View Full Version : Looks like my next custom knife is for..........

08-02-2012, 03:14 AM
Kevin Gay, modernoutdoorsman on youtube! Myself, and quite a few friends, really like his down to earth/no bs style (skills before gear mentality). He and I have been bouncing emails past week, what started out as his wanting a Scout has turned into his sending me a totally utilitarian knife drawing of his own design that's been bouncing around in his head the past bunch of years. Let's see if I can make it a reality!


08-02-2012, 05:46 PM
sounds good mate hope to see pic soon he seams a cool guy

08-02-2012, 07:54 PM
Will do, I'll be using this thread for it, will get started on it in the next couple weeks. Compound edges, 3/16" steel, etc.

08-02-2012, 11:31 PM
Well done Mike, you're gonna need a manufacturing plant and some staff pretty soon... this guy seems good, I'll have to watch some of his vids.

BTW, first test for the Scout this Saturday..skinning a coyote and a fisher.


09-02-2012, 02:50 AM
Thanks Jack, is fun to work out the design and pare it down to something easy, reliable and interesting, Kevin is really tossing ideas at me, and some get explained off the design, most I'm looking at keeping if I can swing it. Will end up giving him a discount of sorts for a video review of it, but I KNOW he'll do one anyways since he's has this design floating around in his head for years, finally is able to get it out of his head and into his hand.

So you did the skinning already, or that's the plan for this weekend based upon traps set out? Posting pics maybe?

10-02-2012, 03:18 AM
Yeah, Mike, the critters are in the freezer...doing a day of pelt prep and handling this coming saturday...after that I'm hoping for some chill-out
time at the hunt camp (within the next 2 weeks), when I'll get a review together. Work and weather have been conspiring against me lately.


12-04-2012, 12:51 AM
Update! Here's Kevin's knife:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/563997_269788573105679_117036668380871_577860_1794 498092_n.jpg

Now here's the fun part, the knife is a bit over 12" long, massive knife overall with a huge handle, check this out....

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/558016_272367176181152_117036668380871_583442_7131 87848_n.jpg

Kevin's hand makes it look like it has a 4" blade!! Lol

Anyways, he told me it's the "Greatest knife ever!" "Only knife I've ever held that fits my hand perfectly!" (I got lucky there!), etc. and everyone he's shown it to is super impressed and some want one as well. So this gives me the opening to get a CAD drawing of this knife made up, due to the anticipated want of a knife like this (a bit smaller though, under 12"), official Modern Outdoorsman knife, but because he also teaches down to earth survival classes to whomever wants to sign up for one (even seniors), it gives me an avenue to sell Shamans and Scouts as well, so all hand sizes will be accomodated! Things are good, and likely going to get busy, he has his first class this weekend, will be doing lots of testing with it, and shortly the youtube video review of it, which I'll post up on here...............

12-04-2012, 11:45 AM
Awesome mate! Glad someone is making headway in getting their blades out in the world! Beautiful piece!

12-04-2012, 12:47 PM
Thanks Kai, exactly the type of market I've been hoping to get into (already into the bushcraft/tactical stuff, but expanding to actual users is the cool part, especially in the US. Plus the advertising and video review will really boost things for me (not that I'm currently not swamped already).

15-04-2012, 02:10 PM
See, i need some well known knife user to take on one of my blades... Then i may sell more than 1 or 2 a month!

15-04-2012, 02:51 PM
Awesome news!

15-04-2012, 02:55 PM
The craftmanship on that knife is fantastic.
Its gonna take everything he can throw at it and then some.
great job
