The angled head make it a lot easier to deploy the flame where you want it, compared to more traditionally designed turbo lighters.

I tend to carry my turbo lighter mainly as a backup. I prefer using matches or - better yet - my firesteel and tinder. It may take some extra time and effort, but it is always a good thing to practice your fire lighting skills - aswell as is being, imho, a much more fulfilling experience to start a fire by "primitive" means.